1.Diagnoses and pathological analysis of 97 hepatic masses using CDFI and MRI;97例肝实性占位病变的彩超、MRI诊断与病理分析
2.Computed tomographic differential diagnosis of adrenal masses;肾上腺占位病变的CT诊断价值

1.The Role of Contrast-enhanced Ultrasound in Diagnosing Pancreatic Diseases;超声造影对胰腺占位病变的诊断价值
2.Imaging Diagnosis and Disposal Strategy of Liver Small Mass肝脏小占位病变影像诊断与处置对策
3.Diagnosis and management of complicated cystic renal occupying lesions复杂性囊性肾脏占位病变的诊治体会
4.Analysis of CT misdiagnosis of renal mass(report of 21 cases)肾占位病变的CT误诊分析(附21例报告)
5.Study on the Correlation of Pathological (Histological) Types and Image Appearances of Atypical Pulmonary Mass;不典型肺部占位病变的影像及病理对照研究
6.Diagnoses and pathological analysis of 97 hepatic masses using CDFI and MRI;97例肝实性占位病变的彩超、MRI诊断与病理分析
7.MR imaging study of edema-like change along optic tract in benign sellar mass lesions.鞍区良性占位病变MR视束水肿样变的研究
8.Diagnostic value of ENG in occupied lesions of cerbellopontine angle眼震电图在桥小脑角占位病变诊断中的意义
9.Laparoscopic Splenectomy for Splenic Benign Space Occupying Lesion:Report of 10 cases腹腔镜治疗脾良性占位病变10例临床分析
10.intracranial space-occupying lesio颅内占位(性)病变
11.Classification of the masses in the pancreatic head and the discussion on the modalities of their diagnosis and management胰头部占位性病变的分类与诊治探讨
12.Discussion of clinical cases: abdominal distension,right upper quadrant pain,intrahepatic lesions临床病例讨论:腹胀、右上腹疼痛、肝内占位性病变
13.Surgery of occupation lesions of the skull base assisted by sinus endoscope.鼻内窥镜辅助下切除鼻窦颅底占位性病变
14.Clinical Study on Space Occupation Lesion in Thoracic Vertebra Cana Accompanied with Lumber Disc Herniations胸椎管内占位性病变并腰间盘突出10例分析
15.The Exploration of B-ultrasonography to Diagnosis Brest Occupancy Lesions乳腺占位性病变的声像图特征及其诊断价值
16.Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Liver Space-occupying Lesions Based on Ultrasonic Medical Image Analysis;肝脏占位性病变超声图像识别方法研究
17.Evaluation of Diffusion Weighted Imaging of Renal Masses: A Preliminary Study;肾脏占位性病变DWI检查应用价值的初步研究
18.Study of MR Imaging and Diffusion-Weighted Imaging in Occupying Diseases of Female Pelvic;MRI与DWI在女性盆腔占位性病变中的应用研究

splenic occupied-lesion脾占位病变
3)lung occupying lesion肺占位病变
1.Methods One hundred and seventy-six patients with lung occupying lesions on the X-ray film were diagnosed by comprehensive analysis,according to the uptake of FDG and the value of T/NT in the affected area.方法对176例X线胸片显示肺部占位病变患者行18F-FDGDHTC显像,依据病变内FDG摄取状态、靶/非靶比值(T/NT)和综合分析方法诊断肺占位病变的性质,所有结果均与病理资料进行对照分析。
4)Space-occupying lesion占位性病变
1.The pathological analysis of 233 patients with orbital space-occupying lesion;233例眼眶占位性病变的组织病理学分析
5)Space occupying lesion占位性病变
1.Objective To summarize the ultrasonic characteristis of splenic space occupying lesion.目的 :总结脾脏占位性病变的超声特征。
6)occupied lesions占位性病变
1.Methods: MRI records of 78 patients with pathologically confirmed occupied lesions in cerebellopontine angle area were analyzed.目的桥小脑角区肿瘤具有来源多及种类多的特点,给诊断带来了许多困难,本文探讨桥小脑区占位性病变的MRI诊断。
2.Objective To study X-ray differential diagnosis of the occupied lesions of the mammary ducts.方法 回顾性研究 10 3例经手术及病理确诊的乳腺导管内占位性病变的X线特点 ,结合临床及病理特征 ,进行鉴别诊断。
