桃坪羌寨,Taoping Qiang Village
1)Taoping Qiang Village桃坪羌寨
1.The Changes of Development Models of Minority Village Tourism in the Perspective of Neo-Institutional Economics:A Case Study of Taoping Qiang Village少数民族村寨旅游开发模式变迁:来自新制度经济学的阐释——以四川理县桃坪羌寨为例

1.The Oriental Castle--Scholars Interpretations of Taoping Ch iang Village in Sichuan;“东方古堡”——学者关于四川桃坪羌寨的阐释
2.Research on Tourism Development and Protection of Ancient Ethnic Village of Taoping Based on Cultural Authenticity基于文化真实性的桃坪羌寨旅游开发与保护研究
3.The Changes of Development Models of Minority Village Tourism in the Perspective of Neo-Institutional Economics:A Case Study of Taoping Qiang Village少数民族村寨旅游开发模式变迁:来自新制度经济学的阐释——以四川理县桃坪羌寨为例
4.A Study on the Application of Cultural Rights Theoky in Tourism Development in Minority Community:A Case Study of Tao Ping Qiang Village in Lixian County;文化权理论在少数民族社区旅游发展中的应用研究——以四川省理县桃坪羌寨为例
5.The war Function and Aestheficism of Qiang s Watchtower in Heihu and Taoping;浅谈黑虎、桃坪羌碉的战争功能与审美
6.Traditional Culture and Resource-use Pattern:a Case Study in Tibetan,Qiang and Hui Village;藏、羌、回族传统文化与村寨资源利用方式
7.The anthropological consideration of the historic Qiang villages in postdisaster reconstruction羌族历史文化村寨灾后重建的人类学思考
8.As observers from Nanping County have justly put it,据南坪县对九寨风光有独到见解者讲:
9.Rethinking the Formation and Development of Tibetan and Qiang Culture in the International Tourist Zone of Great Jiuzhai;对大九寨国际旅游区藏羌文化形成和发展的再认识
10.Live by Mountains ,Build ttouses with stones,Coexist with Mountains;依山居之 垒石为室 与大山共存——羌寨民居的生态意义探寻
11.The Culture Protection and Tourism Revitalization of The Qiang Village in The Context of Disaster and Reconstruction--A Case Study of The Luobo Village in Wenchuan County灾害与重建语境中的羌族村寨文化保护与旅游重振——以汶川雁门乡萝卜寨为例
12.Petrological characteristics of Taoxinghu Early Paleozoic ophiolite in central Qiangtang,northern Tibet, China藏北羌塘中部桃形湖早古生代蛇绿岩的岩石学特征
13.Preliminary study on the Carya dabieshanensis community of Tiantangzhai mountains in Anhui Province安徽天堂寨大别山山核桃群落的初步研究
14.The Study of Phonetic Comparison between Taohong Town Dialect and Liuduzhai Dialect, Longhui County;隆回县桃洪镇话和六都寨话的语音比较研究
15.The Peasants in a Remote Village: Poverty and Development in Beilong Village;桃花源里可耕田?——从一个瑶寨看扶贫与发展
16.New Approaches to the Protection of Minority Cultural Rights in the New Period--Taking Wulong Village in Beichuan Qiang Autonomous County in Sichuan Province as an example;浅谈新时期少数民族文化权利保护的新思路——以四川北川羌族自治县五龙寨为例
17.A Study of a Community-Participation in Tourist Development--A Case Study of Wulongzhai Village,Beichuan Autonomous County of Qiang Nationality,Sichuan;社区参与式旅游发展模式个案研究——以四川省北川羌族自治县五龙寨为例
18.Making a circuit of that hill too, he came to a small oval-shaped lawn fringed with a few peach trees.他又转过那座假山,前面是一块椭圆形的小草坪,四周稀落地种了几株桃花。

Qiang villages羌寨
1.The authors founded that such problems were brought by the fact that Qiang villages in Xiaozhaizigou did the business in their own ways.这些问题的根源在于小寨子沟各羌寨各自为政的经营方式。
3)Qiang community羌寨聚落
1.The esthetics of this Qiang community are expressed clearly in the harmonious mountainous settlement,and plain housing shape.首先通过分析岷江上游羌族聚居地区的自然环境与羌族的生活方式、军事防卫及宗教信仰的相生互动关系,揭示了羌寨聚落的美正是这三大因素与自然环境共同作用的结果。
4)Qiang village羌族村寨
1.Qiang villages are the traditional settlements of Qiang people,important carrier of Qiang culture,and important foundation for developing ethnic tourism.羌族村寨是羌民的传统聚落,是羌文化的重要载体,也是羌族发展民族文化旅游的重要基础。
1.The war Function and Aestheficism of Qiang s Watchtower in Heihu and Taoping;浅谈黑虎、桃坪羌碉的战争功能与审美
1.The Hetaoping lead zinc deposit in Baoshan is a middle scale of lead and zinc deposit.保山核桃坪铅-锌矿为一中型铅-锌矿床。
2.Sponsored by programs such as (The Prognosis of concealed ore-bodies in Hetaoping Pb-Zn Deposit) from Feilong Ltd.本论文是导师韩润生研究员与薛传东副教授承担的云南祥云县飞龙股份公司项目《保山核桃坪铅锌矿床隐伏矿预测》等项目的资助下顺利完成的。

黑虎羌寨位于茂县西北的群山之中,顺道九环线西行21公里,拐道7公里进山谷即到。该寨古称“黑猫寨”,自汉代仅是一支小部落,“依山居止,垒石为室”,以狩猎为生。唐代以后,农牧并举。与其它族系少有住来,居占悬崖峭壁,常与来犯强争,并多次击败族人的攻击。唐代中期,吐番常扰,筑起了“邛笼”(石砌碉楼)以土酋为中心。到了明朝族争日益加剧,碉楼林立于河东与河西。至今古寨中保存着高高雄立的九幢羌碉,它仍保持了当年风烟滚滚的御敌气势。清朝寨中出了位被推崇的“杨四将军”,他是当时唯一能领导“黑猫寨”羌人英勇抗敌的英雄,被后人尊称为“黑虎将军”,广为传颂,该寨也改称“黑虎寨”。 近年来,黑虎寨以其古朴的民族风情及保存完整的古建筑,受到中外民族史学研究人员和众多旅游者的青睐。