百色市,Baise City
1)Baise City百色市
1.Agricultural meteorological disasters and prevention countermeasures of affecting on the high-quality fruit project in Baise City;影响百色市优果工程的农业气象灾害及防御对策
2.Study on Development of Baise Red Tourism in Baise City,Guangxi;广西百色市发展红色旅游的思考
3.Adapting Design to Land——Napo County Experimental Village Landscape Design,Baise City;相地为先的乡村景观设计——以百色市那坡县新农村建设试点村屯环境设计为例

1.On Primary and Secondary School Teachers Information Literacy in Baise City, Guangxi;广西百色市中小学教师信息素养研究
2.The analysis and protection countermeasures of farmland quality situation in Baise City;百色市耕地质量现状分析与保护对策
3.A survey of the mental health status of Baise middle school students;百色市1799名中学生心理健康状况调查
4.Survey of incidence of iodine deficiency disease in Baise City in 2007~20082007~2008年百色市碘缺乏病病情状况调查
5.Classification and Appraisal of the Red Tourist Resources in Baise;百色市红色旅游资源开发价值评价研究
6.A Study of the Status Quo of the Elementary Education in Baise and Its Countermeasures to WTO;百色市基础教育现状及应对入世的对策研究
7.Effect of "cognition-skill-coping style-self efficacy" model program on drug abuse among middle school students in Guangxi;广西百色市中学生药物滥用预防干预效果评价
8.Analysis on vision status of students in Youjiang County from 2004 to 2006;百色市右江区2004~2006年中小学生视力状况分析
9.The Practice of the Subcommittees of the CPC at Village-level Taking Care of Its Members in Bose City and Its Exploration;百色市村级党组织服务党员的实践探索
10.The Current Situation of the Non-material Cultural Legacy in Baise City and the Measures Taken;百色市非物质文化遗产现状及保护对策
11.Reflection on Loss of Law Cases Involved in by State Enterprises in Baise City;百色市国有企业涉讼案件败诉原因及思考
12.A survey of elementary knowledge for thalassemia in urban residents in Baise city百色市城镇居民地中海贫血基本知识问卷调查
13.Intervention study on the mental health status of middle school students in divorced family in Baise city百色市离异家庭中学生心理健康干预研究
14.The Analysis of the Factors of the Effect on Agricultural Logistics Base Construction in Baise City of Guangxi广西百色市农产品物流基地建设影响因素分析
15.Thoughts on Development of Red Tourism in West Guangxi--Based on the Example of Baise;桂西地区红色旅游的发展战略思考——以百色市为例
16.Experience on Economical Time and Our Country Red Traveling Development strategic ponder --Take Baise city as the example;体验经济时代发展我国红色旅游的战略思考——以百色市为例
17.Studies on the Epidemiology of Riemerella Anatipestifer Infections and Its Control in Baise;百色市鸭疫里默氏杆菌病流行病学调查与防治的研究
18.A Study on Integrating Regional Tourism Industry in The Process of Industrial Upgrading;产业结构调整下地方旅游产业整合问题研究——以广西百色市为例

1.A Study of the Status Quo of the Elementary Education in Baise and Its Countermeasures to WTO;百色市基础教育现状及应对入世的对策研究
2.BaiSe city is a district of ancient, remote and p.百色市属“老、少、边、山、穷、西”地区,岩溶地貌发育,是典型的山区,同时也是全国18个连片贫困地区之一。
3)Baise city of Guangxi广西百色市
1.Plant resource and it s conservational countermeasure of wild Cycas in Baise city of Guangxi;广西百色市野生苏铁植物资源及其保育
2.The Analysis of the Factors of the Effect on Agricultural Logistics Base Construction in Baise City of Guangxi广西百色市农产品物流基地建设影响因素分析
4)Youjiang District of Bose City百色市右江区
5)Zhuang's Song Fair in Baise百色市壮族歌圩
1.On Sources and Values of Zhuang's Song Fair in Baise百色市壮族歌圩的源流与价值
1.Benefit Analysis of Constructed Baise Multi-purpose Dam Project;百色水利枢纽工程建成后的效益分析
2.Geologic engineering condition of Baise water power station;百色水利枢纽水电站区工程地质条件浅析
3.Circumstances of earlier stage work of Baise and Changzhou water resources pivotal projects;百色、长洲水利枢纽前期工作情况
