建构主义教学模式,constructivism teaching pattern
1)constructivism teaching pattern建构主义教学模式
1.Some idea based on constructivism teaching pattern can help the students learning independent and training the spirit of innovation.指出建构主义教学模式的某些理念有利于建筑学专业学生自主学习意识与创新精神的培养,通过借鉴建构主义教学模式的思想,提出了有关建筑设计原理课程教学方法改革的主要思路,并提出了主要操作模式,以期对建筑学专业相关理论课程的教学改革起到探索作用。

1.Study of Constructivism Teaching Model for Architectural Drafting建筑制图建构主义教学模式的研究
2.Research on the Constructivist Teaching Model Used in Advanced English;高级英语课程建构主义教学模式研究
3.Development of Students Autonomous Learning Abilities;运用建构主义教学模式培养学生自主学习能力
4.On the Influence of Constructivism Framework to College Students in Approaches to Learning;建构主义教学模式对大学生学习方式影响研究
5.The Application of Constructivism Theory in College English Teaching;建构主义教学模式在大学英语教学中的应用
6.Study on the Role of Teachers in College English Teaching Model Based on the Theory of Constructivism;建构主义教学模式下大学英语教师角色的探究
7.Analysis on the Application Constructivism in Soccer Skill Teaching;建构主义教学模式足球教学中的应用研究
8.Using the Constructionist Teaching Model to Guide the Teaching of Computer Course;利用建构主义教学模式指导计算机课程的教学
9.Development of Teachers Qualities According to Constructivist Teaching Mode at Medical Colleges and Universities;建构主义教学模式下的医科院校教师素质培养
10.Construct the Educational Technalogy Instructional Model with the Application of Constructionism;运用建构主义,构建教育技术教学模式
11.The Discuss About The Teaching Mode of Independence of The Task And Question;网络教学中建构主义的教学模式探讨
12.Analyse the Constructivism Teaching from the Structure of Teaching Model;从模式结构的角度探讨建构主义教学
13.Constructivism and the mode of multimedia college English teaching;建构主义与多媒体大学英语教学模式
14.Constructivism Learning Theory and CAI Foreign Language Teaching Modes;建构主义学习理论与CAI外语教学模式
15.Teaching Method of College English in the Mode of Structuralism;建构主义模式下的大学英语教学方法
16.Exploration of new PE teaching pattern construted by constructivism;以建构主义教育观建构体育教学新模式初探
17.My View to the Model of Chinese Teaching under the Guide of Constructivism;建构主义理论下语文教学模式之我见
18.Inforrmative Teaching Approah Based on the Theory of Constructivism;基于建构主义理论的信息化教学模式

constructivism English teaching models建构主义英语教学模式
3)social constructivist model of the teaching-learning社会建构主义教学模式
1.This article elaborates the social constructivist model of the teaching-learning process and discusses the application of this model in English teaching.文章介绍了社会建构主义教学模式及其各要素的特点,讨论了该模式在英语教学中的应用,主张通过创设良好的环境,设计合理的任务,改变教师和学生的角色以及各要素的互动来实现教学目的。
4)structurist teaching design mode建构主义教学设计模式
5)Constructivism art instruction mode建构主义美术教学模式
6)constructivism、teaching in biology、construct knowledge、on ones's own initiative、teaching pattern建构主义、生物学教学、主动建构、教学模式
