民间体育,Folk Sports
1)Folk Sports民间体育
1.Present situation investigation and the ponderation of the Henan province primiary and middle school students participation in the folk sports;河南省中小学生参与民间体育活动的现状调查与思考
2.Explanation of the folk sports function from culture vision——with kite as an example;文化视野中民间体育功能的阐释——以风筝为例
3.Value of folk sports and construction of urban harmonious society——A field investigation about the construction of harmonious community propelled by community culture with sports features;当代民间体育的价值重构与城市和谐社会构建——上海市承兴小区体育特色社区文化推动和谐社区建设的实证

1.Concepts and mutual relations of sports in folk,traditional sports,folk sports and minority sports;民间体育、传统体育、民俗体育、民族体育的概念及其关系辨析
2.Concepts and mutual relations between sports in folk,traditional sports,folk sports and ethinic sports民间体育、传统体育、民俗体育、民族体育概念再探讨
3.Folk Sport Value of National Traditional Festival in China;民族传统节日中民俗、民间体育的价值
4.Analysis on Feasibility of Folk Sports Entering the School Physical Education;民间体育进入学校体育的可行性分析
5.The development of national body-building and Chinese folk sports in physical department浅析中国民间体育在体育院系的发展
6.Military Sports,Folk Sports and Health Preserving Thought in Ancient Qi State;古代齐国体育的军事体育、民间体育与养生思想
7.Research on National Traditional Sports at the Age of Folk Festival in China我国岁时节日中民族民间体育的研究
8.The Development of National Folk Physical Education Course Resources of Middle and Primary Schools中小学民族民间体育课程资源的开发
9.Non-governmental sports organizations may continue to exist and develop in accordance with law.民间体育团体可依法继续存在和发展。
10.Thinking of Folk Sport Enters School Sports Teaching--Taking Jiangxi Folk Sport As Example;对民间体育项目进入学校体育教学的思考
11.A follow-up discussion about the concept of and relation between civilian sport,national sport,traditional sport and folk sport--A discussion with Mr.TU Chuan-fei and his associates;也谈民间体育、民族体育、传统体育、民俗体育概念及其关系——兼与涂传飞等同志商榷
12.Kite is a wonderful art form of China civilian sports.风筝是中国民间体育的一朵奇葩。
13.Folk belief-based ritual sports民间信仰仪式性表演类民俗体育探析
14.Study on the Current State of Folk Sports of Colleges in Fujian Province海峡西岸高校民间民俗体育现状研究
15.Apply folk sports to the school physical education;民间传统体育项目应用于学校体育教学的尝试
16.The Significance of Children′s Folk Sports Games on School P.E. Education民间儿童体育游戏对于学校体育的意义
17.Research on the Formation for the Development and the Value of the Folk-custom Physical Education民间民俗体育在高校体育教学中的价值体现及发展模式研究
18.We should ofen propagandize and educate the people.要在全体人民中间经常进行宣传教育

folk sport民间体育
1.With the methods of literature and questionaire,the author explains what the folk sports is and analyzes the region characteristic of Jiangxi folk sports development.运用文献资料分析法、调查法等方法,从民间体育的界定入手,对江西民间体育发展的地域特点进行了介绍,对部分江西民间体育项目的整理与开发进行了分析,对民间体育进入学校体育教学的项目选择进行了阐述。
2.The paper highlights the ups and downs of folk sports after the restoration of the island and the historical changes of sports in Taiwan.运用历史学、文献学、文化人类学、口传历史学等学科知识,对近现代台湾地方体育进行梳理,使我们能更清晰透彻地认知中华民族传统体育文化在台湾的延播;台湾民众在日本殖民期是如何与日的"皇民化"进行文化抗争的;台湾民众在台湾光复后,民间体育的热络与曲折;当代台湾体育史的演进及变迁。
3.Under the modernized background,as many other forms of the traditional folk cultures,the folk sport of our country is also confronted with the problems of cultural marginalization and even the loss of culture to a different extent.现代化背景下,我国民间体育与其它许多民间传统文化形式一样,不同程度上存在着文化边缘化乃至文化流失问题。
3)civilian sports民间体育
1.Application of the "interest related party" theory in the inheritance and development of civilian sports——Inspirations from the successful holding of the 62nd firework festival in Linxi, Dongxiang, Guibei;“利益相关者”理论在民间体育传承与弘扬中的应用——桂北侗乡林溪第62届花炮节成功举办的启示
2.Kite is a wonderful art form of China civilian sports.风筝是中国民间体育的一朵奇葩。
3.Its outstanding cultural connotation should be developed in order to promote the inheritance of civilian sports and the spread of traditional national sports.脚斗士运动是一项具有悠久历史,其竞技性、趣味性和观赏共存,且广泛受众的民间体育运动。
4)national folk sports民族民间体育
5)Folk-custom Physical Education民俗、民间体育
6)the folk sports activities民间体育活动
1.A study on the folk sports activities for the feasible adoption in college physical education;民间体育活动在高校体育教学中应用的可行性研究
