资源类景区,resource-type scenic spot
1)resource-type scenic spot资源类景区
1.More and more enterprises enter the investment in resource-type scenic spots.越来越多的企业参与到资源类景区的投资中。

1.Construction of a Framework for Investment and Decision-making in Resource-type Scenic Spots Based on Option and Game Theories;基于期权博弈理论的资源类景区投资决策框架的构建
2.Study on the Economic Attribute of Natural and Cultural Attractions by Public Goods Theory;基于公共产品理论的资源类景区产品经济属性研究
3.Resource Investigation and Floristic Analysis on Butterfly Resources in Dehang Region of Hunan Province湖南德夯风景区蝶类资源调查及区系分析
4.The Primary Study on Evaluation and Resources Classification of Landscape Forest of Heaven Scenery Zone in Mountain Tai;泰山登天景区风景林资源分类及景观评价初步研究
5.A Probe to Resource Classification and Evaluation Method of the Volcanic Geologic Remains Landscape;火山地质遗迹景观区资源分类与评价方法初探
6.Classification and Evaluation of Tourism Resources in Baiyangdian Tourist Attraction Area of Anxin County;白洋淀风景名胜区旅游资源分类及评价
7.Investigation of Pteridophyte Resource of Qingrengu Valley Scenic Spot in Forest City Guiyang林城贵阳情人谷景区蕨类植物资源调查研究
8.Residue Right Allocation of a Scenic Spot and Resource Protection;景区剩余索取权配置与景区资源保护
9.An Analysis on Price Rise in the Tickets of the Open-access Resource Scenic Areas from the Perspective of the Management System;从管理体制看公共资源类旅游景区门票价格上涨
10.Redefining the Properties of Public Resourced Tourism Attraction--a Public Economics Perspective;公共资源类旅游景区产品性质界定的再思考——公共经济学视角
11.Analyzing the Tragedy of Common Pool Tourism Resources in China Through Game Theory;我国公共资源类旅游景区悲剧的博弈论探讨——从使用者角度剖析
12.An Empirical Study of Tourist Satisfaction Based on the Factor Analysis of Natural Resources Type of Tourist Attractions基于因子分析的自然资源类旅游景区旅客满意度实证研究
13.Evaluation and reasonable exploitation of the natural view resources scenic spot;风景区自然景观资源评价及合理开发
14.The Protection of Scenic Resources and the Sustainable Development of Scenic Areas--With the Detailed Planning of Junshan Scenic Area, Yueyang City as the Example风景资源保护与景区可持续发展——以岳阳市君山景区详细规划为例
15.The Scenery Resources and Planning Conceive of Baima Scenic Area in Yongtai, Fujian Province福建省永泰白马风景区风景资源与规划构想
16.AHP-led Landscape Resources Evaluation of Tam Gap Roe Scenic Area;AHP主导的潭獐峡风景名胜区景观资源评价
17.Preliminary Research on Strategy and Evaluation for Scenic Resource Management of Scenic Area;我国风景名胜区风景资源管理对策与评价初探
18.Study on Landscape Features and Tourism Development on Seven-star Scenic Spot in Guilin;桂林七星景区景观资源特色及旅游开发探讨

Natural and Cultural Attractions(NCA)资源类景区产品
1.This paper analyzes the economic attribute of Natural and Cultural Attractions(NCA)by Public Goods theory,and points out that NCA is Quasi-public Goods at this stage in China.本文应用公共产品理论对资源类景区产品的经济属性进行了分析。
3)public resources scenic spots公共资源类景区
4)resourceful scenic spot资源景区
5)resource in tourism attractions景区资源
6)public resourced tourism attraction公共资源类旅游景区
1.Furthermore,it defines the conception of public resourced tourism attraction,mainly researching the properties division methods and classifications and exclusiveness criteria,which supplies theoretical support for researching resources distribution for public tourism resources.通过对旅游资源、旅游产品和旅游景区3个基础性的概念进行分析比较得出三者的关系,进而做出对公共资源类旅游景区的概念界定,重点探讨公共资源类旅游景区的性质划分的方法及分类,采用排他性一维标准是划分景区性质的关键,同时为以后研究讨论这一类景区的资源配置做好充分的理论准备。

旅游气候资源(见天象气候类旅游资源)旅游气候资源(见天象气候类旅游资源)tourist climatic resources IOyou qihouz一yuan旅游气候资源(tourist ClimatiC resou二es)见天象气候类旅游资源。