旅游从业人员,tourism staff
1)tourism staff旅游从业人员
1.Based on 32 articles published on two important tourism journals: Annals of Tourism Research,Tourism Management,this study analyses the state of research on the psychology and behavior of overseas tourism staff.以发表在《Annals of Tourism Research》和《Tourism Management》2种旅游期刊上的32篇文献为研究样本,分析国外旅游从业人员心理与行为研究的现状。
2.The extra income of tourism staff is always one of the important issues within the tourism industry,and even the whole human community.旅游从业人员的灰色收入一直都是旅游业内甚至整个社会讨论的主题之一。

1.Tentative searches of the forestry enterprise traveling jobholders on-the-job training;林业企业旅游从业人员在职培训初探
2.A Study on the Tourism Development Perception of Tourists,Residents and Tourism Practitioners in ZhangJiajie;张家界游客、居民及旅游从业人员旅游发展感知研究
3.Study on the Moral Construction of China s Tourist Practitioners in Transform Period;转型时期我国旅游从业人员职业道德建设研究
4.The Southeast of Guizhou Province should Enhance the Traveling Jobholder’s Etiquette Education;应加强黔东南州旅游从业人员的礼仪教育
5.Personnel Engaged in Tourism Need to Enrich Their Religious Culture Knowledge;旅游从业人员需要丰富的宗教文化知识
6.Discussion on the training education model of forest tourism employees;森林旅游从业人员培训教育模式的探讨
7.Analysis of the Sources and Effects of Extra Income of Tourism Staff旅游从业人员灰色收入的来源和作用分析
8.The future development of tourism industry will mainly depend on the innovation of tourism-relate personnel rather than merely tourism resources.未来旅游业的发展不再单纯依赖于旅游资源,而要依靠旅游从业人员的创意。
9.Only to improve the quality of personnel engaged in tourism,and enrich their religious culture knowledge,can they meet the development of tourism in our country.只有提高旅游从业人员的素质,丰富其宗教文化知识,才能适应我国旅游事业的发展。
10.Tourism labor service consciousness present situation and upgrade strategy--take Zhejian Linan as example旅游从业人员服务意识现状及提升策略——以浙江临安为例
11.Investigation and Analysis on the Current Status of Cross-cultural Communication Competence of Shanghai Tourist Service Staff上海市旅游从业人员跨文化交际能力的现状调查和对策研究
12.Some 6,506 people are directly involved in the tourist industry, while more than 30,000 people are indirectly involved.旅游业直接从业人员6506人,间接从业人员超过3万人。
13.Tourism Development of Qingdao and Analysis of Employees’ State;青岛市旅游业发展及从业人员状况分析
14.With the development of tourism, the requirements of tourism-engaged people are becoming more and more demanding.随着旅游业的发展,对从业人员素质的要求也越来越高。
15.On the Sustainable Development of Inbound Tourism and the Employees’ Foreign Language Aptitude in Ethnic Areas;论民族地区入境旅游的可持续发展与从业人员的外语能力培养
16.A personal attendant hired to make arrangements for a journey.旅游服务员雇佣来对旅途进行安排的私人随从
17.Federation internationale des journalistes et ecrivains du tourisme国际旅游业报刊写作人员联合会
18.And (5) having a contingent of administrative and service personnel who are familiar with tourist business.有熟悉旅游业务的管理人员和服务人员。

tourism practitioner旅游从业者
1.In this article,the author have named tourists,tourism destimation residents and tourism practitioners as "tourism people",their symbolic characteristics can be analyzed from the status,identities,roles and behaviors,which are very important in social structure studies.本文深入分析了"旅游人"(旅游者、旅游目的地居民和旅游从业者)的这些象征符号的意义,包括地位符号的自致性、临时性、炫耀性;身份符号的表征性和许可性;角色符号的表演性和多重性;行为符号的表意性和交际性。
1.Survey on HBsAg and HBeAg Carrying Situation among Catering and Entertainment Place Employees in Yingkou City from 2002 to 2004;营口市2002~2004年饮食及公共场所从业人员HBsAg、HBeAg携带情况调查
2.Knowledge Rates of Laws and Regulations on Food Hygiene among Employees of Catering Trade in Jing an District, Shanghai;上海静安区饮食服务行业从业人员卫生法规及卫生知识调查
3.Analysis of HBsAg、HBeAg Test Results among Employees from Catering and Entertainment Place in Dalian Development Zone from 2004 to 2006;2004~2006年大连开发区食品及公共场所从业人员HBsAg、HBeAg检测结果分析
1.Investigation on the Status of the Practitioners from Food Production,Business and Catering Trade in Shandong;山东省部分食品生产、经营及餐饮企业从业人员现状调查
2.199 Practitioners in Psychological Clinic in Beijing City;北京市199名心理门诊从业人员状况调查
3.Physical Examination Status of Food and Public Places Practitioners in Zhongshan City in 2007;中山市2007年食品公共场所从业人员体检情况
1.Entertainment industry jobholders syphilis infection situation analysis;梅河口市1996~2004年饮食服务娱乐业从业人员梅毒感染情况分析
2.Shallowly Discusses in the Drive Mechanism Library Jobholders Continuing Education;浅论在激励机制上的图书馆从业人员继续教育
1.Investigation on the Knowledge,Attitude,and Behavior Related to Hepatitis B Prevention Among Public Place Workers in Xining City;西宁市公共场所从业人员乙型肝炎预防相关知识态度行为的调查分析
2.Investigation of workers healthy exercise and its counterplot;对我国从业人员体育健身活动的调查与对策研究
3.The medium market competition is being daily intense as the pace of ceonomic globalization is speeding and the technologic means of propaganda is daily changing, this offers higher requirements about the quality of workers who werking for broadcast.随着经济全球化步伐的加快和传播技术手段的日新月异,传媒市场竞争日趋势激烈,这对广播电视从业人员的素质提出了较以往更高的要求。

大道寺正子旅游者类型说大道寺正子旅游者类型说Oomichiteramasako's typology of tourists 大道寺正子旅游者类型说(00mi。hi-teramasako’5 tyPologyof tourists)日本导游专家大道寺正子提出的划分旅游者的理论。把旅游者分为十类,并总结了他们的特征及接待方式。(l)老好人型。常用温和语气讲话,要有礼貌地对待。(2)猜疑型。没有根据或证据就不相信,讲话要有根据,不用模棱两可的语句。(3)傲慢型。瞧不起人,让其充分亮相后,以谦虚态度耐心说服。(4)腼腆型。性格内向,说话声小户亲切相待,忌用粗鲁语言。(5)难伺候型。爱挑毛病,板着面孔,避免陷入争论。(6)唠叨型。说话哆嗦,不得要领,在不伤害客人感情的前提下,耐心说服。(7)急性型。不稳重,稍许不如意就发脾气,以沉着温和的态度相待。(8)嘲弄型。不认真听讲,爱开玩笑,不要被他缠住,不要理睬。(9)沉默寡言型。不健谈,主动打招呼搭话。(10)散漫型。不遵守时间,自由散漫,难以伺候,要有礼貌地耐心说服。 (蒋兆灿撰牟丈博审)