旅游专业教学,teaching of tourism
1)teaching of tourism旅游专业教学
1.This article inquires into the method of applying PBL to the teaching of tourism .本文探讨了把PBL的理念引入到旅游专业教学当中的方法,并结合旅游专业教学自身的特点,以促进旅游教学的发展。

1.Application of Pedagogy Using Examples of Case to Tourism Major;案例教学法在旅游专业教学中的应用
2.Application of PBL to the Teaching Method of Tourism;浅谈PBL在旅游专业教学中的运用
3.Application of case analysis to the teaching of tourism;案例分析法在旅游专业教学中的应用
4.Development of Creative Personnel and Reform in Tourism Education;创新性人才培养与旅游专业教学改革
5.Ability Training in Tourist Guide Teaching of College Tourism Specialty高校旅游专业教学中导游技能培养之我见
6.On the Exploration of the Integral System of School and Enterprise in the Reform of Tourism Major s Teaching in Vocational Colleges;关于高职旅游专业教学改革——教产一体化的探索
7.On Teaching Practice for Tourism English Majors in Vocational Colleges;高职院校旅游英语专业教学实践初探
8.Research on Tonic Sol-fa in Tourism Performing Teaching;旅游表演专业教学中“首调唱名法”初探
9.Construction of Innovation Practice Teaching Model of Tourism Management Speciality;构建旅游管理专业创新实践教学模式
10.Discussion on the Reformatoin of Toursim English Lessons;探索旅游英语专业英语课的教学改革
11.A Study on Bilingual Teaching Mode of Tourism Management Major in Colleges and Universities;高校旅游管理专业双语教学模式研究
12.A teaching model design for practical link of tourist management speciality;旅游管理专业实践环节教学模式设计
13.The Elementary Discussion on the Teaching Methods of the Tourism Management of Higher Vocational Education;高职旅游管理专业课程教学方法初探
14.Study on the Full Implementation of "3 +1" Mode of Tourism Management Majors Teaching in China’s Universities高校旅游管理专业“3+1”教学模式探讨
15.On Hotel Practice Training of Undergraduate Majors of Tourism Management旅游管理本科专业酒店实习教学研究
16.Discussions on Experiential Teaching Method for Tourism Management Major in Vocational Colleges高职旅游管理专业体验式教学法探讨
17.Reform of the teaching of tourism English majors in higher vocational colleges高职旅游英语专业实践教学改革探索
18.On the Professional Morals Education of College Students Major in Tourism;略论大专院校旅游专业学生的职业道德教育

professional teaching material on tourism旅游专业教材
3)tourism prefessional education旅游专业教育
1.Therefor,tourism prefessional education has its own distinctive market characteristics.因此,旅游专业教育具有鲜明的市场特征。
4)teachers majoring in tourism旅游专业教师
1.Bilingual Teaching and Training of Versatile Talents for Tourism Industry;论双语教学与旅游专业复合型人才的培养
2.The development of tourism and international competition make strict demand on the development of tourism talents in universities,only if universities pay attention to the problems in the undergraduate education of tourism and take effective measures to cope with the challenge,can they develop high-quality talents of management and operation.旅游业的发展和国际化竞争对高等院校旅游人才的培养提出了严格要求,高校只有针对旅游专业本科教育存在的问题,采取有效的措施应对挑战,才能培养出具有高素质的管理和操作型的实用性人才。
3.The tourism talents training model in vocational technical college in Shanxi province is not suitable to increasing quickly demand because of short period in the specialty education.山西省高职旅游专业的教育起步较晚,其人才培养模式与目前旅游业迅猛发展对旅游人才的需求存在有较大的差距。
6)special travel专业旅游

东北林业大学野生动物资源学院旅游管理专业 地址:哈尔滨市动力区和兴路26号 邮政编码:150040本学院最早的前身是1960年原林业部批准在原东北林学院林学系设立的"森林动物繁殖与利用"本科专业,以后历经多次更名调整和发展,于1980年壮大为独立的野生动物系,1992年发展成东北林业大学野生动物资源学院。现设有国家级野生植物保护与自然保护区管理、旅游管理、森林资源保护与游憩(森林旅游)、生物技术等4个本科专业。【 旅游管理专业 】 学科门类:管理学本专业培养具有旅游行业管理、旅游企业经营与管理、饭店管理、旅游市场营销等方面的基本理论和专业知识,能在与旅游相关的行业从事教学、科研、行政管理、生产管理等工作的高级专门人才。【 森林资源保护与游憩(游憩方向)专业 】 学科门类:农学本专业培养具有生态学、生态旅游学、地理学、旅游管理学、生物多样性保护、旅游地规划设计等方面的基本理论和专业知识,能在林业、旅游、城建等部门从事教学、科研、行政管理、生产管理等工作的高级专门人才。