旅游者决策,tourist decision-making
1)tourist decision-making旅游者决策
1.An analysis on the impact of correlative situational factors on tourist decision-making——A case study of Tang Paradise影响旅游者决策的相关情境因素分析——以大唐芙蓉园为例

1.Applying Cognitive Map to Analyze Factors Influencing Tourist Decision-Making:A Case Study in Xi an City;基于认知地图的旅游者决策影响因素分析——以西安入境旅游者为例
2.Analysis of the Tourist Decision Model Based on the Tourist Preference and Perception Risks;基于旅游者偏好和知觉风险的旅游者决策模型分析
3.An analysis on the impact of correlative situational factors on tourist decision-making--A case study of Tang Paradise影响旅游者决策的相关情境因素分析——以大唐芙蓉园为例
4.A Study of Overseas Traveler s Family Tour Decision-making;国外有关旅游者家庭旅游决策问题的研究
5.A Research on Traveling Behavior of Senior Tourists:Taking the Senior Tourists Market in Jiangxi Province as An Example;老年旅游者的出游行为决策研究——以江西省老年旅游市场为例
6.A Study on Decision-Making Process of MICE Tourism Participants and Its Effect;会展旅游参与者决策过程及其影响因素研究
7.The consumer behavior of a tourist in selecting destination and tourism products can be divided into several steps: the acceptance of information,destination image formation,comparison and selection of destination,and the purchase behavior.旅游者的消费行为主要表现在对旅游地和旅游产品的信息接受、感知、选择和决策这一过程中。
8.From "Onlooker" to "Buyer"--Predicting Online Tourism Purchasing Intentions in China;从“观望者”到“购买者”——中国旅游电子商务消费者购买决策行为探析
9.Influencing Factors on Tourists Revisit Decision-making:A Web-based Empirical Study;旅游者重游决策的影响因素实证研究——基于网络调查
10.The Reason and the Solution for the Complaint of Tourist Agency by Tourist;旅游者对旅行社投诉原因及解决方案
11.Effects of Tourism Information Features on Tourists Decision-making;旅游信息特征对旅游决策影响的实验研究
12.Impact factors analysis of Japanese and Korean tourists′traveling to China decision-making;旅华日本、韩国游客旅游决策影响因素分析
13.The Influence Research of Tourism Climate towards Tourism Decision-making Based on the Apperceive of Inbound Tourists-Take Kunming as an Example;旅昆入境游客旅游气候感知对其旅游决策的影响研究
14.Study of Tourists Psychological Change in Touring and Service Strategies;旅游活动中旅游者的心理探究及服务策略
15.A Study on the Scheming of Ancient Town Tourism Image from the Vision of Tourists基于旅游者视觉的古镇旅游形象策划研究
16.Existing problems and solving methods of tourism in Wuling Mountain;雾灵山旅游中存在的问题及解决对策
17.The application of analytic hierarchy process in a synthetic policy-making of tourism;层次分析法在旅游综合决策中的应用
18.Traditional Regional Culture s Influence on the Travel Decision-making;试论传统区域文化对旅游决策的影响

consumer traveling decision消费者旅游决策
3)tourist decision-making旅游决策
1.In accordance with the first hand survey data of tourist decision-making behavior of foreign backpackers in Xian in September,2005,the paper makes a primary research on the effect of factors of environmental perception for tourist decision-making behavior of foreign backpackers to China from the angle of carving-up-space by behavior.通过对2005年9月西安旅华背包客旅游决策行为调查的第一手资料,从行为分割空间角度初步研究了环境感知因素对旅华背包客决策行为的影响,研究揭示:现阶段,旅华背包客决策行为主要受个人相关因素影响,旅游目的地环境感知因素传递受旅游客源国环境感知因素影响,当旅游者确定国际旅游后,旅游目的地感知因素对旅游者决策行为影响高于客源国环境感知因素。
2.To comprehend tourists\' diversified consuming characteristics in order to establish effectual marketing system and enterprise development concepts, we have to start with the study of tourist decision-making.要了解旅游者多样化的消费特征,建立有效的旅游营销体系和企业发展理念,必须从研究居民的旅游决策行为开始。
4)tourism decision-making旅游决策
1.Research into tourism decision-making based on multivariate statistics;基于多元统计分析的旅游决策研究
2.Tourism consumer decision-making process is the fundamental basis for the tourism marketing,thus grasp of the basic characteristics of domestic family tourism decision-making and understanding of the impact factors is of great significance in promoting the development of domestic family tourism.旅游消费决策过程是旅游市场营销的基本依据,因而把握我国家庭旅游决策的基本特点和了解其影响因素对于推动我国家庭旅游发展有着重要意义。
3.The results indicated:(1) Information frames affect the outcome of tourism decision-making significantly.本研究探讨了旅游信息特征对旅游者旅游决策的影响。
5)tourism decision旅游决策
1.The tourism decision making process is a continuity of series of stages and steps concerning both psychology and behaviors.旅游决策过程是一个从心理到行为的连续体,包括一系列相关的阶段或步骤。
6)tourist decision旅游决策

旅游者旅游者tourist  IOyouzhe旅游者(tourist)旅游活动的主体。按旅行范围分为国际旅游者和国内旅游者。最早对旅游者的解释是:以观光游览为目的的外来旅客。随着旅游业的迅速发展,旅游活动越来越多样性,对旅游者的定义不断有新的认识。1937年,国际联盟统计委员会首次对国际旅游者作出详细定义:“旅游者是指离开定居国,到其他国家旅行至少24小时以上的人。”具体包括:①为了娱乐、家庭和健康原因而旅行的人。②为参加国际会议而旅行的人。③为商业原因而旅行的人。④在海上巡游途中停靠某地,即逗留时间不超过24小时的人。同时规定下列人员不属于旅游者:①不论是否签了合同而到另一国家从事某一职业的人。②到国外居住的人。③寄宿在学校的学生。④居住在边境地区而跨越边界到邻国工作的人。⑤途经一个国家但不停留的旅行者,包括旅行时间越过24小时的人。1963年,联合国在罗马召开国际旅游会议,在1937年国际联盟定义的基础上提出“游客”的概念,并将游客划分为过夜旅游者和当日往返的旅游者两类。其中过夜旅游者指到一个国家访问至少逗留24小时以上的旅游者,其访问目的包括消遣、商务、公务、会议、家事。当日往返旅客指访问时间不足抖小时的游客。1967年,联合国通过这一定义,并建议各国都采用这一定义。现在大多数国家都采用这一定义。国内旅游者是指以娱乐、度假、运动、商务、会议、学习、探亲访友、宗教、健康等为目的,在本国某地旅行超过24小时而少于一年的人。国内短途旅游者是指基于上述任一目的,旅行时间不超过24小时的人(参见彩图插页第81页)。 (牛亚菲)