中西方游客,Chinese and Western tourist
1)Chinese and Western tourist中西方游客
2)western tourists西方游客
3)tourist center游客中心
1.Location of the tourist center in Yulong snow mountain scenic spot and SWOT analysis;玉龙雪山风景区游客中心选址与SWOT分析
2.So the design and construction of tourist center will become the pressing pract.游客中心作为现代旅游发展的产物,正在尝试着改变旅游者以往的传统走马观花的旅游方式,引导旅游者走入自主式的文化旅游的时代。

1.Vistor can see many of the historic objects at the vistor center at the entrance to Jamestown .游客们在詹姆士镇入口处的游客中心可以看到许多历史遗迹。
2.Visitors can see many of these historic objects at the visitor center at the entrance to Jamestown.游客在入口处的游客中心也可以看到大部分历史文物。
3.Study of Planning and Architecture Design of Tourist Center in Mountain Style Scenic Areas;山岳型风景区游客中心规划建筑设计研究
4.Location of the tourist center in Yulong snow mountain scenic spot and SWOT analysis;玉龙雪山风景区游客中心选址与SWOT分析
5.And the city of New York will open a visitor center at Ground Zero this week after the anniversary the 911 attacks.纽约市本周在911袭击纪念周年之后将开放游客中心第一层。
6.A heritage transformed tourist centre and cable cars connecting visitors spots were proposed to be added in the Aberdeen Country Park.同学建议于香港仔郊野公园重修古迹游客中心,并加建缆车连接公园内各个景点,方便游人参观。
7.A This is the Friendship Store. A special shopping center for foreign tourists.这是友谊商店。专供外国游客买东西的购物中心。
8.A tourist is looking for the International Exhibition Center and asks a passer-by for directions.一位游客正在寻找国际展览中心,向路人问路。
9.Shopping malls are planned, banks have opened and tourists are coming.购物中心已规划,银行已开张,游客正到来。
10.The Study of the Transfer Space Design of Tourist Reception Center in Scenic Areas风景区游客服务中心换乘空间设计研究
11.Pan Changli, deputy director of the center, said that all cruises along the river were closed today to ensure the safety of tourists.中心副主任潘嫦丽说,为了游客的安全,今天对游船进行全线封航。
12.An Inquiry into the Operation of the Visitor Centers and its Free Information in Shanghai;上海旅游咨询服务中心及其免费信息调查研究:游客视角
13.Fifteen kinds of lemur live at the center, which sits on80 acres of forest, and visitors can see many of the species.在森林中占了32.4公顷的杜克中心住有15种狐猴,游客可以尽情观览。
14.A Jordanian gunman opened fire at a crowd of foreign tourists Monday in the center of Jordan's Capital.星期一约旦枪手向一群外国游客开枪在约旦首都中心。
15.Traveller: How can I get there? Is it far from downtown Barcelona?游客:去坎帕诺怎么走?那儿离巴塞罗那市中心远吗?
16.As the academic centre very few in the world, visitors receiving every day in Oxford hold in place with a net and sort out constantly.作为世界上屈指可数的学术中心,牛津每天接待的游客络绎不断。
17.Despite its anaemic condition, most visitors to San Jose at least know where downtown is.尽管并不尽如人意,到圣何塞的游客至少还能找到市中心在哪。
18.The Design Method of Visitor Center in the Jiangxi Province Mountain Scenic Area;江西省山岳型风景名胜区游客接待中心设计方法初探

western tourists西方游客
3)tourist center游客中心
1.Location of the tourist center in Yulong snow mountain scenic spot and SWOT analysis;玉龙雪山风景区游客中心选址与SWOT分析
2.So the design and construction of tourist center will become the pressing pract.游客中心作为现代旅游发展的产物,正在尝试着改变旅游者以往的传统走马观花的旅游方式,引导旅游者走入自主式的文化旅游的时代。
4)visitor center游客中心
5)tourists both at home and abroad中外游客
1.Based on the survey of the demand motivation and preference from tourists both at home and abroad and applying the method of empirical analysis, the paper makes an analysis of the characteristics of Beijing 798 Artistic Zone that has become a famous cultural tourist attraction in Beijing.本文从中外游客的需求动机和偏好的调查入手,利用实证分析的方法,分析了北京798艺术区成为北京著名的文化旅游吸引物的特征,指出文化旅游吸引物的形成关键在于它自身的特质,而这种特质是当地社会生活自发形成的产物,不是人为规划的结果。
6)Chinese tourists中国游客
