龙舟,dragon boat
1)dragon boat龙舟
1.As an antiquated means of transportation,which is popular in society,dragon boat has its developing history.龙舟这一古老的为人们所喜闻乐见的交通工具,有其发展演变的历史,文章系统的揭示了这一过程。
2.The Yuanling dragon boat race was for sacrificial purpose to Pan Hu-the ancestor of Miao minority group.沅陵龙舟竞渡是为了祭祀苗族先祖盘瓠而形成的,它远远早于祭祀屈原的龙舟竞渡。
3.The Yuanling dragon boat race was for sacrificial purpose to Pan Hu;the ancestor of Miao minority group.沅陵龙舟竞渡是为了祭祀苗族先祖盘瓠,它远远早于祭祀屈原的龙舟竞渡。

1.Dragon Boat Festival at Leshan乐山龙舟会多姿多彩
2.and taking part in the Dragon Boating Contest.参加端午节的赛龙舟
3.including the dragon dance and the lion dance,包括龙舟舞、狮子舞等,
4.Dragon Boat Festival is highlighted by the dragon boat races, in which competing teams drive their boats forward rowing to the rhythm of pounding drums.龙舟节的重点是赛龙舟龙舟比赛中,参赛组选手在锣鼓敲打的节奏中划动着他们的龙舟
5.The Development of Chinese Dragon Boat Activity and the Characteristics of the Dragon Culture;中国龙舟活动的发展及“龙”文化特征
6.On the Origination and Cultural Significance of the Dragon-Boat Race驾起承载雅俗文化的龙舟——论龙舟竞渡的起源及其文化意义
7.Research on Dragon-boat Sport in Universities of Guangxi--Taking the Dragon-boat sport in Guangxi University for Nationalities as an Example;广西高校龙舟运动发展研究——试论广西民族大学龙舟运动
8.Perspective of Dragon Boat Race Culture in the Area of WU-YUE:A Study on the History of Wenzhou Dragon Boat Culture吴越龙舟竞渡文化的一个视角——温州龙舟文化的历史演进
9.In the old days, dragon boat races were organised only by Chinese people.过去,只有中国人举行赛龙舟活动。
10.The big event for the Dragon Boat Festival is the dragon boat race.端午节的盛事就是龙舟比赛。
11.Legend has it that the Dragon Boat Festival originated long long ago.传说龙舟节是很早很早以前开始的。
12.The Dragon Boat Team competed with all their strengths in the competition.香港龙舟队运动员在赛中全力以赴.
13.On the first day a dragon boat race is held on Lancang River. On that day many dragon boats are seen on the river.第一天,人们在澜沧江边举行龙舟竞赛。
14."The river extends as far as your eye can see. Hundreds of dragon boats compete in a race for the winner."“千倾水面琉璃滑,百艘龙舟竞争先。”
15.The dragon boat sport is one of the rich cultural heritages of China.龙舟运动是中国丰富文化的一种遗产。
16.As the starter's gun booms, the boats spring into action.信号弹划过上空,龙舟夺标开始了。
17.Why is Mr. Li going to Hong Kong to watch the Dragon Boat Match.为什么李先生要去香港观看龙舟比赛。
18.There is the customs of eating Zongzi and racing dragon-boat on that day.端午节这天有吃粽子和赛龙舟的习俗。

dragon boat龙舟运动
1.This paper adopts literature material and expert interview,introduces the development of dragon boat sports,illustrates its cultural value and the present problems.龙舟作为一种独特的文化现象,具有丰富的古老东方文化的内涵,同时龙舟运动作为中华民族传统的健身、娱乐、竟技运动项目,其体育无形资产的商业化、市场化具有巨大的潜力。
2.This paper makes comprehensive consideration on modern China dragon boat development, exalts its position based on historical condition, culture background, social value orientation, organization and competition methods.在比较传统龙舟竞渡与现代龙舟运动各自产生的历史条件、文化背景、社会价值取向、以及组织与竞赛方式等方面差异的基础上,对中华民族传统体育如何适应现代社会的发展,提升其整体地位,融入世界主体文化以及现代中国龙舟运动发展等方面进行了思考。
3)paddle dragon boat划龙舟
4)dragon boat race龙舟竞渡
1.With the village Banqiao of Caohai Township in Heqing County of Dali Yunnan as an example,the paper makes an analysis of the relationship between Bai people s village god worship and dragon boat race.以云南省大理州鹤庆县草海镇板桥村为例,初步分析和探讨白族本主崇拜与"龙舟竞渡"间的关系。
2.Taking the variation and heritage of folk sports in the daily life as research content and selecting dragon boat race as investigation object,this paper discusses the developing route and content of folk sport in the daily life,points out the character of its development at the dif- ferent stage.以民俗体育在日常生活世界中的流变及传承发展为研究内容,选取龙舟竞渡作为调查对象,探析生活世界中民俗体育产生发展的路径和形式,揭示民俗体育在不同历史阶段的发展图式及特征。
3.The origins of Dragon Boat Festival and dragon boat race are so many,and different from each other because of places and races.端午节、龙舟竞渡的起源说法颇多,各地、各民族原本差异很大,后世在文化传承过程中,纪念屈原成为共识。
5)dragon boat race龙舟赛
6)dragon-boat culture龙舟文化

龙舟龙舟  IUll日乙liU以龙舟全国少数民族传统体育运动会比赛项目。苗族的龙舟是用长20余米、宽1米的3根完整的杉树挖成槽形捆绑而成。中间为母船,长23米;两侧子船每根各长17米。龙头、龙颈由长2米的水柳木雕刻而成,上涂金、银、红、绿、白各色。划龙舟由鼓头、锣手和水手组成。鼓头是龙舟上的指挥。白族的龙舟也叫龙船,船舷上画有黄龙、黑龙或青龙,船的首尾挂着用彩绸扎成的绣球花,船的四周插有各种彩旗,吊着响铃。每条船装有10对桨,每支桨由1对青年男女操纵船立有吹吠呐者,船尾立有敲芒锣者,中有总指挥。现代划龙舟已不设化妆表演,船身加长,每排桨手多至10人以上,配以锣鼓节奏,以竟速为主。《龙舟竞赛魏鹦规则》规定:龙舟的规格为长H.58米,宽L07米,高0.46米,人数(包括鼓手和舵手)不得超过22人。中国广东顺德县龙舟代表队曾参加过1983年香港国际龙舟赛,在1985~1987年国际龙舟赛中均获得冠军。女队于1986年首次参加香港国际龙舟赛,获得冠军。80年代,在上海水上运动场举办了亚洲龙舟锦标赛。1994年6月国际龙舟联合会第3次会员大会在香港举行。1995年6月第1届世界龙舟锦标赛在湖南岳阳举行,有14个国家和地区的39支队伍参赛,中国队获9枚金牌。