发展伦理学,development ethics
1)development ethics发展伦理学
1.The Research Summary of Development Ethics in China in Recent Years近年来我国发展伦理学研究综述
2.Crisis of Survival and the Mission of Development Ethics生存危机与发展伦理学的使命
3.The development ethics is new understanding and governing of the basic ethical relations between human beings and the nature,among different people,and between people and themselves.发展伦理学以当代人类整体发展实践提出的伦理问题作为对象。

1.Ethics of Development:Contemporary the Ethical Foundation of the Theory of Social Development;发展伦理学:当代社会发展理论的伦理基础
2.On Developmental Ethics--the Ethical Fulcrum of the Viewpoint of Constant Development;论发展伦理学——可持续发展观的伦理支点
3.Developmental Ethics Based on New Philosophy:On the Foundation of Metaphysics of Developmental Ethics;奠基于新哲学的发展伦理学——论发展伦理学的形而上学基础
4.Toward the Deep Development Ethics The Meaning in Development Ethics of Beck s Theory on Risk Society;走向深层发展伦理学——贝克风险社会理论的发展伦理学意蕴
5.Ethics of development is just a new ethics regarding reflecting, restricting and giving a norm in developmental practice.发展伦理学正是反思、约束和规范人的发展实践的新伦理学。
6.On the Construction of Sustainable Development of Ethnics;对构建可持续发展伦理学的几点思考
7.Development Ethics:an Important Research Field;发展伦理学:一个亟待深化的研究领域
8.On Development of Axiology & Its Clearup--The Basis of Axiology For Developing Ethnics;发展悖论及其消解——发展伦理学的价值论根据
9.Inspirations of Scientific Development View to the Disciplinary Development of Medical Ethics;科学发展观对伦理学学科发展的启迪
10.The "Free Space"of Ethical Literary Criticism文学与伦理学:文学伦理学批评发展的“自由空间”
11.New Development of Contemporary Ethics: Introduction of Feminist Ethics;当代伦理学的新发展:女性主义伦理学评介
12.On the Confucian Paradox of Ethics Versus Non-Ethics and Its Influence on Man s All-Round Development;儒学的伦理—非伦理“悖论”与人的全面发展
13.Environmental Ethics and the Sustainable Development --Reflection on the Environmental Ethics;环境伦理与可持续发展——对环境伦理学的反思
14.Can Ecological Ethics be Replaced by the Ethics of Continuous Development?;可持续发展伦理能够取代生态伦理学吗?
15.Discussion on the Environmental Ethics Thought Contained in the Scientific Development View论科学发展观蕴涵的环境伦理学思想
16.Theoretically speaking,the study of religious ethics can push forward the development of both ethics and religious studies;在理论上,宗教伦理学研究有利于伦理学与宗教学的学科发展;
17.What Economics Can Contribute to Ethics:After Reading Broom s Ethics Out of Economics;经济学对伦理学发展的作用——读布鲁坶的《走出经济学的伦理学》
18.Impacts of Traditional Ethics Thinking on the Development of Administration;论传统伦理思维对行政学发展的影响

developmental ethics发展伦理学
1.The distinction between traditional ethics and developmental ethics is that the ethical subject was extended into descendant by developmental ethics.发展伦理学与传统伦理学的根本差别在于:发展伦理学在历时性时间视野中把后代人拓展为伦理主体。
2.Developmental ethics overcome the traditional ethics and ecological ethics deficiencies,breakthrough the traditional understanding of human nature,from individual consciousness to resembling consciousness,from absolute subject consciousness to limited subject consciousness,from hedonism consciousness to existing consciousness,from present consciou.发展伦理学克服了传统伦理学和生态伦理学的不足之处,突破了传统人道主义对人性的理解,实现了从个体意识向类意识的转变、从绝对主体意识向有限主体意识的转变、从享乐意识向生存意识的转变、从现世意识向未来意识的转变。
3)ethics of development发展伦理学
1.With profound background of the times and practical basis,ethics of development,a new kind of ethic,appears on the basis of the criticism of defects of traditional development and eco-development concept as well as the need of human being s survival.发展伦理学作为一种新型伦理的产生是有其深刻的时代背景和现实基础的,它是在批判传统发展观和生态发展观的缺陷以及重视人类生存需要基础上生成的。
2.The conflicts of value viewpoint is the subject of ethics of development while value criticism is its unique way of thinking.发展伦理学是一门从整体评价和规范发展实践的应用伦理学。
4)development ethics发展伦理
1.This paper discusses three ways of defining ethical meanings of "development" in development ethics field: inductive description of empirical facts,value reflection on one or more specific problems and comprehensive evaluation of development,suggesting that these ways cannot assure the perspicuity and universal rationality of ethical meanings of "development",but cause many problems in the field.当前"发展伦理"研究领域中对"发展"的伦理涵义界定的三种方法,即对经验事实的归纳表述、对某一或某些具体问题价值的反思和广义视角的综合,无法确保"发展"的伦理涵义本身的明晰性和普遍有效性,由此导致发展伦理研究中的许多问题。
2.But the economical society does not only apply the green technique but also needs a corresponding cultural & ethical transformation and the economical society s ethical foundation is development ethics,which has reflected the industry-civilization development pattern.节约型社会需要与之对应的文化伦理的转型,节约型社会的伦理基础应当是对工业文明发展模式彻底反思基础上的发展伦理。
5)Developing ethics发展伦理
1.Developing ethics judge the human development on values in the view of ethical ideas, so development can keep so advancing when man, nature and society are under harmony that they might all get overall, healthy and sustainable developing.发展伦理学从伦理视阈对人类的发展进行价值评价,使发展在人、自然、社会三者和谐的状态下前进,使人、自然和社会获得全面、健康和可持续的发展,实现人类美好生活。
6)The Essence of Developmental Ethics发展伦理学的实质
