旅游体验质量,quality of tourist experience
1)quality of tourist experience旅游体验质量
1.The quality of tourist experience is not only the appraisal of tourists true feelings, but also an important measure of the performance of tourism industry.旅游体验质量的高低不仅是旅游者对自身感受的评价,同时也是衡量旅游相关企业经营管理状况的重要尺度。

1.A Demonstration Research on the Experience Quality of the Foreigners Traveling in China;旅华外国游客旅游体验质量评价实证研究
2.From Expectations to Feelings:An Interactive Model for Quality Tourist Experience;期望与感受:旅游体验质量的交互模型
3.Traveling Experience Quality Appraisal Target System and the Assessment Method Grind;旅游体验质量评价指标体系及评价方法
4.A dynamic appraisal study on inbound tourists’ experience quality:a case of European and American tourists in Xi’an;入境旅游者体验质量动态评价研究——以西安入境欧美旅游者为例
5.A Study on the Types of Tourists and Their Experience Quality--A Case Study of Zhouzhang;旅游者类型及其体验质量研究——以周庄为例
6.An Appraisal Study on Inbound Tourists Experience Quality in Beijing;旅游目的地游客体验质量评价性研究——以北京入境游客为例
7.Research on the Construction of Tourist Experience Quality System about Folklore Tourism Product in Ethnic Minority Areas--A Case of FengHuang少数民族地区民俗旅游产品游客体验质量要素体系构建研究——以凤凰为例
8.TedQual Certification System and Its Inspirations;《旅游教育质量认证体系》及其启示
9.The other side is to guarantee tourist’s quality of experience in impersonality as a tool of manage.另一方面,旅游环境容量作为一种管理工具而使用,在客观上也保证了旅游者在旅游地的体验质量。
10.On the Nature of Tourism and the Framework of Tourism Discipline:An Experience Perspective;从体验视角看旅游的本质及旅游学科体系的构建
11.Probing to Visitor Experience Management in Nature Tourist Attractions;自然旅游景区游客旅游体验管理初探
12.Experience economy,sports tourism products and experiencing marketing;体验经济与体育旅游产品及体育旅游产品体验
13.Change the Education Idea of Tourism and Improve the Teaching Quality of Tourism;转变旅游教育思想 提高旅游教学质量
14.Tourism Trends and Tourism Development in Experience Economy Era;体验经济时代的旅游趋向与旅游开发
15.Research on Indexes of Evaluation System and Evaluation Model of Rural Tourism Quality;乡村旅游质量评价指标体系及评估模型研究
16.The Adaptability of Authentication of Quality System to Tourism Enterprises in China;质量体系认证对我国旅游企业的适用性探讨
17.Influence of Tourism on International Students Education;论旅游对外国留学生整体教学质量的影响
18.Study on Establishing Quality Management System in the Ecotourist Attraction;生态旅游景区质量管理体系框架构建研究

tourism experience旅游体验
1.The article expounded the necessity of analysis on the influencing factors of the tourism experience in forest park.阐述了对森林公园游客旅游体验影响因素进行分析的必要性,并通过对森林公园游客旅游体验影响因素的内容和特征分析,提出森林公园游客旅游体验影响因素体系,为森林公园旅游开发管理提供理论依据。
2.Starting from the theory summary and progress track about the study of tourism experience and experience economy,the paper puts forward the application of these two theories in practice.本文从旅游体验和体验经济两个方面的理论综述和进展追踪出发,提出了基于该两方面理论具体到体验塑造实践的应用。
3.The construction quality tourism experience is guided by the evaluation index system,with the analytic hierarchy process to confirm the weight value of various factors.通过构建旅游体验质量的评价指标体系,用层次分析法确定各个因素的权重值,进而利用多层次模糊综合评价方法来对旅游体验质量进行评价,对于了解游客的旅游体验,进一步改善旅游地环境,增强旅游地自身的竞争力,提高服务质量都有一定的理论和实践意义。
3)travel experience旅游体验
4)traveling experience旅游体验
1.Discussion among the traveling experience ,sign and the scenic area development;浅谈旅游体验﹑符号及景区开发之间的关系
2.In the foundation of analyzing the experience economy and the traveling experience relation,Tianjin tourism s development takes tourist s traveling experience demand as the center in the experience economy time and should provide traveling experience product of diversification and individuality,trying to satisfy the travelin.在分析体验经济与旅游体验的关系基础上,提出在体验经济时代天津旅游业的发展应以游客的旅游体验需求为中心,提供多样化、个性化的体验型旅游产品,满足游客多样化、个性化的旅游体验需求,为游客提供各种周到服务,使其感受到旅游体验的乐趣。
5)Tourist experience旅游体验
1.Influence of tourist experience management on the tourist running practice;旅游体验管理在旅游业经营实践中的影响
2.Tourist Field:The Situational Model of Tourist Experience;旅游体验的情境模型:旅游场
3.As a part of tourism destination s management,visitor management was an important way to improve the quality of tourist experience,to cultivate loyal tourists and create high-quality tourist destination.作为旅游目的地管理的重要组成部分,游客管理是提高游客旅游体验质量,培养忠诚的旅游者,塑造高质量旅游目的地的重要途径。
6)Experience Tourism体验旅游
1.Thoughts About Experience Tourism and Jinan s Urban Landscape Shaping as A Historical and Cultural City;体验旅游与济南历史文化名城景观塑造问题的思考
2.As the outcome of experience economy,the importance of experience tourism has gradually showed.作为体验经济的产物,体验旅游的重要性日益凸显。
3.Basing on the analysis of the connotation of the experience economy,the text attempts to probe into the advantageous and disadvantageous factors in the developing experience tourism.通过对体验经济的产生特征、消费者心理、我国目前的营销技术水平、市场本身的环境和企业职工的素质等方面对我国发展体验旅游经济的有利和不利人文背景因素的具体分析,结合体验经济的内涵特征,笔者认为目前我国体验旅游产品的开发应把握“一个思路、三个前提”的原则,并进一步提出了注重市场调查、突出产品主题性、强化市场法规和从业人员品德熏陶、培养消费者自主意识、树立“以人为本”的营销理念、打造富有民族特色的旅游商品、增加互动性的活动项目等开发对策。

宁波市旅游质量监督管理所宁波市旅游质量监督管理所成立1995年12月,是宁波市旅游局直属的旅游行政执法机构。受宁波市旅游局委托,行使旅游行政执法职能。主要职责:受理旅游投诉案件,调解旅游消费者与旅游经营者之间的权益争议;处理涉及旅行社质量保证金的理赔工作;对旅游经营者的服务进行监管和质量检查;依法查处非法经营旅游业务和超范围经营旅游业务,以及其他扰乱旅游市场秩序的行为;为旅游者和旅游经营者提供旅游法律、法规和规章的咨询服务。投诉受理:0574-87291299(8:30--17:30)、96118(00:00--24:00)市场监管:0574-87316640传 真:0574-87291299地 址:宁波市长春路35号银河大厦401室邮 编:315012