容忍区,zone of tolerance
1)zone of tolerance容忍区
1.Based on ZOT Theory,the paper sets up a weighing managemeat model in the view of tourists\' zone of tolerance and service expectation and also puts forward that it is of great importance to improve the service quality if scenic areas keep adjusting its own service to influence tourists\' zone of tolerance according to their top and bottom limit of tolerance.基于ZOT理论,从游客容忍区和服务预期随服务状态变化的角度出发,构建景区标准化与个性化服务权衡管理模型,提出景区应根据游客容忍区上下限不断调整自己的服务状态以影响游客容忍区重心变化的服务权衡管理优化建议,将对景区服务质量的提升起到重要促进作用。
2)put up with忍受;容忍
1.Design scheme of intrusion tolerance database based on threshold secret share;基于门限秘密共享的入侵容忍数据库设计方案
2.Hu Shi regards tolerance as a free and democratic spirit and the foundation of freedom.胡适的自由思想中容忍具有极为重要的地位。
3.In the second language learning, English learners have to face many unavoidable psychological problems, especially the tolerance of ambiguity which plays a vital role in the final result of learning.在第二语言习得的过程中 ,英语学习者不可避免地要面对许多心理因素的困扰 ,特别是模糊容忍程度的高低往往能决定学习的最终效果。

1.To accept or tolerate(an insult, for example).忍受,容忍(如侮辱)
2.fault tolerance容错,[港]故障容忍
3.capable of being tolerated.可容忍的,可忍受的。
4.be ready to endure or tolerate sth准备忍受或容忍某事物;
5.Capable of being tolerated;endurable.可忍受的能够被容忍的,忍受的:可容忍
6.intolerance of ambiguity缺暧昧容忍力 缺暧昧容忍
7.We are in favour of tolerance, but it is a very difficult thing to tolerate the intolerant and impossible to tolerate the intolerable.我们赞成容忍,但很难容忍容忍的人,也不可能容忍无法容忍的事情。
8.I can't bear with such conduct, his importunities, his reproaches.我不能容忍这种行为,不能容忍他的无理,不能容忍他的斥责。
9.tolerate or bear(esp an unpleasant person or situation)容忍,忍受(尤指令人不快的行为或情况)
10.I can't do with such a fellow.这样的家伙我不能容忍
11.I can't abide such people.我不能容忍这样的人。
12.I will not suffer such conduct.我不能容忍这种行为。
13.I won't tolerate that kind of behavior.我不能容忍那种行为。
14.Dounia would have none of him.冬妮娅完全不能容忍他。
15.I have no patience with his roughness.我不能容忍他的粗暴。
16.We can't tolerate his mistakes.我们不能容忍他的错误。
17.I cannot bear him to look at you.我不能容忍他盯着你。
18.I connot abide that fellow.我不能容忍那个家伙。

put up with忍受;容忍
1.Design scheme of intrusion tolerance database based on threshold secret share;基于门限秘密共享的入侵容忍数据库设计方案
2.Hu Shi regards tolerance as a free and democratic spirit and the foundation of freedom.胡适的自由思想中容忍具有极为重要的地位。
3.In the second language learning, English learners have to face many unavoidable psychological problems, especially the tolerance of ambiguity which plays a vital role in the final result of learning.在第二语言习得的过程中 ,英语学习者不可避免地要面对许多心理因素的困扰 ,特别是模糊容忍程度的高低往往能决定学习的最终效果。
6)The quality of being forbearing.容忍容忍的性质

容忍区间容忍区间tolerance intervals ,rz,其中 无一三止生三竺三生.、2-一兰~夕(尤一劝2. nn一1万=]具体地,取T,=无一ks和兀=无+ks,其中常数k称为容忍乘数,它是如下方程的解: _「_了叉十ks一a、. P丈中l止二‘二一二几二--一二二1+ t\『/ _了无一ks一“、、〕 一。l~全匕一二之兰一一止生})p卜二下, \叮/)而中(x)是标准正态律的分布函数,而且这里k二k(n,下,P)与a和少无关.这样建立的容忍区间有如下性质:区间(无一ks,无+ks)以置信概率?至少包含变量X!,…,X。的正态分布的概率质量的1田P%. 在存在概率密度f(x)二F‘(x)的条件下,事件资F(几)一F(T、))川的概率不依赖于F(x),当且仅当容忍界限是顺序统计虽(order statistic).正是这一事实.是建立非参数(亦称分布自由)容忍区间的一般方法的基础.设X(’)一(x(。l),…,戈。。户根据样本X、,1二,戈建立的顺序统计量向量,而 TI=x(。r〕,爪=x(“),1蕊r