一票制,unified ticket policy
1)unified ticket policy一票制
1.The unified ticket policy used at scenic spots is based on the bundling pricing model.旅游景区一票制的理论基础是产品捆绑定价模型,但因为景区产品区别于其它一般产品,对景区进行捆绑定价时,不仅要考虑游客对景区的保留价格,还要考虑游客对景区时间消费量的预期(即保留时间)。
2)flat fare单一票制
3)making and solding ticket制票、售票
4)fare system票价票制
1.This paper makes an analysis of the increased social and economic benefits of the reforming fare system of Beijing Metro in October 2007,has made great contribution for releasing traffic jam in Beijing.2007年10月北京市城市轨道交通的票价票制改革为治理北京交通拥堵作出了积极贡献。

1.Social and Economic Benefits of Fare System Reforming in Beijing Metro北京市轨道交通票价票制改革的社会经济效益分析
2.asingle fare, ticket, etc单程票价、 票等.
3.Study on Carfare Subsection of Bus Station under Logging Ticket Price Policy;计程票价制度下公交站点票价分段方法研究
4.Correlation Mechanism between Stock Market Volatility and the Equity Premium in China's Stock Market我国股票市场波动和股票溢价之间的关联机制
5.What is the exact air fare?机票的票价是多少?
6.What's the children's fare?儿童票的票价多少钱?
7.A round trip ticket saves you aboutpercent of the fare往返票为您节约%的票价
8.share capital, dealing, prices股本、 股票交易、 股票价格
9.APEX mid-week or excursion fares周中票或旅游票预购票价
10.""first post the post" voting system"“得票最多者当选”投票制
11.Concessions (Day trip to ...票价)优惠……一日游
13.Research of Making a Ticket Price System of Urban Rail Transit;我国城市轨道交通票价制定问题研究
14.The Reform of Stock Issuing System, IPOs Underpricing and Factors Analysis;股票发行制度改革、IPOs折价及因素分析
15.Game Theory Analysis and Explanation of Air Ticket Price Control Problem;机票价格管制问题的博弈分析及解释
16.The Incentive Efficiency of Executive Stock Option and Its Assessment;经理股票期权制的激励效率及其评价
17.Interrelated Factors in Metro Price Decision;我国地铁票价制定工作相关因素分析
18.The Influence of Price Limit Mechanism on Price Fluctuation and Market Liquidity价格限制机制对股票价格波动及流动性的影响

flat fare单一票制
3)making and solding ticket制票、售票
4)fare system票价票制
1.This paper makes an analysis of the increased social and economic benefits of the reforming fare system of Beijing Metro in October 2007,has made great contribution for releasing traffic jam in Beijing.2007年10月北京市城市轨道交通的票价票制改革为治理北京交通拥堵作出了积极贡献。
5)first restricted ballot第一次限制性投票
6)"one person,one vote"一人一票
