1)gynecomastia[英][,ɡainik?u'm?sti?][美][,d??n?ko'm?sti?, ,ɡa?n?-, ,d?a?-]男性乳腺增生
1.In order to study the relationship between sex hormone and gynecomastia, the levels of plasma sex hormone in the male patients with gynecomastic were determined by using radioactive immune assay.为研究性激素与男性乳腺增生症的关系 ,用 RIA法测定了男性乳腺增生症患者的血浆性激素水平。

1.Diagnostic value of color Doppler ultrasound for gynecomastia彩色多普勒超声对男性乳腺增生的诊断价值
2.Immediate Breast augmentation following entire gland removal in the patients with cystic mastopathy乳腺囊性增生病乳腺全切除同期假体置入乳房整形术
3.Observation of effect of Rukang tablet and Xiaoyao pill on mammary hyperplasia patients逍遥丸和乳康片治疗乳腺囊性增生症疗效研究
4.Methylation Status of ER Alpha Gene in Intraductal Proliferative Lesions of Breast and Invasive Breast Cancer;乳腺导管内增生性病变及浸润性乳腺癌中ERα基因甲基化的研究
5.Promoter Region Methylation of BRCA1 Gene in Sporadic Breast Cancers and Hyperplastic Breast Tissues;散发性乳腺癌及乳腺增生组织BRCA1基因启动子区甲基化研究
6.Clinnical Study of Syndrom of Turbid Phlegm and Blood Stasis for Hyperplasia of Mammary Gland and Eearly Breast Cancer;痰瘀互结证乳腺增生病与早期乳腺癌血流动力学的相关性研究
7.Expression and sense of Claudin-1 in benign hyperplasia of mammary glands and mammary cancerClaudin-1在乳腺良性上皮增生及乳腺癌组织中的表达及意义
8.Effects of Two Kinds of Chinese Medicines with Characteristics of Blood Circulation Activating and Node Dispersing on Morphological Structure of Mammary Glands in Models of Mammary Hyperplasia in Female Rats活血散节中成药对乳腺增生雌性大鼠乳腺形态结构的影响
9.Diagnostic value of full-field digital mammography for atypical hyperplasias of breast with microcalcification全数字化乳腺摄影诊断以微钙化为表现的乳腺不典型增生性病变
10.The using of Xihuang Pill in mammary hyperplasia and breast cancer西黄丸在乳腺增生和乳腺癌中的应用
11.The Relationship of Angiogenesis with Zheng-xing of TCM in Hyperplasis of Mammary Gland;乳腺增生病血管生成与中医证型的相关性探讨
12.The Effect of Acupuncture on the Sex Hormone Level in Rats with Mammary Gland Hyperplasia;针刺对乳腺增生病模型大鼠性激素水平的影响
13.The Compound Prescription Deer Face Plate Capsule Studies to the Experimental Mammary Glang Proliferation s Treatment;复方鹿花盘胶囊对实验性乳腺增生的治疗研究
14.Research on Effect of Danbie Capsule in Relieving Experimental Mammary Gland Hyperplasia and Its Mechanism;丹鳖胶囊抗实验性乳腺增生病及机理研究
15.Study on the Relation of Syndrome Differentiation in Hyperplasia of Mammary Gland and the Expression of P53、P16乳腺增生病辨证分型与P53、P16表达的相关性研究
16.Expression ofαs1-casein in benign prostatic hyperplasias乳蛋白αs1-Casein在良性前列腺增生患者中的表达
17.Effects of Health Education on Treatment Compliance of Patients with Hyperplasia of Mammary Glands健康教育对乳腺增生患者治疗依从性的影响
18.Significance of Expression of ER,PR,p53 and C-erbB-2 in Breast Cystic HyperplasiaER、PR、p53、c-erbB-2在乳腺囊性增生病中的表达意义

Gynecomastia[英][,ɡainik?u'm?sti?][美][,d??n?ko'm?sti?, ,ɡa?n?-, ,d?a?-]男性乳腺增生症
1.Gynecomastia;本文综述近年来男性乳腺增生症的病理学、发病机理、分类、诊断及治疗方面的研究进展 ,重点探讨了男性乳腺增生症与环境的关系 ,对临床工作有一定的指导作用。
3)Cystic hyperplasia of breast乳腺囊性增生病
4)breast hyperplasia disease乳腺增生性疾病
1.The experience study about Ultrasound diagnosis Breast Hyperplasia disease;超声诊断乳腺增生性疾病的经验探讨
2.OBJECTIVE To study the effects of toremifene on the treatment of breast hyperplasia disease.目的研究托瑞米芬(TOR)对乳腺增生性疾病的疗效。
5)breast benign hyperplasia乳腺良性增生
6)hyperplasia lesions of breast乳腺增生性病变

海带治疗乳腺增生 海带,又名纶布、昆布,为海带科植物,是一种大型食用藻类。以叶宽厚、色浓绿、无枯黄叶者为上品。    海带不但是家常食品,同时也具有较高的医疗价值。通过数十例的调查发现,海带还可以辅助治疗乳腺增生,能起到一定的疗效作用。    尤其是对于肥胖的妇女,伴有乳房涨坠疼痛、舌苔腻。证属痰湿型者,食用海带最佳。具有软坚散结,除湿化痰之功效。    海带含有大量的碘,碘可以刺激垂体前叶黄体生成素,促进卵巢滤泡黄体化,从而使雌激素水平降低,恢复卵巢的正常机能,纠正内分泌失调,消除乳腺增生的隐患。    所以,对于患有乳腺增生并伴有体胖、及内分泌失调的妇女常食用海带大有益处。