旅游生态位重叠,Tourism niche overlap
1)Tourism niche overlap旅游生态位重叠
2)tourism niche旅游生态位
1.The tourism niche including the tourism niche ecostate-ecorole and the tourism niche expansion based on the niche theory was studied.根据生态位理论,探讨了包括旅游生态位态势、旅游生态位扩充在内的旅游生态位理论,进而以湖南凤凰为例,对凤凰旅游生态位态势和旅游生态位扩充进行了测算,认为凤凰旅游存在旅游生态位扩充,处于不断发展中。
2.The paper put forward the tourism niche theory from the niche theory and found tourism niche is including tourism resources,tourism market,tourism services,tourism environment and other dimensions.从生态位理论角度出发,提出旅游生态位概念,发现旅游生态位是包括旅游资源、旅游市场、旅游服务和旅游环境的多维度概念。
3)niche overlap生态位重叠
1.But there has been no clear correlation;Artemisia annua and Aneurolepidium chinense,Artemisia mongolia and Poa annua niche overlap between high on their .(2)黄花蒿(Artemisia annua)与羊草(Aneurolepidium chinese),蒙古蒿(Artemisia mongolia)与早熟禾(Poa annua)之间的生态位重叠最高,说明它们对空间资源的利用效率比较高,能充分的利用资源。
2.24 communities have been carried out and the niche breadths,niche overlaps,multi-interspecies association,and pair-interspecies association of 13 populations are obtained on the investigation.选择了其扩散区域内的24个样地进行群落学调查,测定了群落中13个种群的生态位宽度、生态位重叠、多物种间总体关联性及成对物种间联结性,结果表明:①水盾草入侵沉水植物群落13个种群中,水盾草的生态位宽度最大,金鱼藻(Ceratophyllum demersum)、黑藻(Hydrilla verticillata)和苦草(Vallisneria natans)次之。
3.In this paper,plant niche breadth and niche overlap were analyzed on oasis-desert ecotone in Fukang of Xinjiang,with 7 measurements.对于生态位宽度和生态位重叠已有多种计测公式 ,这些公式的生态学合理性和应用上的可操作性 ,一直是生态学家关注的问题[1,7,9] 。

1.The niche proportional similarity and niche overlap index reflect the niche characteristics of the evergreen broad leaved shelter in subtropical forest.种群之间的生态相似性比例和生态位重叠指数指标值反映了亚热带常绿阔叶林的生态特征。
2.The Analysis of Ecological Water Requirement of the Overlapping Vegetation in the Otinday Sandy Area;浑善达克沙地重叠植被生态需水量分析研究
3.two-step controller with overlap有重叠区的两位控制器
4.two-step action with overlap有重叠区的两位作用
5.two-position controller with overlap有重叠区的双位控制器
6.An important class of multiqubit superpositions are entangled states.有一种重要的类别,是由很多量子位元叠加而成的缠结态。
7.The tendency of state adjectives in the overlapped words of the functional vanahon pattern;功能变化型重叠式的状态形容词倾向
8.To lie or extend over and cover part of.重叠位于或延至…上面且遮
9.On the Dislocation and Repetition between Real Life and Fiction;现实生活与虚构叙事的错位和重叠——庐隐、丁玲、萧红的生活与写作兼评
10.A part or portion that overlaps or is overlapped.重叠部分重叠或被重叠的部分
11.stacked reaction zone重叠式反应段,连续再生式反应段
12.The classical displacement expansion theorem and the modal aggregation principle are discussed at the beginning of the paper.首先回顾经典的位移展开定理和模态叠加原理.
