方向性倾向,directional bias
orientation bias方位倾向性
1.To test the assumption that the extended surround of the non-classical receptive field of retinal ganglion cells might be formed from the mutual inhibition among the amacrine cells,and to explore the possible mechanism underlying the orientation bias,a three-layer model of the non-classical receptive field of retinal ganglion cells was constructed.建立了包含无长突细胞相互抑制网络的视网膜神经节细胞的三层网络模型,以验证李朝义等提出的非经典感受野可能源于无长突细胞相互抑制的假说,并探讨神经节细胞感受野的方位倾向性的可能机制。
4)Falling direction倾倒方向
5)Tendency equation倾向方程
6)Region Tendency地方倾向
