旅游信息传播,tour information dissemination
1)tour information dissemination旅游信息传播
1.Based on information decision table and others\' research findings,the paper constructs a conceptual schema of tour information dissemination,and divides net information into three parts(government and commerce,others\' perceptual information, virtual experience).在分析网络信息集合的基础上,运用信息决策表和前人的研究成果,对网络信息集合进行分类,并建立旅游信息传播概念模式。

1.The Study of Conceptual Schema of Tour Information Dissemination with the IT Transformation信息技术变革中旅游信息传播概念模式研究
2.Comparative Study of Myths and Legends in Context of Cross-cultural Communication in Tourism;从旅游地神话传说看旅游跨文化传播
3.Culture and Message Transfer in C/E Tourism Translation;旅游资料汉译英的文化处理与信息传达
4.Transmission and Translation of Cultural Information in Tourist Texts;汉语旅游语篇中的文化信息传递及翻译
5.Research on National Culture Transmission of Tourist Guide in National Tourism Regions民族旅游区导游的民族文化传播研究
6.Disquisition on Rhetorics Transmitting--Transmission of the Rhetorical Information;传播修辞学研究——修辞信息的传播
7.Innovation of Tourism Information Service-Tourism E-Business;论旅游信息服务的创新——旅游电子商务
8.Investigation and analysis of influence of tourism information transfer ways for tourist behavior patterns--A case study of Mountain Tai;旅游信息传递方式对游客行为模式影响的调查分析——以泰山为例
9.Analysis on the Construction of Signal Transmission Mechanism of Tourism Market Based on Information Asymmetry;基于信息不对称的旅游市场信号传递机制构建研究
10.The Theoretical Research on Deconstruction and Communication of Tourist Destination Image;旅游目的地形象解构与传播理论研究
11.A Research into the Network Communication Mode of Tourist Destination Image;旅游目的地形象的网络传播模式研究
12.Study on the Promotion of Tourism Industry in Hongkong Based on IMC;香港旅游业推广的整合营销传播研究
13.The Effect of Tourism Advertisement from a Dissemination Perspective;基于传播视角的旅游广告语效果研究
14.Influence of the Modern Information Carrier on the Information Spreading of Academic Journal;信息载体对学术期刊信息传播的影响
15.Information communication,information cognition and visual design art;信息传播、信息认知与视觉设计艺术
16.A Pragmatic Information Theory and the Linguistic Information Culture;语用信息论与语言信息传播文化形态
17.a person who conveys (carries or transmits).传达(传递和传播)信息的人。
18.Transference of Informative Function of Names of Tourist Attractions from the Perspective of Language Function语言功能关照下旅游景点名称信息功能的传达策略

Guangxi Tourism Information PropagationCenter广西旅游信息传播中心
3)Tourism communication旅游传播
4)tourism information transfer旅游信息传递
1.Investigation and analysis of influence of tourism information transfer ways for tourist behavior patterns——A case study of Mountain Tai;旅游信息传递方式对游客行为模式影响的调查分析——以泰山为例
5)tourism information旅游信息
1.Investigation and analysis of influence of tourism information transfer ways for tourist behavior patterns——A case study of Mountain Tai;旅游信息传递方式对游客行为模式影响的调查分析——以泰山为例
2.Researching and Realization the Tourism Information System of Changchun Urban District Based on the Component;组件式长春市市区旅游信息系统的研究与实现
3.The design of Taining World Geopark tourism information platform based on open web GIS基于开源Web GIS的泰宁地质公园旅游信息服务平台构筑
6)traveling information旅游信息
1.New SVM incremental learning algorithm and application in traveling information classification;SVM增量算法及在旅游信息分类中的应用