13.Piling up States of Photon Numbers Measured Phase Operators Squeezing Effects;光子数叠加态中测量相位算符的压缩效应
14.folding intermediate折叠中间体,折叠中间态
15.The Separateness of Overlapping Insect Images Based on Mathematical Morphology基于数学形态学的重叠昆虫图像分离的研究
16.Blind Deconvolution to Improve Classification of Transient Source Signals in Multipath; Final rept封闭重叠法用于改进多路瞬态源信号的分类
17.A user can then dynamically define sets of documents having these overlapping attributes.用户可以动态定义具有重叠属性的文档集。
18.Research on the Arithmetic and Research of Finite Volume Based on Overset Unstructured Grid;基于动态非结构重叠网格的有限体积算法研究

tourism niche旅游生态位
1.The tourism niche including the tourism niche ecostate-ecorole and the tourism niche expansion based on the niche theory was studied.根据生态位理论,探讨了包括旅游生态位态势、旅游生态位扩充在内的旅游生态位理论,进而以湖南凤凰为例,对凤凰旅游生态位态势和旅游生态位扩充进行了测算,认为凤凰旅游存在旅游生态位扩充,处于不断发展中。
2.The paper put forward the tourism niche theory from the niche theory and found tourism niche is including tourism resources,tourism market,tourism services,tourism environment and other dimensions.从生态位理论角度出发,提出旅游生态位概念,发现旅游生态位是包括旅游资源、旅游市场、旅游服务和旅游环境的多维度概念。
3)niche overlap生态位重叠
1.But there has been no clear correlation;Artemisia annua and Aneurolepidium chinense,Artemisia mongolia and Poa annua niche overlap between high on their .(2)黄花蒿(Artemisia annua)与羊草(Aneurolepidium chinese),蒙古蒿(Artemisia mongolia)与早熟禾(Poa annua)之间的生态位重叠最高,说明它们对空间资源的利用效率比较高,能充分的利用资源。
2.24 communities have been carried out and the niche breadths,niche overlaps,multi-interspecies association,and pair-interspecies association of 13 populations are obtained on the investigation.选择了其扩散区域内的24个样地进行群落学调查,测定了群落中13个种群的生态位宽度、生态位重叠、多物种间总体关联性及成对物种间联结性,结果表明:①水盾草入侵沉水植物群落13个种群中,水盾草的生态位宽度最大,金鱼藻(Ceratophyllum demersum)、黑藻(Hydrilla verticillata)和苦草(Vallisneria natans)次之。
3.In this paper,plant niche breadth and niche overlap were analyzed on oasis-desert ecotone in Fukang of Xinjiang,with 7 measurements.对于生态位宽度和生态位重叠已有多种计测公式 ,这些公式的生态学合理性和应用上的可操作性 ,一直是生态学家关注的问题[1,7,9] 。
4)niche overlaps生态位重叠
1.The niche breadth,niche overlaps and niche similarity of 10 main trees species in the Mt.以Levins和Shannon-Wiener生态位宽度和Pianka重叠指数对甘肃小陇山锐齿栎林的10个主要种群生态位宽度和生态位重叠及生态相似性进行了研究,分析了生态位宽度和生态位重叠的关系,揭示了各种群在群落中的功能地位及其生态适应性。
2.The niche breadth,and niche overlaps of 10 main trees species in the Mountain Xiaolong in Gansu were measured using the formula proposed by Levins,Shannon-Wiener and Pianka.以Levins和Shannon-Wiener生态位宽度及Pianka重叠指数为依据,将土壤有机质、土壤pH值、土壤全N分别作为反映各主要种群生长环境的资源轴,对小陇山锐齿栎林的10个主要种群生态位宽度和生态位重叠进行了研究。
