二元陷阱,dual trap
1)dual trap二元陷阱
1.(2) A phenomenon of "dual trap" dissevers the intrinsic relationship between tourist origin and tourist destination.6大问题为:①旅游者个体旅行行为和旅游流的社会群体行为相混淆的问题;②多数研究存在"二元陷阱"现象,将旅游客源地、旅游目的地割裂分别研究;③大多数研究往往将区域界定为仅具有出游(旅游客源地)或入游(旅游目的地)职能,这同"现实中许多区域在不同程度上既是客源地,又是目的地"相矛盾;④尚未辨析区域内部流和区域间流的辨证关系和各自旅游意义,部分研究甚至将区域内部流叠加到区域尺度上的旅游系统分析中;⑤旅游流空间扩散的方向性倾向仍侧重定量描述,方向性倾向的基本指向及其指向类型仍需科学的界定;⑥国内现有研究较少从动态机制上驻足空间扩散,特别是多目的地旅行行为。
2)Dollar Ttrap美元陷阱
3)Plutalism traps多元化陷阱
1.Study on Frequency Dispersion Effects of 4H-SiC MESFET Based on Traps;基于陷阱的4H-SiC MESFET频散效应分析
2.Walk Out the Trap of Immiserizing Growth:Based on View of Factor;走出贫困化增长“陷阱”:基于要素性质的分析
3.The Trap of the Collective Ownership of Land in Countrysides——Analysis Based on the Requisition of Land;论农地集体所有制陷阱——基于农地征用视角的分析

1."It's easy to fall into a trap, But hard to get out again"堕入陷阱易,脱离陷阱
2.To catch in or as if in a trap;ensnare.设陷阱陷阱或类似用陷阱的方式捕获;设陷阱捕捉
3.Luke, don't -- it's a trap!路克,别...是陷阱
4.To set traps for game.设陷阱为捕获猎物而设立的陷阱
5.The purpose of a trap be to catch and hold animal陷阱是用来捕捉野兽的
6.Don't you know it's a trap?你明白那是个陷阱吗?
7.The fox was beguiled into trap那只狐狸被诱入陷阱
8.entered into the scheme blind毫不知情地走入了陷阱
9.Beware of the poverty gap trap.小心贫富差距的陷阱
10.Common Excise Traps常见的附加工作陷阱
11.They set a trap for the weasel.他们给黄鼠狼设下陷阱
12.The purpose of a trap is to catch and hold animals.陷阱是用来捕捉野兽的。
13.I knew perfectly well it was a trap.我很清楚这是一个陷阱
14.The hunter baited the trap.猎人在陷阱中设饵。
15.He walked right into the trap.他不小心掉入陷阱中。
16.put bait on a hook [in a trap]装饵于钓钩上 [陷阱中]
17.This was the end of the trap.这就是陷阱的尽头。
18.The hunter baited his traps.猎人在陷阱里下了诱饵。

Dollar Ttrap美元陷阱
3)Plutalism traps多元化陷阱
1.Study on Frequency Dispersion Effects of 4H-SiC MESFET Based on Traps;基于陷阱的4H-SiC MESFET频散效应分析
2.Walk Out the Trap of Immiserizing Growth:Based on View of Factor;走出贫困化增长“陷阱”:基于要素性质的分析
3.The Trap of the Collective Ownership of Land in Countrysides——Analysis Based on the Requisition of Land;论农地集体所有制陷阱——基于农地征用视角的分析
1.Error Permission in Programme Designing-traps;程序容错设计──陷阱法
2.On the basis of analyzing a few groups of data,this paper states that our country is getting into the low-level innovation traps.本文在用多组数据进行分析的基础上,认为我国正在陷入“低水平创新陷阱”。

流动性偏好陷阱或凯恩斯陷阱(Keynes trap)流动性偏好陷阱或凯恩斯陷阱(Keynes trap):当利率极低,人们会认为这种利率不大可能再降,或者说有价证券市场价格不大可能上升而只会跌落时,人们不管有多少货币都愿意持在手中,这种情况被称为%26#8220;凯恩斯陷阱%26#8221;或%26#8220;流动偏好陷阱%26#8221;。