导游职业,guide professional
1)guide professional导游职业
1.At present guide s continuing professional education in our country does not apply to guide professional characteristics in some ways.导游职业继续教育是旅游产业发展中人力资源开发的重要组成部分。

1.The Problems of Continuing Education of Guide Profession--Thinking on the Professional Characteristics of Guide;导游职业的继续教育问题——基于导游职业特征的思考
2.Raising Tour Professional and Ethical Standards Promoting the Development of the Tourism;提高导游职业道德水平 促进旅游业的全面发展
3.A Comparative Research on the Modes of Tour Guides' Vocational Qualification Training in China and Foreign Countries中外导游职业资格培训模式比较研究
4.Under the Tour Guide Occupation Socialization Background Tour Guide Personnel Manages the Strategy Research;导游职业社会化背景下的导游人员管理策略研究
5.Factor Analysis on the Job Burnout of Hunan Tour Guide Service and Research on the Strategies湖南省导游职业倦怠因素分析及疏解对策研究
6.Study on Professional Ability Training for Students of Tour Guide Major in Higher Vocational Colleges;高职导游专业学生职业能力培养研究
7.On Safeguarding the Professional Rights and Interestsof Tour Guides and their Benefit Expression;导游人员职业权益维护及其利益表达
8.How to Improve the Professional Ethics of Tour Guide;导游人员职业道德的提高途径之初探
9.Analysis on the Professional Orientation of Tourist Guides and the Salary System;我国导游的职业定位和薪金制度分析
10.Professional Ability-Oriented Teaching Reform on Tourism English Curriculum for Higher Vocational Colleges职业能力导向的高职旅游英语教学改革探索
11.The Analysis on Schools Factors Which Affect the Employment Quality of Vocational Graduates as Tour Guide;中职导游专业毕业生就业质量的学校因素探析
12.The Research about Integration of Information Technique and Guide Specialized Course in Vocational School;信息技术与职业学校导游专业课程整合的研究
13.To Improve the Education Quality of the Tourist Specialty under the Direction of Employment;以就业为导向 提高高职旅游专业教育质量
14.Research on Pressional Loyalty of Tour Guides--A Survey on Tour Guides of Changsha;导游员职业忠诚度问题探讨——以对长沙市导游员调查为例
15.A Study on the Job Burnout of Travel Guide and Its Countermeasure;导游人员职业倦怠现状调查与对策研究
16.The Strategy to Improve the Ability in Verbal Expression for Students Majoring in Tourist Guiding in Secondary Vocational Schools;中职导游专业学生言语表达能力培养策略研究
17.Analysis on the Tour Guides Job Burnout and Factour Analysis;导游人员的职业倦怠及其影响因素分析
18.Realization and Reflection of Chinese Teaching for Tour Guide Majors;对高职导游专业语文教学的认识与思考

tour guides professionalizition导游职业化
3)guide's professional ability导游职业能力
4)He is a tourist guide by profession.他的职业是导游。
5)part-time tourist guide兼职导游
1.As the competition in tourism industry is getting fiercer, part-time tourist guides, especially the temporary and intern tourist guides in peak periods, make the overwhelming majority of all practitioners.兼职导游数量规模都十分庞大,相对与全职导游,存在着流动性高;受利益驱使明显等特点,这使得兼职导游在管理上比全职导游难度要高,机制更加复杂。
6)professional tour guide专职导游
1.Study on situation and countermeasures of administration mechanism on professional tour guide of travel agencies旅行社专职导游管理机制的现状及对策研究
