美学解读,an aesthetic analysis
1)an aesthetic analysis美学解读

1.The Aesthetic Interpretation on the First Chapter of the Analects of Confucius《论语·学而第一》首章的美学解读
2.Recovering the Overshadowed Spirit of Aesthetics--An aesthetic Interpretation of Marx’ Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844寻找被遮蔽的美学精神——马克思《1844年经济学哲学手稿》的美学解读
3.An Integrated Understanding of Middle School Chinese Reading Teachingfrom Symbol Aesthetics;从符号论美学看中学语文阅读教学的多元解读
4.Eclipse of Reading: On the "Philosophical Turn" in American Sinology解读的衰落:美国汉学的“哲学转向”
5.Analyzes the Perspective of Aesthetic in Nabokov Lectures on Literature;解读纳博科夫《文学讲稿》中的美学世界
6.The Man of Jia Zheng---the Aesthetic Analysis to the Literary Character of Jia Zheng;贾政其人——贾政文学形象的美学读解
7.A Discussion of Aesthetic Principles and Philosophical Basis for “Of Beauty” by Francis Bacon培根《论美》的美学原则及其哲学基础解读
8.Entering into the Reader s Mind,Achieving a Literature Classic;走进读者心灵 成就文学经典——《背影》的审美解读
9.Analysis and Interpretation of Xie Lingyun in the View of Ecoeasthetics;生态美学视野下谢灵运的解读与评析
10.One Angle of eco-aesthetics to Appreciate "Zui Weng Ting Ji";《醉翁亭记》的一种解读:生态美学的视角
11.Interpretation on American-Chinese Female Author Tang Tingting s Literary Works;美国华裔文学女作家汤亭亭作品解读
12.Ethereal and Unrestrained Beauty:Intepreting the Mutuality Between Chuanshan s Aesthetics and Hu-Xiang Culture Gene;船山美学湖湘文化基因互补现象解读
13.An Interpretation of Music Aesthetics on The Solitary Reaper;《孤独的割麦女》:一种音乐美学的解读
14.Study of American Initiation Stories: A New Perspective of American Literature;成长小说:一种解读美国文学的新视点
15.Study the Chinese classics and carry forward the style of Songs of Chu A better understanding of Recruit Hermits;学古出新 传扬楚骚——《招隐士》解读和审美
16.Romance of the Three Kingdoms and water margin A Reading from the perspective of Reception Theory;用接受美学读解《三国演义》和《水浒传》
17.Decipherment of Natsume Soseki's Aesthetics of Transcendency inKusamakura由《草枕》解读夏目漱石的非人情美学
18.Works Analysis from Readers Perspective:The Inspiration from Aesthetics of Reception When Reading Ancient Literature;解读作品:读者之维度——接受美学对古代文学作品阅读的启示

ON the Phenomenological Aesthetics现象学美学解读
3)The Explanation of the Natural Science Beauty自然科学美之解读
4)A Explain on Aesthetic Thoughts of Rousseau卢梭美学思想解读
5)Interpretation of Muzimei解读"木子美"
6)Explaining Scientifically科学解读
