职业形象设计,professional image design
1)professional image design职业形象设计

1.The traveling professional image project curriculum practices the teaching discussion旅游职业形象设计课程实践教学探讨
2.Strengthening Professional Construction and Reestablishing Accountant Image;加强行业文化建设 重塑会计职业形象
3.Strengthening the Construction of Accounting Professional Ethics and Reshaping the Image of Accounting Integrity加强会计职业道德建设 重塑会计诚信形象
4.The Function of Workers Sport in Corporate Identity of Enterprise;浅谈职工体育在企业形象识别设计中的作用
5.The Public Service Personnel s Professional Behavior and the Government Image Constructs;公职人员的职业行为与政府形象建设
6.Shaping Corporate Identity through Product Identity Design of Mechanical and Electrical Products通过机电产品形象设计塑造企业形象
7.The Function of Image Design of Professional Woman in Quality Eucan on in University Feminine Students;论职业女性形象设计在女大学生素质教育中的作用
8.CIS and Vocational School Image s Design and Spreading;CIS与高职院校形象的设计与传播
9.The Analysis of Esprit’s Design and Practice;个性化设计在企业形象设计中的意义
10.Market demand and design patterns of corporate image design企业形象设计的市场需求与设计模式
11.On the Application of Graphic Design in CI Design;论图形设计在企业形象塑造中的运用
12.Special shape and symbolic design in enterprise image design significance author;特形与象征图案在企业形象设计中的意义
13.The Designment and Reformation for Enterprise Image of Shenzhen MaoYe Department Store;深圳茂业百货企业形象的设计与塑造
14.The image originating form the spirit and changing by the spirit--A study on the image design of enterprise;相由心生 相由心转——论企业形象设计
15.On the Characteristic of Image Design Major and the Teaching Principle;形象设计专业的特点及教学原则探析
16.Asking for openly humanity spirit among modern corporation′s image design;现代企业形象设计中的人文精神诉求
17.The initial exploration on image-designing and image-building of transporatation in Yanbian district;延边区域交通运输业形象设计与塑造
18.SWOT Analysis and Overall Image Design of Anhui Tourism Industry;安徽旅游业SWOT分析与总体形象设计

professional image职业形象
1.The shape of a good professional image through integration into the corporate culture融入企业文化塑造良好职业形象
2.Starting from the necessity of rational dressing of university librarian, this paper expounds the important functions of rational dressing on moulding the professional image of university librarian.从高校图书馆员合理着装的必要性出发,阐述了合理着装对塑造高校图书馆员的职业形象所起到的重要作用。
3)CI Design企业形象设计
1.The CI design system is not just a simple visual expressing measure, but a process of generalizing, abstracting and visualizing the corporate information into visual codes as well.企业形象设计系统并非是一种简单的视觉表现手段,它是将企业的信息进行概括、提炼、抽象并顺利转换成企业的视觉符号的过程。
4)career design职业设计
5)Rebuild the image of auditors重塑审计职业形象
6)pre-employment professional image准职业形象

职业形象指导职业形象指导guidance of vocational image  职业形象指导(guidanee of voeationalimage)职业指导的内容之一,指帮助青少年了解和掌握职业方面的角色期待和人格特质,以便真正获得某种职业资格。这种指导,力求让青少年掌握职业活动的基本要求,不仅包括各种职业心理品质,也包括职业角色的外表形象、如教师不仅要具有一定的专业知识和教育能力,还要有为人师表的品格风貌。它一般是通过实习、参观、见习和各种与职业有关的社会活动,使青少年逐步尝试和理解各种职业行为的模式和要求,从而在实践锻炼中形成自己的职业意识和掌握某种职业的人格特质和外表形象。 (张燕逸撰张燮审)