主流研究领域,mainstream research domain
1)mainstream research domain主流研究领域
2)Major research field主要研究领域

1.The Theoretical Summary of the Main Research Fields in Evolutionary Economics;演化经济学主要研究领域的理论分析
2.He is the author of two monograph books, chief editor or the first author of five books , and co-author of two books.主要研究领域:俄罗斯政治、外交、社会转型、大国关系、国际政治理论等。
3.Conceptions, Theories and Present Research in Imagery Training;表象训练的概念、理论及主要研究领域:现状与分析
4."Research focuses: Predictive technology of semiconductor device and process modeling and simulation, personal communication product design development, most advanced mobile communications network solutions,"主要研究领域:半导体器件与工艺模拟技术、人通讯产品研发、最新移动通信解决方案。
5.Research Areas: robotics, neural net, Gaussian process, scientific computing, and software/ hardware development.主要研究领域为冗余机器人,递归神经网络,高斯过程,科学计算和软硬件开发。
6.Comparative Analysis of the studies on Educational Fairness at home and Abroad国内外教育公平主要领域的比较研究
7.The Research Progress of Forestry Tourism in Four Main Aspects in China;我国森林旅游四个主要领域的研究进展
8.Main Research Dynamics in Time Series Forecasting in 1990s;20世纪90年代时间序列预测领域主要研究动态
9.Internal control is a major topic in the field of auditing.有关内部控制理论的研究,国内外的研究主要集中在审计学领域。
10.Therefore the study on fracturing fluid is the most important aspect of hydraulic fracturing.因此,压裂液的研究是水力压裂领域的最主要方面。
11.Interrelated areas of nanoscale science and engineering research focus goals:与纳米量级有关的科学和工程研究主要集中于以下领域:
12.Airframe noise prediction is a major area of research in aeroacoustics at present.机体噪声预估是气动声学最主要的研究领域之一。
13.Main fields of research and application for information technology in "new countryside";信息技术支撑新农村建设的主要研究和应用领域
14.There is a serious need for concerted studies in this area.在这个领域里迫切需要协作研究。
15.Party-building theoretical research is quite an important field.党建理论研究,是一个极其重要的领域。
16.Pedagogy of Development: An Important Domain of Educational Research;发展教育学:一个重要的教育研究领域
18.A secondary area of specialized academic study, requiring fewer courses or credits than a major.辅修专业学术研究的第二个特定领域,其要求的课程和学分比主修课要少

Major research field主要研究领域
3)leading research areas主导研究领域
4)research fields研究领域
1.Based on the history of informatics,this paper analyses some theoretic update of informatics in new period,which represents as update of research fields,subjects system and research methods,tries to express intending orientation of informatics development.本文通过对自情报学形成以来的历史考察,分析了情报学因面临新时代而出现的一些理论更新,具体表现在其研究领域、学科体系和研究方法上的更新,并力图通过这种分析来试表述情报学发展的未来方向。
2.This paper introduces some foreign official and enterprise safety and hygiene institutes,and their main research fields.介绍了国外部分官方和企业的安全与职业卫生专业研究机构和主要研究领域,并简要分析了国内同类机构存在的差距及改进方向。
5)research field研究领域
1.Historical science shoud face reality and extend research field;历史学科必须面对现实拓展研究领域
2.The research fields of electrochemistry include storage and transformation of energy, electroplating and surface modification, corrosion and protection, electrolysis and synthesis.简述了电化学在能源的储存与转换、电镀和表面精饰、腐蚀与防护、电解及合成以及在生物电化学、环境电化学、仿生电化学和光电化学等研究领域的最新进展和电化学研究方法。
3.The research field and content of the discipline of pharmacy administration,such as the characteristics and properties of the discipline,the research methods and the relationship of the science with other subjects have been discussed in this article.本文对药事管理学的研究领域和内容、学科特点和性质、相关学科、研究方法进行深入探讨。
6)research areas研究领域
1.The analysis is conducted in three aspects: (1) research areas; (2) aims of research and selection of corpora; (3) statistical methods.从研究领域、研究目的及相应语料库的选取、统计方法三个方面对近十年我国基于语料库的实证研究的调查分析发现,这些研究无论从语料库的利用还是从研究方法上都比十年前有了长足的进步,但同时也存在一定问题,主要表现在语料库的选取和统计方法两个方面。
