游客忠诚度,visitor loyalty
1)visitor loyalty游客忠诚度
1.Promote visitor loyalty degree is very important for holiday destination.提升游客忠诚度,对于度假型旅游目的地来说是极其重要的。

1.Modes of Promoting the Visitor Loyalty Degree For Holiday Destination;度假型旅游目的地游客忠诚度提升模式研究
2.Examining the Relationship between Destination Image and Tourist Satisfaction and Loyalty旅游目的地形象与游客满意度及忠诚度的关系研究
3.Building and Analysis of Tourist Loyalty Model and Management System at Tourism Resorts;旅游度假区游客忠诚影响机制模式与管理系统的构建与分析
4.The Relationship among Tourist Motivation, Service Quality, Satisfaction and Loyalty at Home Inn;家庭旅馆游客动机、服务质量、满意度与忠诚度关系研究
5.Improved customer loyalty leading to repeat business.提高了客户忠诚度,留住回头客。
6.Enhance customer fidelity and relationship.提高客户忠诚度,维护良好的客户关系。
7.The essence of marketing is to acquire and hold consumers' trustworthiness.营销的本质就是获得顾客的忠诚度,保持顾客的忠诚度。
8.A Study on the Relationship between Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty of Restaurant;酒店顾客满意度与忠诚度的关系研究
9.The Measure Model of Customer Loyalty Based on Rough Sets Theory基于粗集理论的顾客忠诚度测度模型
10.Customer Trust in a Tourism Destination and Its Impacts on Customer Loyalty旅游地顾客信任及其对顾客忠诚的影响
11.The affiliation by the brand localization strategy, increases customer's loyalty.藉由品牌定位策略,增加顾客的忠诚度.
12.How can we boost customer loyalty?(我们怎样能提高顾客的忠诚度?)
13.Evaluation and Improvement of Customer Loyalty Based on the PCA/DEA Model;基于PCA/DEA复合模型的客户忠诚度评价
14.A study of telecommunication customer loyalty based on PLS-SEM;基于PLS-SEM模型的电信客户忠诚度研究
15.The Ways of Enhancing Customer Loyalty by CRM;运用CRM提升客户忠诚度的途径探讨
16.Study on the Countermeasure for the Commercial Bank to Cultivate Faithfulness of Customers;商业银行培育客户忠诚度的对策研究
17.On Choices of Strategies for Restaurant Enterprises to Improve Customers Faithfulness;餐饮企业提高顾客忠诚度的策略选择
18.Study on the relativity between customers loyalty and enterprises profits;客户忠诚度和企业利润的相关性研究

tourist loyalty游客忠诚
1.This paper set up a tourist loyalty model for tourism resorts based on its significance,and the influencing factors of tourist loyalty could be summarized into three categories:subjective variable,objective variable and restrictive variable.基于对旅游度假区游客忠诚研究意义的认知,创新性地构建了旅游度假区游客忠诚影响机制模式,将游客忠诚影响因子概括为主观变量、客观变量、限制变量三大类,并针对其影响因子尝试建立了游客忠诚管理系统,以期为持续提高度假区游客忠诚度和市场竞争力提供理论依据。
3)customer loyalty客户忠诚度
1.A study on the driving factors of customer loyalty in the communication industry;通信产业客户忠诚度的驱动研究
2.A Study on the Application of Customer Loyalty in Securities Industry Based on Data Mining;基于数据挖掘的我国证券业客户忠诚度研究
3.A Study of Appraisement about Individual Customer Loyalty of Commercial Bank Based on YHR Model;基于YHR模型的商业银行个人客户忠诚度评价研究
4)customer loyalty degree客户忠诚度
1.Customer Loyalty Degree Research of the Load Service Entities in the Market Competition Environment;市场竞争环境下供电企业客户忠诚度的研究
5)customer loyalty顾客忠诚度
1.A study of strategies of improving customer loyalty in the communication service company——Based on the Service Profit Chain Model;提升电信服务企业顾客忠诚度的策略研究——基于服务利润链模型的分析
2.A Study on State Forecast of Customer Loyalty in Food and Beverage Industry;餐饮业的顾客忠诚度状态预测研究
3.The Research on Customer Loyalty of 3PL Logistics Enterprise;第三方物流企业顾客忠诚度研究
6)Customers loyalty顾客忠诚度
1.As for the above problem, this thesis adopts the following three elements as objects, consisting of switching barriers, customers satisfaction and customers loyalty.在本文中,转移障碍的三个构面(转移成本、顾客与员工的相互关系和替代者吸引力),顾客忠诚度的两个构面(态度忠诚和再购买行为意图)作为独立的变量,来研究他们与顾客满意之间的相互关系。

外国游客来北京颐和园观光旅游外国游客来北京颐和园观光旅游 外国游客来北京颐和园观光旅游 李平供稿