3.The niche characteristics of 17 dominant species of plant communities in Tianlong Mountains were analyzed, including the 40 quadrats were divided into 6 types of commnities by TWINSPAN,and the niche breadths and niche overlaps of main dominant species in the communities in Tianlong Mountains were measured by using Levins,Shannon-Wiener and Petraits s methods.对天龙山植被的17个优势种群生态位进行了研究,首先用TWINSPAN与传统群落的分析方法,把40个样方分为6个群落类型,用Levins和Shannon-wiener生态位宽度和Petraitis生态位特定重叠指数测定群落中优势种群生态位宽度和生态位重叠,并分析其生态学意义。
5)niche overlapping生态位重叠
1.In order to find the vegetable niche pattern in arid and semi-arid grassland region,the niche breadth and niche overlapping in three different measures in Yanchi county of Nixia are measured by means of Levins niche breadth and Pianka niche overlapping indexes of enclosed grassland.为了解干旱半干旱区草原植物生态位格局,运用Levins生态宽度指数及Pianka生态位重叠指数,对宁夏盐池人工封育草原3种不同措施下的植物生态位宽度及生态位重叠进行计量。
2.Based on the niche theory,the manifestations of the niche overlapping in Balariver rural tourist area,southeast Guizhou Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture,were discussed.在此理论基础上具体探讨黔东南苗族侗族自治州巴拉河乡村旅游区发展中存在的旅游地生态位重叠现象的主要表现,并针对由于生态位重叠而引发的恶性竞争问题提出促使巴拉河乡村旅游区协调发展的战略性建议。
3.The niche breadth and niche overlapping in desertgrassland region fenced in Yanchi County,Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region were measured in 2002 and 2003 by mean of using Levins(1968) niche breadth and Pianka niche overlapping indexes.运用Levins生态宽度指数及Pianka生态位重叠指数对宁夏盐池荒漠草原人工封育区2002年及2003年生态位宽度及生态位重叠进行计量。
6)tourism niche expansion旅游生态位扩充
1.The tourism niche including the tourism niche ecostate-ecorole and the tourism niche expansion based on the niche theory was studied.根据生态位理论,探讨了包括旅游生态位态势、旅游生态位扩充在内的旅游生态位理论,进而以湖南凤凰为例,对凤凰旅游生态位态势和旅游生态位扩充进行了测算,认为凤凰旅游存在旅游生态位扩充,处于不断发展中。
2.The article studies the tourism niche including the tourism niche ecostate-ecorole and the tourism niche expansion based on the niche theory.根据生态位理论,研究出包括旅游生态位态势、旅游生态位扩充在内的旅游生态位理论,进而以凤凰旅游为例,对凤凰旅游生态位态势和旅游生态位扩充进行了测算,认为凤凰旅游存在旅游生态位扩充,处于不断发展中。

安利农业生态旅游山庄 安利农业生态旅游山庄   安利隆生态农业旅游山庄以生态农业和旅游观光为一体,她具有组织大批量游客参观田园风光、大棚科技种植及采摘等条件,并能提供旅游、休闲度假、会议、娱乐等活动场所。山庄四周群山环抱、空气清新、环境悠美,打造真正的欧洲风韵,让您时刻感受世外桃源般的惬意,流连于绿荫铺地、奇葩竞艳,更陶醉于湖光倩影、飞鸟相还。   山庄的发展以人为本,重视技术和管理,建立了一支以农大毕业的研究生、本科、专科大学生为基本骨干力量的农业科技队伍。山庄占地面积6000亩,水质好、无污染,保证所有产品为无公害绿色食品。园区内有优质果树600亩,20多个品种;温室大棚28座;天然散养鸡场50亩;野鸭养殖湖2500平方米;鱼池30000平方米。   山庄酒店和旅游业由建国国际酒店集团经营管理。山庄拥有酒店主楼客房86套,外设经济型乡村特色小木屋和窑洞40余间套,并配备有多功能厅、会议室、中餐厅、西餐咖啡厅,可同时接待300余人住宿、会议、就餐;另设游泳馆、桑拿浴、保龄球馆、沙狐球、台球、羽毛球、乒乓球、卡拉OK、电子游戏室、棋牌室、室外网球、篮球等娱乐项目。

图片列表 门票价格 交通提示 东直门915支4直达安利隆山庄 相临景点 北京绿色度假村 潮白河旅游度假区 北京顺翔卡丁车俱乐部 北京乡村赛马场 开元寺 燕京啤酒集团公司 元圣宫 潞园(潞河中学) 马坡垂钓宫 大龙世界水上游乐场 恒丰花园 华中园会所 安利农业生态旅游山庄 北京乡村乐园 地道战 青少年绿色度假村 春晖园度假村 唐指山风景区 北京顺翔卡丁车俱乐部 怡生园国际会议中心 乡村高尔夫球场 森鑫森林公园 高尔夫球场