1.This paper shows us an analysis of the causes of scapula wound,its mecharism,symptom and ways of treatments as well.分析了肩袖损伤的原因、机理和征象 ,并提出了治愈方法。
2.The paper sorts out a series of "abnormal" image symptoms featuring western tragedy tradition,i.戏剧与真实的关系是西方悲剧绕不开的命题,本文在西方悲剧传统中梳理出一支极富戏剧表演性特征的“非常态”人物征象:小丑、疯癫、假面。
1.Symbolism in Muslim Dietary Culture——A Case Study of Kazak Nomads in Xinjiang;穆斯林饮食文化中的象征意义——以中国新疆哈萨克游牧民为例
2.Sincerity,kind and Beauty under the oppression——the symbolism in The Scarlet Letter;压迫下的真、善、美——《红字》中象征手法的应用

1.Of, relating to, or serving as an emblem; symbolic.象征象征的、与象征有关的或作为象征的;象征性的
2.scales, the symBol of justice;天平,公平的象征;
3.The "Lion Dance"stands for auspiciousness;"狮舞"象征吉祥;
4.An object or a representation that functions as a symbol.象征物作为象征的物体或代表
5.being or serving as an illustration of a type.象征的或作为一种类型的象征
6.An advance token or warning.预示,迹象事前的象征或征兆
7.Literary Symbolist Archetypes--Analyzing Symbolism in the Bible文学象征的原型——阐释《圣经》的象征手法
8.A person, an animal, or an object that symbolizes something.象征象征某事物的人、动物或事物
9.Symbol: Sign and Metaphor --Discussion of the poetic origin of symbol of ontology;象征:符号与隐喻——象征本体论诗学探源
10.Both the consciousness and the imagery symbols are the most essential type of literay symbols.意识性象征和具象性象征是最基本的文学象征类型。
11.Represented by a figure or resemblance;symbolic or emblematic.象征的用形象或相似物代表的;象征的或典型的
12.To represent by an image, a form, or a model; symbolize or prefigure.象征用形象、形式或模型来表示;象征或预示
13.On the Symbolic significance of The Sound and the Fury;死亡与象征——解析《喧哗与骚动》中的象征意象
14.Of or relating to symbolic logic.象征派逻辑的象征派逻辑的或与象征派逻辑有关的
15.Dove is the symbol of peace.鸽子是和平的象征
16.A crown is emblem of the king.王冠是国王的象征
17.the crown as a symbol of a monarchy.作为王国象征的王冠。
18.The turkey is a symbol of Thanksgiving.火鸡是感恩节的象征

1.Symbolism in Muslim Dietary Culture——A Case Study of Kazak Nomads in Xinjiang;穆斯林饮食文化中的象征意义——以中国新疆哈萨克游牧民为例
2.Sincerity,kind and Beauty under the oppression——the symbolism in The Scarlet Letter;压迫下的真、善、美——《红字》中象征手法的应用
1.On symbolic performance in architectural design;浅议建筑设计中的象征表现
2.Convention,symbol and status:cultural connotation revealed in changes of the Jingsheng residential decoration;习俗·象征与地位:静升住宅装饰的文化内涵
3.The Symbolized Expression of the Artistic Ambience in Landscape Architecture——Landscape Design in Twin Moons Garden Community of Linyi City;园林意境的象征表达——临沂市双月园社区园林景点设计
1.Molding Model,Creating Symbolization,Constructing Artistic Conception——Theoretical Basis for Conveying Idea Mechanism of Chinese Architecture;塑造典型·创设象征·营构意境——研究中国建筑表意机制的理论基点
2.Application of Symbolization Art in Packaging Design;象征艺术在包装设计中的应用
1.The Symbols of the House in A Lost Lady;《一个迷途的女人》中房子的象征意义
2.Symbols in Hills Like White Elephants;《白象似的群山》中的象征分析
3.On the use of images and symbols in Songs of Innocence and Experience;试论《天真与经验之歌》中意象—象征的运用
1.Discussion on the symbolize of language and signal code in the buildings;谈语言及符号的象征作用在建筑中的体现
2.The British Museum symbolizes orthodox culture and traditional values in Lodge s novel.洛奇小说中象征着正统文化和传统价值,本文结合作者对书名的考究以及书名所蕴涵的人文寓意,解读出作者所要表达的复调历史观、文化观和"世界观"。
3.This essay questions the opinion that the fish-like decoration symbolizes totemism through the analysis of the fish-like decoration in primitive painted pottery, analyzes the technique of expression and the characteristics of fish-like decoration and points out the fish-like decoration can symbolize the phonological character and the implied meaning of "female and male fish".通过分析中国原始彩陶装饰鱼纹,对“鱼纹是图腾崇拜象征”的观点提出了质疑,认为鱼纹是物候特征的象征,是“阴阳鱼”的象征。

征象1.验证。 2.征候;迹象。