饭店人才,hotel talent
1)hotel talent饭店人才

1.Reasons and Countermeasures Against the Hotel Brain Drain;浅谈旅游饭店人才流失的原因与对策
2.Analysis and Countermeasure Study on the Phenomenon of Drop out of Talented Persons in Modern Restaurants;现代饭店人才流失现象分析及对策研究
3.Research on the Hotel Talents Education Based on the Double Helix Model;饭店管理专业“双元”制人才培养模式创新研究
4.The Study on the Cultiuation Plan of Hotel - management Personnel in Three - Year High College;高专饭店管理专业人才培养方案的研究
5.Only an inner few of the hotel's staff were aware that they were other than registered hotel guests.饭店职工中只有少数几个局内人才知道她们并非是登记过的饭店旅客。
6.A New Approach to Educating Hotel Management Talents--the "Dual-directive" Education Module;论饭店管理人才培养的新型模式——“双轨制——定向式”组合模式
7.Systematic Archetype Study on the "Potential Flow" of the University Talents Majoring Restaurant Management高校饭店管理专业人才“潜流失”问题的系统基模研究
8.The Application on The Mode of"Industry-Teaching-Research-Training Integration" in Building the Personnel Training Base for Regional Hotel Industry运用“产学研训一体化”模式 打造区域饭店业人才培养基地
9.Customer will stay in the hotel select or in another of the same category.客人将住西莱克特饭店或者其它同类的饭店。
10.When one dines in a restaurant one likes a table to oneself.一个人在饭店吃饭时,都喜欢独占一桌。
11.How can I get to Hilton hotel ?我要如何才能到达希尔顿饭店?
12.The hotel restaurant is open to non- resident.这家饭店的餐厅向不住店客人开放。
13.The present condition of hotel industry is supply exceeds demand in human resource and demand exceeds supply in qualified personnel resource.人力资源供过于求,人才资源供不应求,这是当今饭店业人力资源的现状。
14.An Innovative Study on the Cultivating Mode of Hotel Management Talents in Tourism Institutions of Higher Learning;旅游高等院校饭店管理人才培养模式创新研究——以北京联合大学旅游学院为例
15.The Great Wall Hotel, the Kunlun Hotel, the Jianguo Holiday Inn, they just repeat each other.长城饭店、昆仑饭店、建国饭店,千篇一律。
16.A nobleman and a merchant once met in a restaurant.一次,一个贵族在饭店碰到一个商人。
17.When Americans eat out, they often go to fast-food restaurants.美国人外出吃饭时,通常到快餐店去。
18.The police ejected the noisy group from the restaurant.警察把那群吵闹的人逐出了饭店。

Clients of the hotel.饭店的客人
3)professional hotel manager饭店职业经理人
4)Hotel Human Resources饭店人力资源
5)Hotel Salesperson饭店销售人员
1.A Discussion on the Loss of the Staff in Restaurants;关于饭店员工流失问题的探讨

T型人才T型人才T type talent  下型人才(T type talent)按知识结构区分出来的一种新型人才类型。用字母,’T”来表示他们的知识结构特点。“一”表示有广博的知识面,“}”表示知识的深度。两者的结合,既有较深的专业知识,又有广博的知识面,这类集深与博于一身的人才,就称之为T型人才。当前我国T型人才十分缺乏。随着社会主义现代化事业的发展,对T型人才要求更为迫切。因此,领导者应把培养T型人才作为战略重点,下大气力抓好。 (李军撰王树茂审)