提升功能,Strengthening development
1)Strengthening development提升功能
2)functional upgrading功能提升
1.The ways of functional upgrading and strengthening reconstruction of modern office buildings were studied.针对既有现代办公建筑功能提升和加固改造的方式进行了深入研究,并通过工程实例对几种改造措施和功能提升的特点进行了详细论述,揭示了既有现代办公建筑的改造对建设节约型和谐社会和可持续发展的重要现实意义。

1.Research on Tourism Functions Promotion and Space Integration of Guiyang, China贵阳市旅游功能提升及空间整合研究
2.The Research of Producer Services and Economic Function of Central City;生产性服务业与中心城市经济功能提升研究
3.Utilization Characters and Functional Promotion of Bank Lines along Huangpu River in Urban Shanghai;黄浦江市区岸线利用特征及功能提升研究
4.Research on the Promotion of Shanghai s Urban Function by Developing Producer Services;上海市生产性服务业发展与城市功能提升研究
5.Urban Waterfront Redevelopment and the Improvement of Urban Function;城市滨水区的更新开发与城市功能提升
6.Promote: This allows the guild leader to promote members within the guild to higher ranks.提升:这个功能允许会长将会员提升到高级阶层。
7.You do not have sufficient privilege to raise the domain functional level.您没有足够的权限提升此域功能级别。
8.You do no have sufficient privilege to raise the forest functional level.您没有足够的权限提升此林功能级别。
9.Development and Promotion of Country Organization s Economy Function;农村村级组织经济功能的拓展与提升
10.Connotation,Functions and Improvement Strategy of the School Leadership;学校领导力的内涵、功能及其提升策略
11.To Improve the Logistic Port Function in Qinzhou with Bonded Port;以保税港区提升北部湾港口物流功能
12.Exerting Function of Campus Culture and Enhancing Undergraduates Spirit Quality;发挥校园文化功能 提升学生精神素质
13.Manages the Function by the Human Nature Management Promotion Universities Class and Grade;以人性化管理提升高校班级管理功能
14.Improving University Service Function Promoting Development of Economic Society;提升高校服务功能 促进经济社会发展
15.The Discussion Focus on the Promotion Role to the Employment Ability of College Studentsfrom Successful Principals Education;成功学教育与大学生就业能力的提升
16.Improve Civil Comprehensive Qualities Relying on Libraries Functions;依托图书馆功能,提升国民综合素质
17.Analysis of functional MRI data based on lifting wavelet transform基于提升小波变换的功能MRI数据分析
18.Improving AutoCAD's print function by VB technology利用VB二次开发AutoCAD提升打印功能

functional upgrading功能提升
1.The ways of functional upgrading and strengthening reconstruction of modern office buildings were studied.针对既有现代办公建筑功能提升和加固改造的方式进行了深入研究,并通过工程实例对几种改造措施和功能提升的特点进行了详细论述,揭示了既有现代办公建筑的改造对建设节约型和谐社会和可持续发展的重要现实意义。
3)lift function提升器功能
4)promotion of urban function城市功能提升
5)Occupational capacity enhancements职业能力提升功能
6)power support功率提升
1.The measures to keep the system stable by power support and generator trip are studied.采用BPA数字仿真法,分别研究了三峡—华东多回直流输电系统在直流线路故障(单、双极闭锁)时的暂态稳定性,以及直流功率提升和切机措施对保持三峡电网暂态稳定性的作用。

人脑的功能分化左右大脑半球的功能特化 李瑞端绘[图]