岳阳楼,Yueyang Tower
1)Yueyang Tower岳阳楼
1.Research on Construct of Tourists at Weekend and Consumption Behavior in Yueyang Tower Scenic Spot;岳阳楼景区周末游客构成及消费行为初探
2.On Problems in Yueyang Tower Study;岳阳楼研究中几个问题的探讨

1.On Evolvement of Yueyang Tower Architectural Shape from View of Its Picture of Past Dynasties;从历代《岳阳楼图》看岳阳楼建筑形制的演变
2.Notes of the Yueyang Pavilion, A Marvelous Blossom in Exile Literature;《岳阳楼记》:一朵迁谪文学的奇葩
3.The city is famous for its Yueyang Tower, one of the most outstanding towers of historic significance in China.服务员:这座城市以岳阳楼闻名,岳阳楼是中国具有历史意义的名楼之一。
4.An Investigation and Analysis on Children s Dentalcaries and Measures of Prevention and Cure in Yueyang Tower District;岳阳楼区儿童龋齿调查分析及防治对策
5.Research on Construct of Tourists at Weekend and Consumption Behavior in Yueyang Tower Scenic Spot;岳阳楼景区周末游客构成及消费行为初探
6.On How Could Fan Zhongyan Write out "the Yueyang Tower" with out Going to Yueyang;范仲淹未到过岳阳楼何以写出传诵千古的题记
8.Research on Perception of the Residents Toward Imitated Ancient Buildings at Scenic Area of Yueyang Lou岳阳楼风景名胜区仿古建筑群的居民感知研究
9.Development on Characteristic Tourism Development of Junshan and Yueyang Tower Scenic Spot试论君山、岳阳楼风景名胜区的特色旅游开发
10.An Authentication on Author of "Description of Yueyang Tower"旷世雄文 精神丰碑——《岳阳楼记》作者归属辩证
11.Content of Teaching: The Foundation of the Art of Teaching--Study on Ouyang Daina s Lesson of Yueyanglou Ji(Meeting Memoir at Yueyang Mansion);教学艺术的落脚点是教学内容——欧阳代娜老师《岳阳楼记》研习
12.On Translation Ability of College Students Through Case Study of Translation of The Yueyang Tower;从《岳阳楼记》个案英译看中国大学生英语翻译能力
13.Comparison of Style and Viewpoint of Confusianism Aesthetics of Arts between Drunkard Pavilion and Yueyang Watchtower;《醉翁亭记》与《岳阳楼记》风格与儒道文艺美学观比较
14.Research on the Rehabilitation and Renovation of the Historic District Around Yueyang Tower Area in the Context of Tourism Development旅游开发背景下岳阳楼景区周边地段改造更新研究
15.Research on Renew and Urban Design of Waterfront Commercial District--A Case Study on Planning of Yuxiangzi District in Yueyang Tower Scenic Area滨水商业街区更新城市设计研究——以岳阳楼风景区鱼巷子街区为例
16.On the Scenic Site Service Innovation Strategy under the Economical Time Background;体验经济时代背景下观光旅游景点服务创新策略——以岳阳楼景点为例
17.Study on Construction of Harmonious-society Yueyang And Development of Its Vocational Technical Education;构建岳阳和谐社会与岳阳职业技术教育发展研究
18.I am sad. My thoughts are in Youzhou. I would hurry there-But I am sick in bed.今我不乐思岳阳, 身欲奋飞病在床。

Yueyang Tower Picture岳阳楼图
1.And the author believes that Yueyang Tower Picture is the vital visual reference for the study of the Tower.本文从历代《岳阳楼图》中选取宋、元、明、清初著名画家的传世之作进行考释,从而指出了以往研究岳阳楼形制中的一些谬误,总结了历史上岳阳楼形制的三种模式,并肯定了《岳阳楼图》是岳阳楼研究的重要形象资料。
3)the Yueyang Tower岳阳楼记
1.Fan Zhongyan hadn t been to Yueyang,but he could write out "the Yueyang Tower".不曾到过岳阳楼的范仲淹却能写出传诵千古的《岳阳楼记》,一是由于学植深厚,二是得力于邓州百花洲自然美景的陶冶,三是想象力丰富,四是具有政治家博大的襟怀。
2.Challenging the explanation of the line " quguo huaixiang,youchan weiji" in the Yueyang Tower,this paper thinks that the words "xiang" and "ji" should be interpreted as "national capital" and "slander" respectively.《岳阳楼记》"去国怀乡,忧谗畏讥"的"乡"当解作"国都","讥"应释为"毁谤"。
4)Yueyang Tower Park岳阳楼公园
1.Building Landscape Artistic Conception in Reformation and Extension Design of Yueyang Tower Park;岳阳楼公园改扩建设计中景观意境的营造
5)Yueyang Tower Area岳阳楼景区
1.Particular analysis of physical geography, historical evolution, space overall arrangement, traffic system and auxiliary facilities in the historic district of Yueyang Tower Area.本文希望通过对岳阳楼景区周边这一特定地段的研究从中探讨如何在保护利用历史遗迹的情况下对其周边地段进行改造更新以推动旅游业的发展,如何协调解决旅游业发展与历史地段及旧有建筑保护更新之间的矛盾问题,以期对相关地段及其它地区的旅游开发更新工作从规划设计到建筑的改造再到具体的实施运作起到一定的建设与借鉴作用。
6)Yueyang Tower scenic spot service岳阳楼景点服务
