草原旅游,grassland tourism
1)grassland tourism草原旅游
1.Cultural upgrading connotation in grassland tourism — A Case Study in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region;草原旅游文化内涵的挖掘与提升——以内蒙古自治区为例
2.Preliminary study on intangible cultural heritage resources utilization in grassland tourism草原旅游业中非物质文化遗产资源利用初探
3.As a kind of ecotourism, grassland tourism can nol only promote economic development.草原旅游作为生态旅游的一种,既能促进区域经济的发展,又可有效加强对生态环境的保护,因而日益成为许多草原牧(农)区重点发展的产业之一。

1.Research on the Practice and Space Structure of Grassland Tourism;草原旅游发展的实践及空间格局研究
2.Environment Consciousness of the Tourism Management Departments in the Course of Developing Grassland Tourism;草原旅游发展中旅游管理部门环境意识的调查研究
3.THE QUALITY EVALUATION RESEARCH OF GRASSLANG TOURISM SCENERY--Take Gegentala grassland as an example;草原旅游风景质量评价研究——以格根塔拉草原为例
4.Further Development of Grassland Tourism--A Case Study in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region;草原旅游深度开发研究——以内蒙古自治区为例
5.Study on the Sustainable Development of Grassland Tourism s under the Vision of Ecological Economics;生态经济学视野下草原旅游可持续发展探究
6.The Grassland Tourist Resources and Sustainable Development of Silingelei Grassland;锡林郭勒草原旅游资源开发与可持续发展
7.The Spatio-temporal Dynamic Analysis of Tourist Flow of Ordos Grassland Hangjinqi杭锦旗鄂尔多斯草原旅游流时空动态分析
8.Preliminary study on intangible cultural heritage resources utilization in grassland tourism草原旅游业中非物质文化遗产资源利用初探
9.Probe into Problem and Tactics in Development of Grassland Tourism草原旅游发展中存在的问题及策略探究
10.The comprehensive evaluation of forest and grassland tourism competitiveness semi-arid zones -- A case of areas surrounding Hohhot半干旱地带森林草原旅游地竞争力综合性评价——以呼和浩特市周边旅游地为例
11.On the Integration of Mongolian Traditional Culture to Interior Design of Prairie Souvenir Franchised Stores;蒙古族传统文化在草原旅游纪念品专卖店设计中的融入
12.The Crises and the Managing Countermeasures in the Development of Grassland Tourism Regions;草原旅游景区发展中面临的主要危机及其管理对策
13.Deep Development of Grassland Tourism--A Study of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region;草原旅游资源深度开发研究——以内蒙古自治区为例
14.Cultural upgrading connotation in grassland tourism - A Case Study in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region;草原旅游文化内涵的挖掘与提升——以内蒙古自治区为例
15.Research on Countermeasures for Developing Ecological Travel in Grasslands in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region;内蒙古草原生态旅游业发展对策研究
16.Tourism development in cropland-converting to woodland (grassland) district of Loess Plateau.;黄土高原退耕还林(草)区旅游开发探讨
17.Study on Grassland Eco-tourism Development Issues and Countermeasure in Inner Mongolia;内蒙古草原生态旅游发展问题研究及对策
18.Developing grsssland cultural and ecologic tourism based on the resources of drawing on rock;开发岩画资源 发展草原文化生态旅游业

steppe tourism草原旅游
1.Based on the experience economy s conception and constituent, it is pointed in this paper that benefits to invent special strength, grasp market and make tourists more comfortable for Inner Mongolia steppe tourism.在介绍体验经济的提出 ,体验的概念和体验的组成部分的基础上 ,提出体验经济对旅游具有创造差异化竞争优势、准确把握市场、使旅游者更舒适愉悦等意义 ,并在体验经济理论下结合内蒙古草原旅游的实际情况 ,提出内蒙古草原的体验设计和营销策
2.But, overall, the result of the research on steppe tourism is still problematic, the theories tical base of the research on the steppe tourism needs strengthen further.20世纪90年代以来,中国旅游界的学者围绕发展草原旅游的资源基础与地域调查、草原旅游发展的制约问题、发展草原旅游的利弊、草原旅游发展的战略探讨以及模式选择等多个方面进行了有益的理论探讨;但整体上,草原旅游研究的成果仍然系统性不强,深度和广度都不够;还需要进一步结合草原旅游发展的实践,加强草原旅游的理论研究,形成中国特色的草原旅游理论体系,以支持草原旅游的可持续发展。
3)Prairie tourism草原旅游
1.This article indicates that Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region boasts many tourism products,especially the prairie tourism products,and as the important tourism product,Xilamuren prairie tourism has made a great achievement,but there are still many problems in the tourism industry of this area.文中提出了内蒙古希拉穆仁草原旅游草原旅游开发的对策和建议。
4)rangeland for tourism草原旅游地
5)grassland tourism resources草原旅游资源
1.It was very important to use reasonably and develop continuously grassland tourism resources.旅游资源是构成旅游业发展的基础,草原旅游资源的合理利用与深度开发具有重要意义。
6)grassland tourism regions草原旅游景区
1.Tourism regions is one of the important components in tourism and travel industry and the main attraction in grassland tourism regions is grassland tourism resources,natural grassland ecology and the experience tourism products of ethnic customs.目前,内蒙古草原旅游景区开发经营过程中也面临诸多危机。

灯笼河草原旅游区距赤峰100公里,是翁牛特旗一处未被开垦和污染的地方。方圆143平方公里,青山妩媚、草木葳蕤,鲜花遍野,百鸟翻飞,是一个集河流、草原、森林、山岭于一体的旅游胜地。站在草原上,天格外蓝,草格外绿,花鲜水美,空气清新。在这幽境里深吸几口气,心情也格外舒畅,再四处走走,看看山,逛逛景,寻幽揽胜,别有桃源雅意。旅游区内,女阴山和男根岭壁立森森,岩崖陡峭;“十三太保”遗迹和传说更是引人遐思;独自坐落在草原花海的盘龙石,高数丈,兀然挺立,遗世临风,仿佛来自天外,四周泉水渗涌,润草育花,清冽甘甜。要说起这里最出名的古迹,当首推已有300多年历史的“赛罕庙”。据传为康熙北征时所建,由一块巨石雕刻而成,它古朴黄雅,精巧别致,里面供奉了一尊“塞北灵验佛”,至今香火不断。掩映于花丛碧草之里的赛罕庙已成了灯笼河旅游区闻名遐迩的景点。灯笼河这片丰饶的草原,不仅有雄健的蒙古铁蹄马可供骑乘,还有味极鲜美的上等羊肉供游客品尝。度假村里浓郁的民族特色让游人流连忘返,夏季清爽的气温使此处蚊虫不生,更是一处消夏暑的好地方。人文景观驰名,自然景观独特的灯笼河草原,正以它“美丽神奇无污染,清爽静谧有芬芳”的独特魅力,吸引着四面八方的游人。 草原