现代旅游,modern tourism
1)modern tourism现代旅游
1.Shadow in the sun:the value implication of modern tourism——reflections and cases of the development of southeast asian tourism;阳光下的阴影:现代旅游的一种价值隐喻——东南亚旅游发展的思考与案例
2.This paper,with the guidance of modern tourism resources,makes an analysis of lo ng-term predicament existing in Tianjin s tourism industry and also analyses it s comparative advantages from the aspects of its historical evolution,cultural l egacy and resource digging.本文以现代旅游资源观为指导 ,剖析了天津旅游长期存在的尴尬困境 ,并从历史沿革、文化底蕴、资源发掘等多方面 ,分析了天津旅游业的比较优势 ,最后 ,独辟蹊径 ,大胆新颖地提出了有关天津旅游突围之路的解决方案———打造天津“中央商旅休闲区” ,创造天津旅游的核心竞争
3.This paper analyzes some environmental,resource and social problems behind the achievements of modern tourism,potential crisis and its origins;suggests that ecological civilization might rid tourism itself of the crisis and keep tourism sustainable development;and finally presents some new ideas on tourism nature,development and expenditure in the framework of ecological civilization.分析了现代旅游成就背后掩盖的资源环境和社会问题,潜在的危机,以及这些危机产生的根源,指出建立生态文明观是使现代旅游摆脱困境,实现持续发展目标的根本保证。

1.Urban tourism is a new strong point of modern tourism.城市旅游是现代旅游的新支撑点。
2.Meeting the Need of Modern Tourism and Developing Tourism Higher Vocational Education;适应现代旅游需要 发展旅游高职教育
3.The New Mode in Modern Tourism Service Marketing--Analysis on virtual tour phenomenon;现代旅游服务营销的新方式——虚拟旅游现象分析
4.Sport tourism is a modern travel means.体育旅游是近年来兴起的现代旅游方式之一。
5.In this resort you can enjoy all the comfort and convenience of modern tourism.在此旅游胜地,您可尽享现代旅游的舒适便利。
6.Study on Hotel Plans and Design Principles for the Modern Traveling;现代旅游方式下的旅馆策划及设计原则探讨
7.Building of the green plant environment of the modern tourism hotel现代旅游饭店绿色植物环境的营造
8.Predicament & countermeasure against Personnel Trainingin Modern Hotels;现代旅游饭店员工培训的困境及对策
9.The Construction of Modern Tourism Information Management System;现代旅游信息管理系统(TIMS)的构建
11.Ideas of the Present Tourists and Design of the Tourism Products of Guizhou Karst;现代人的旅游理念与贵州喀斯特旅游产品设计
12.Modern agri-tourism: a development direction of suburban tourism;现代观光农业旅游———城市郊区旅游开发新景观
13.From Economic Tourism to Social Tourism:Based on Post-modern Society从经济旅游到社会旅游:基于后现代社会的思考
14.On the Modern Significance and Tourism Value of National Culture Tourism Resources in Lijaing丽江民族文化旅游资源的现代意义和旅游价值
15.Comparison of the Ancient "Spring Country Walk" and Modern Rural Tour;古代“踏青”、“郊游”与现代城郊旅游关系溯源
16.The Characters of Chinese Tourism and Occidental Tourism Respectively in Ancient,Modern and Post-Ancient Times;中国与西方旅游的古代、现代和后现代特征
17.The modern traveller is often a man who dislikes the Splendide and the Bellavista,现代露营旅游的人往往讨厌
18.We should vigorously develop modern services and tourism.积极发展现代服务业和旅游业。

Mass tourism industry现代旅游业
3)post-modern tour后现代旅游
1.The occurrence of the concept of post-modernism in recent years resulted in the increasing acceptance and approval of post-modern tourism as a new tour mode,whose brand new experience is bound to become a main-stream tour pattern and bring new vigor and vitality to China\'s tourist industry.近年来伴随着后现代概念的提出,后现代旅游也成为一种新的旅游模式并被越来越多的人接受并认可。
4)modern tourism hotel现代旅游饭店
1.Color scheme of modern tourism hotel is affected and restricted by many factors,among which function and art flavor are the most important two factors.艺术因素和功能因素是现代旅游饭店色彩设计中最主要的两大因素。
5)modern forest tourism industry现代森林旅游业
1.This passage is directed by the theory of ecological economics and think over the particularity of forest tourism program,analyses the main factors which affect the program of forest tourism industry,expounds the basic principle and put forwards the problems which should be considered top-priority in programming the modern forest tourism industry.本文以生态经济学理论为指导 ,充分考虑森林旅游业的特殊性 ,分析了现代森林旅游业规划的主要因素 ,阐述了现代森林旅游规划的基本原则 ,并提出了现代森林旅游业规划必须优先考虑的问
6)modern rural tourism现代乡村旅游

旅游景区现代化是指在设施、服务、旅游产品、旅游文化等多个层面上体现出来的标准与特征,以适应现代人的审美和消费观念。旅游景区现代化应具备如下特征:1 设施现代化:要能满足游客在景区内进行各种现代生活活动。2 服务现代化:景区所提供的服务要科学、规范、符合现代行业标准,并且服务过程中使用现代化工具、设备,能够提供当前旅游市场上流行的最新服务。3 管理现代化:在管理过程中能够运用计算机网络、摄像头等现代化设备,同时结合社会心理学、人力资源学等新理论,进行有效、务实的管理。4 产品现代化:能紧跟当前市场对旅游产品的需求动态,努力调整以迎合市场,有强大而活跃的产品创新能力,能够研发具有首创性、甚至是唯一性的产品。5 旅游文化现代化:这是一种能让老树开新花的能力,能够找到景区自身文化与新潮文化的交汇点,并从这个交汇点发散开来,形成一个符合现代文化品位的新景区文化。6 推广营销现代化:能够有效利用网络、广电、公共关系等各种营销方式进行旅游产品推广活动。同时有便捷畅通的销售、预订渠道。7 安全防卫现代化:有成熟、严格的安全防卫制度、专业且称职的保安队伍,具备自动化的防火、防盗设备。8 管理团队现代化:有一支专家学者型的经营顾问团队,高素质的领导阶层,公开、合理的干部任用制度,在日常运作及决策中能够运用经济学、统计学等科学方法。9 利润构成现代化:住宿、餐饮、纪念品多种来源,摆脱单一门票销售。10经营目标现代化:整个企业从上到下都有正确的目标与工作方向。