旅游收入乘数,tourism income multiplier
1)tourism income multiplier旅游收入乘数
2)tourism multiplier旅游乘数

1.A Comparative Study on Jiangsu Tourism Multiplier in 2002 Based on the Input-output Table and Social Accounting Matrix基于投入产出表和社会核算矩阵的2002年江苏旅游乘数的比较研究
2.An Initial Calculation of China s Tourism Output and Employment Multipliers;中国旅游产出乘数及就业乘数的初步测算
3.Most travellers can’t afford the first class when they take a long journey.大多数旅游者长途旅行时乘坐不起头等舱位。
4.Do you like traveling by air better than traveling by ship?你喜欢乘飞机旅游更甚于乘船旅游吗?
5.sail the Aegean in a cruiser乘游艇在爱琴海上旅游.
6.Have you ever travelled on a plane /by plane?你乘飞机旅游过吗?
7.Please take the sightseeing bus.请搭乘观光旅游车。
8.go on a journey, an outing, a trip, a cruise, safari去旅行、 郊游、 短途旅行、 乘船旅游、 狩猎旅行
9.Sunday trippers spun away early in the morning.星期天的旅游者一清早就乘车离开了。
10.They take a coach tour of southern spain.他们乘坐旅行车游览了南部西班牙。
11.Let 's go on this coach tour !让我们乘坐这趟长途客车旅游一次!
12.all passengers are strongly advised to obtain travel insurance.建议所有乘客购买旅游保险
13.He crisscrossed the world, usually by ship.他周游世界,通常是乘船旅行。
14.I'd prefer to go by train when traveling to a scenic spot.到风景区旅游时我宁愿乘火车去。
15.the tourist's desire to visit less-traveled countries.旅行者想游览旅游人数少的国家。
16."Do you want to go by air or by sea?" the travel agent asked.旅游代理人问:“你要乘飞机走,还是坐船走?"
17.People could also travel to the mainland by motorboat or water plane.人们也可以乘坐摩托艇或水上飞机去大陆旅游。
18.Do you prefer to travel by train, bus, plane or ship?你喜欢乘火车、汽车、飞机还是轮船去旅游吗?

tourism multiplier旅游乘数
3)tourism income旅游收入
1.Based in the some statistical data, author makes some analysis to international market of tourism guests& foreign exchange income, to internal market of tourism guests as well as receiving capacity in all hotels,then according to data to forecast international & internal receiving capacity and tourism income after several years,and the same time the pape.作者根据一定的统计数据 ,对四川省旅游的国际客源市场及其外汇收入、国内客源市场状况与全省饭店接待能力等进行了详细的分析 ,然后根据一定历史时段的资料对未来若干年的国际国内游客接待量与旅游收入进行了预测 ,并对达到预测目标的可行性进行了评价。
2.In this paper, the development of Beijing’s recent tourism income targets, combined with spatial analysis technology, will reveal the spatial development patterns and the phenomenon of uneven development through exploration of regional differences.如何更快更好的发展旅游经济,提高旅游收入,是旅游业发展的目标,因为旅游经济收入是衡量旅游经济发展水平和旅游企业经营效果的重要标志。
3.The paper studies the tourism situation in Henan province,and puts forward to grey comprehensive relationship degree based on the grey theory,chooses nine factors effecting tourism income to analyze quantitatively.结果表明,河南旅游经济潜力巨大,社会经济的发展和基础设施的不断完善对旅游收入有较大的促进作用。
4)income multiplier收入乘数
1.Expressions of production multiplier,employment multiplier,income multiplier,energy multiplier and water resources multiplier are shown after explaining the concept of multiplier.在阐述乘数概念的基础上 ,介绍了部门乘数、就业乘数、收入乘数、能源消耗乘数和水资源消耗乘数的计算公式 ,然后以黑河流域中游的张掖地区为例进行了应用研
5)the gross revenue of tourism industry旅游总收入
6)inbound tourism revenue入境旅游收入
1.This thesis takes the 31 provinces,autonomous regions,and municipalities in mainland China as regional study unit to analyze the spatial mismatch among tourism resources,location,and inbound tourism revenue by using the gravity model and two-dimensional portfolio matrix analysis method.本文以我国大陆31个省区为区域研究单元,借用重力模型和二维组合矩阵方法,分析了旅游资源、区位和入境旅游收入三者之间的空间错位现象。
