高职旅游管理专业,higher touring
1)higher touring高职旅游管理专业

1.A Research into the Reform of Curriculum for the Major ofTourism Management in Higher Vocational Education;高职旅游管理专业课程设置改革初探
2.The Elementary Discussion on the Teaching Methods of the Tourism Management of Higher Vocational Education;高职旅游管理专业课程教学方法初探
3.Discussions on Experiential Teaching Method for Tourism Management Major in Vocational Colleges高职旅游管理专业体验式教学法探讨
4.The Study on Shandong Province Higher Vocational Tourism Management Specialty Talents Training;山东省高职旅游管理专业人才培养研究
5.Constructing evaluation system of Practice Performance for Tourism Management Majors in Higher Vocational Colleges;高职旅游管理专业实习绩效评价体系的构建
6.Problems and Countermeasures Existed in Professional Practice of Tourism Management Specialty of Higher Vocational School;高职旅游管理专业实习存在的问题与对策
7.Exploration and Practice on vocational Tourisu managemental talents cultivation;高职旅游管理专业人才培养的探索与实践
8.Strengthening Practice Teaching to Prompt the Development in Higher Touring Schools;加强实践教学促进高职旅游管理专业的发展
9.On the Construction of a System of Practice Teaching for Vocational College Tourism Management Majors;高职旅游管理专业实践性教学体系构建探讨
10.Studies on the Construction of Vocational Students’Practice System;高职旅游管理专业实践训练体系构建研究
11.Definition and Cultivation of Key Competences for Touring Management Specialty Students of Higher Vocational Education高职旅游管理专业学生关键能力界定及培养
12.Using of Information Technology in the Teaching of Tourism Management Major of Higher Vocational Education信息技术在高职旅游管理专业教学中的运用
13.On the Development of Tourism Management Major in Vocational Colleges;浅谈高职高专旅游管理专业发展思路
14.A Tentative Plan for the Major of“Management of Tourist Attractions”of Higher Vocational Education;论高等职业教育旅游景区管理专业培养方案
15.Vocational College Tourism Management Department of classroom teaching;高职院校旅游管理专业课堂教学改革初探
16.Practice Teaching Pattern Of Tourism And Hotel Management Speciality;高职旅游与酒店管理专业实践教学模式初探
17.On Education Pattern of Tourism Management Speciality in Vocational College;高职院校旅游管理专业礼仪教育模式初探
18.The Application of Circumstances-teaching Mode in the Management of Tourism and Hotel Specialty;高职旅游酒店管理专业情境教学模式的应用

higher vocational humanities teaching reform in tour and hotel management specialties高职旅游与饭店管理专业
1.The aim of higher vocational humanities teaching reform in tour and hotel management specialties should be pointed to quality-oriented education.高职旅游与饭店管理专业人文类课程的教学改革,应以素质教育为指导,通过内外兼修,强化学生的人文素质和职业素质,从而增强本专业学生在未来就业市场上的竞争力。
3)Tourism Specialty in Higher Vocational College高职旅游专业
1.Discussion about the Practice Teaching of Tourism Specialty in Higher Vocational College高职旅游专业实践教学改革探讨
4)Tourism Management of Higher Vocational Education高职旅游管理
1.Constructing Performance evaluation system of Major Practice for Tourism Management of Higher Vocational Education is one difficult problem of practice teaching.构建高职旅游管理专业实习绩效评价体系,是高职旅游管理专业实践教学的一个难题。
5)tourism management specialty旅游管理专业
1.Study on the cultivation scheme for practical talents of tourism management specialty in higher education——A case study of tourism management specialty in Nanyang Normal University;高等教育旅游管理专业应用型人才培养方案研究——以南阳师范学院旅游管理专业为例
2.Carrying out quality education in tourism management specialty is the most important means of strengthening our competition.这对旅游管理专业教学提出了新的挑战,在旅游管理专业教学中进行素质教育是增强我国旅游人才竞争力的主渠道。
3.Taking tourism management specialty for example,this paper discussed and practised the teaching method innovation of adult higher education from four aspects:goal teaching,discussion teaching,scene teaching and multimedia teac.论文以旅游管理专业为例,从目的教学、研讨教学、现场教学、多媒体教学四个方面进行成人高等教育教法改革的探讨与实践。
6)tourism ship management specialty旅游船管理专业

东北林业大学野生动物资源学院旅游管理专业 地址:哈尔滨市动力区和兴路26号 邮政编码:150040本学院最早的前身是1960年原林业部批准在原东北林学院林学系设立的"森林动物繁殖与利用"本科专业,以后历经多次更名调整和发展,于1980年壮大为独立的野生动物系,1992年发展成东北林业大学野生动物资源学院。现设有国家级野生植物保护与自然保护区管理、旅游管理、森林资源保护与游憩(森林旅游)、生物技术等4个本科专业。【 旅游管理专业 】 学科门类:管理学本专业培养具有旅游行业管理、旅游企业经营与管理、饭店管理、旅游市场营销等方面的基本理论和专业知识,能在与旅游相关的行业从事教学、科研、行政管理、生产管理等工作的高级专门人才。【 森林资源保护与游憩(游憩方向)专业 】 学科门类:农学本专业培养具有生态学、生态旅游学、地理学、旅游管理学、生物多样性保护、旅游地规划设计等方面的基本理论和专业知识,能在林业、旅游、城建等部门从事教学、科研、行政管理、生产管理等工作的高级专门人才。