编制实践,compiling practice
1)compiling practice编制实践

1.Innovation in Exploring--plan practice and innovation evaluation of Yangshan Free Port (land area)探索中创新——洋山保税港区(陆域)的规划编制实践和实施评估
2.Practice and Exploration on Making Experiment Teaching Syllabus科学编制实验教学大纲的实践和探索
3.The Practice of and Suggestions on the Budget Presentation of Hydrology System;水文系统预算编制工作的实践及建议
4.On the Practice of Cooperative Compilation of Tourism Planning between China and Foreign Countries;中外合作编制旅游规划的实践与体会
5.A Study on How to Compile and Implement Urban Public Transportation Planning城市公共交通规划编制的探讨和实践
6.Practice and Exploring of Establishment of Mathematical Problems in Middle School Teaching;数学题的编制在中学教学中的实践与探索
7.The characteristic and compiling principle of high vocationaleducational practical teaching material;高职教育实践教学教材的特点与编制原则
8.The Practice and Experience about Compiling Judicial Precedent of the High Court the Shaan-Gan-Ning Border Region;陕甘宁边区高等法院编制判例的实践与经验
9.Design and Practice of Scene Teaching for ‘Procedure and Stuff of Making TV Teaching Material’;《电视教材编制过程与人员》情景教学设计与实践
10.Practical Methods for Drafting Project Design in Modernization Way;用现代化手段编制项目设计的实践探索
11.The Study and Practice of Establishment and Evaluation for Teaching Staff in the Higher Vocational Colleges;高职院校教师编制和评价的研究与实践
12.Practice And Reflection On Teaching Reforms of Higher Vocational Broad - range Majors;高职宽口径专业教改方案编制的实践与思考
13.Practice and consideration on compiling multimedia teaching software;编制助教型多媒体教学课件的实践与思考
14.An Exploratory Practice on Teaching Reform of the Course Programmable Controller可编程控制器课程教学改革探索与实践
15."PLC Programmable Control Technology" Model to Explore the Integration of Teaching and Practice《PLC可编程控制技术》一体化教学模式探索与实践
16.The development and performace of questionnaire about SWB of the retired PLA officers离退休干部主观幸福感问卷的编制及实践
17.Discussion on the Pratice of Out-Approved Labor of Hospital in the New Situation新形势下医院编制外用工管理实践与探索
18.Learning from the Chengdu Urban-Rural Integrated Plan Compilation成都城乡统筹规划编制的理念、实践及经验启示

programming practice编程实践
3)editing practice编辑实践
1.The collected and sorted editing practice of Mao Zedong between 1921 and 1930 at the initial stage after the founding the Communist Party reveals the principles and characteristics his editing practice and of Communist newspapers and periodicals:to counterattack and destroy reactionary propaganda.根据史料收集整理了1921-1930年“建党初期”毛泽东的编辑实践,说明这一时期毛泽东的报刊活动充分体现了共产党报刊及毛泽东的编辑实践的原则和特点,即:“向反革命派宣传反攻,以打破反革命宣传”。
2.All the practice shows that he fought on the battlefields of newspapers and periodicals against feudalist dictatorial system and warlordism, and that his editing practice was characterized by his great efforts to sp.青年毛泽东早期积极投身革命报刊的编辑实践 ,在创办《湘江评论》和主编《新湖南》以及为《大公报》、《申报》等国内诸多报刊撰写、编辑稿件、设立各类通讯组织等编辑实践中都表现出以报刊为阵地 ,与封建专制制度、与军阀作战斗 ;表现出积极扩大马克思主义在湖南的传播和宣传的编辑实践特
3.His unselfish spirit, earnest editing attitude, rich editing practice, unique editing experience and profound editing thought are still of important enlightening and practical significance to today s supplement editing.其无私的奉献精神,认真的编辑态度,丰富的编辑实践,独特的编辑经验,深邃精湛的编辑思想,对我们今天的副刊编辑实践有着非常重要的启迪和现实意义。
4)editorial practice编辑实践
1.Modern consciousness of editorial practice is the ultimate realization of the value of editorial activity.编辑实践现代性是编辑实践价值的最终体现。
2.University Journal editorial practice divergent thinking has become increasingly important in journal planning, columns design, topics selecting and journal binding, etc.高校学报编辑实践中的求异思维显得越来越重要,在办刊策划、栏目设置、选题组稿与装帧设计等编辑活动中均凸现求异思维的作用。
5)practice of interviewing and editing采编实践
6)electing edit practice选编实践
1.In the electing edit practice,his book of Tang poetry preach show and lead the general mood of advocating "Tang sound" in the Y.在选编实践上,其《唐诗鼓吹》表现、引导了元代诗坛宗尚"唐音"近体的风气,沟通了宋金两朝学唐、崇唐间的差异,为元代诗坛"宗唐得古"开启了先声。
