民居建筑景观,vernacular architectural landscape
1)vernacular architectural landscape民居建筑景观
1.The aim of using method of residents\' perception on researching vernacular architectural landscape transformation of tourism destination is promoting residents\' participating in tourism plan and vernacular architecture protection.运用居民感知研究方法对旅游地民居建筑景观的变化进行研究,目的在于促进居民参与旅游规划和建筑景观保护。

1."Historical Nihilism" in Contemporary House Architectural Style--A Reflection on the Contemporary Chinese House Architectural Style;当代民居建筑景观中的“历史虚无主义”——对中国民居建筑景观现状的思考
2.Researching the Transformation of Vernacular Architectural Landscape in Tourism Destination Based on the Residents' Perception--Case Study of the Transformation of the Characteristics of the Tibetam Architectural Landscape in Jiuzhaigou基于居民感知的旅游地民居建筑景观变化研究——以九寨沟藏寨建筑景观特色变化为例
3.About the Ecology of the Natural Environment of the Traditional Folk Houses of Guizhou Province;贵州传统民居建筑的环境自然生态观
4.Research on Perception of the Residents Toward Imitated Ancient Buildings at Scenic Area of Yueyang Lou岳阳楼风景名胜区仿古建筑群的居民感知研究
5.Preliminary Analysis on Realistic Meanings of Ecological Concept of Ancient Architectures in Quanzhou;浅析泉州古民居建筑绿色生态观的现实意义
6.On the Architectural Decoration Art of Ancient Civilian Residences in Huizhou and the Cultural Concept;浅谈徽州古民居的建筑装饰艺术与文化观念
7.Traditional Civilian Residential Housing in China from the Aesthetic Perspective of Harmony between Man&Nature“天人合一”审美观对中国传统民居建筑的影响
8.Geographical Views of the Traditional Hakka Residential Architecture in Meizhou, Guangdong Province广东梅州地区传统客家民居建筑地理观
9.A Study on the Construction and Relocation within the Wulingyuan Scenic Area世界自然遗产地武陵源景区内建筑、居民拆迁研究
10.Building Custom,Space Mentality and Deification Phenomenon of Tujia Nationality土家族民居建筑艺术、建房习俗、空间观念及神化现象
11.Study on Landscape Archirecture Characteristic of Ba-da-guan Zone of Qingdao;青岛八大关风景度假区景观建筑研究
12.Study on Vernacular Architecture Landscape Construction in Fujian Provincial Rural Tourism福建省乡村旅游景观中乡土建筑景观营造研究
13.Traditional folk characteristic is its main stream, with the background of typical southern gardening style which is very special.其建筑风格以传统的民族建筑为主导,贯以我国南方园林景观作为依托,极具特色。
14.An Analysis of the Construction Art in Xizhou --On Bai-residence in Dali of Yunnan;喜洲民居建筑艺术探析——云南大理白族民居
15.Standard for energy conservation design of new heating residential buildings民用建筑节能设计标准(采暖居住建筑部分)
16.Standard for inspection of civil architecture in site民用建筑节能现场检验标准(采暖居住建筑部分)
18.Unity of Architecture and Landscape Design建筑与景观设计的统一——重庆育才经开中学建筑与景观设计有感

residential construction民居建筑
1.Tongguan Area Residential Construction Survey Record;潼关地区民居建筑调查实录
3)Residential architecture民居建筑
4)dwelling house民居建筑
1.Discussion on the characteristic of dwelling house door of Tujia nationality;浅析土家族民居建筑门的特征
2.Hakka’s dwelling house is the embodiment of Hakka culture, which distribution differs in region distinctly.客家民居建筑是客家文化的良好体现,不同类型的客家民居在地域上分异明显,其建筑形态受到地理环境与社会经济因素的共同影响,文章就上述问题进行了讨论,并针对客家民居建筑的演进关系提出了自己的看法。
5)residential building居民建筑
6)landscape architecture景观建筑
1.Preliminary Discussion of the Importance of Detail Treatment in Landscape Architectures——Illustrating with the garden of Casa California in Guangzhou;浅谈细部处理在景观建筑中的重要性——以广州二沙岛新世界棕榈园小区花园为例
2.Modern city and landscape architecture;浅谈现代城市与景观建筑
3.Landscape Architecture as International Practice:Trends in Australia and China as a Client;澳大利亚景观建筑业的国际实践——趋势和在中国实践情况

大湾古民居建筑群 大湾古民居建筑群   大湾古民居建筑群位于郁南县大湾镇五星村大湾寨。古建筑规模较大,布局较集中,具有浓厚粤西地方艺术特色和民俗风格的建筑群,该古建筑群有民居、李氏大宗祠、李氏宗支祠堂。   宗支祠堂有的为父、子、连成群体布局。古民居有当时大湾富商李其敏于1920年(用三年建造时间)建造一院三进建筑面积约1500平方米的砖瓦木结构“臣昌栈大屋”。有大湾富商李景献第二儿子李祺波创建1885年的“祺波大屋”。   有清咸平元年至宣统年间兴建李氏大宗祠、象翁李公祠、诚翁李公祠、峻峰李公祠、禄村李公祠、芳裕家塾、洁翁李公祠、锦村李公祠、拨亭李公祠、介村李公祠、学充李公祠。

图片列表 门票价格 交通提示 相临景点 龙山露天温泉浴场 佛手岭风景区 竹院庵 邓发故居 六祖故居 国恩寺 省级龙山温泉旅游度假区 云浮石材工艺展览馆 新兴龙山省级旅游度假区 新兴龙山省级旅游度假区 天池庵 神仙谷景区 蟠龙洞 大湾古民居建筑群 云安县杜鹃花生态观赏园 郁南无核黄皮观赏园 藏佛坑景区 云浮市人民广场 郁南光仪大屋 仙境茶园