本底趋势线,background trend line
1)background trend line本底趋势线
1.Based on the theory of the background trend line,the loss of railway passenger traffic volumes,the lifecycle of the SARS crisis and the distribution of passenger traffic volume losses in 28 provinces are estimated.本文依据本底趋势线理论,对此次危机造成铁路客运量损失、危机生命周期及全国28个省市区差异进行了定量分析与估算。
2.Based on the theory of background trend line and a variety of survey data,the variation of tourists both at home and abroad and their distribution caused by Beijing Olympic Games in 2008 are forecasted.依据多种调查资料和旅游本底趋势线理论,对2008年北京奥运会引致下的旅游客流量变化及客源结构进行细致的预测,主要结论如下:(1)奥运庆典引致下,未来3年北京市入境旅游进入一个超常增长期,客流量统计线将掀起一个"凸形峰",2007~2009年入境客流量分别达到433。
3.Four background trend lines are founded by optimization simulated method on the basis of the edited data.依据 1 978 - 1 997年上海市入境旅游的统计数据 ,建立了上海市客流总量、外国人 (包括华侨 )、港澳台胞及旅游外汇收入 4条本底趋势线 ;并利用本底趋势线自然延伸的预测功能 ,对未来 4年上海市入境旅游业的发展趋势进行了预测 。

1.Research on Post-Emergent Event Tourism Crisis Based on Background Trend Line in Qin′s Terra-cotta Museum;基于本底趋势线的秦俑馆旅游危机后评价研究
2.Quantitative Effects Assessments of Expo ′99 Kunming:Model of Background Trend Line;昆明世博会效应的定量估算:本底趋势线模型
3.Foundation of Tourism Background-Trend-Line of 6 Major Tourism-Source- Markets of China;我国6大境外客源市场旅游本底趋势线的建立
4.An Research on the Foundation and Application of the Background Trend-line of Domestic Tourism in China中国国内旅游本底趋势线的建立及其应用研究
5.An Analysis of China's Tourism Growth and Multi-cycle:Based on Natural Trend Curve Theory and Wavelet Analysis基于本底趋势线与小波函数的中国旅游成长及多周期分析
6.But do not consider that the main trend has changed up or down until an option crosses a Trend Line top or breaks under the last Trend Line bottom.在此过程直到行情穿过趋势线顶部或者跌破最后的底部趋势线才可认为主要趋势已经改变。
7.A stop loss order3& cent; under a Trend Line Bottom or over a Trend Line top will be caught less frequently than a1 or2& cent; stop loss orders.止损在在趋势线底部下或趋势线顶上3美分处的被套机会将少于在1或者2美分处。
8.The Analysis of Constitution of Cost and Change Tendency of Long-Distance Education of LouDi TV University;娄底电大远程教育成本构成及变化趋势的实证分析
9.population with linear trend具有线性趋势的总体
10.And it is a growing trend in Japan, too.在日本也有上涨的趋势。
11.This trend may continue until the end of the year.这股趋势可能会持续到年底。
12.Bottom Sediment Transport in the Flood and Ebb Channels of the Changjiang Estuary长江口涨、落潮槽底沙输移趋势探讨
13.The Current Status and Development Trends of Marine Sampling Equipment我国海底取样设备的现状与发展趋势
14.On the Current Situation and Development Trend of Privately Owned Capital;私有资本面临的形势与发展趋势探微
15.Score testing of random effect and linear trend for regression credibility model with linear trend具有线性趋势回归信度模型的随机效应及线性趋势的Score检验
16.On the Developing Trend of Principal Contradictions of Capitalism;当代资本主义基本矛盾发展趋势刍议
17.Finite Element Analysis of the Cracking Tendency of Repair Mortar on Concrete Substrate;混凝土基底上修补砂浆开裂趋势的有限元分析
18.Development status and trends of Chinese specialized vehicles and its chassis;我国专用汽车及其底盘发展现状和趋势

natural trend curve本底趋势线
1.Based on natural trend curve theory and wavelet analysis,the paper analyzed the data of nearly 20 years\' inbound and domestic tourist volume by using trend and cycle at different times as index.本文依据本底趋势线理论和小波分析理论,对近20年来中国入境及国内旅游客流量成长过程进行了滤波分析,提取了旅游成长过程中的趋势项和不同时间尺度的周期项。
2.Based on the theory of natural trend curve,influences of seven crises in late 30 years to China\'s tourism are analyzed.依据本底趋势线理论,采用个案研究方法,从事件的来源、性质、大小及对旅游业的影响程度等方面,分析了30年来7次突发性危机事件对我国旅游业发展的影响。
3.) to the number of American (Chinese) outbound tourists with natural trend curve, ideal curve Ⅰ and ideal curve Ⅱ, it is found that the concave valley occurs apparently when the crisis event happens.本文依据1985-2007年相关数据,分析了中美关系及危机事件对两国旅游流互动的影响,将客流量统计值、环比增长率和占出境旅游比例分别与本底趋势线、Ⅰ型理想曲线和Ⅱ型理想曲线作比较,发现当中美关系危机事件爆发时,在入境客流量统计值、环比增长率和占出境旅游比例上形成明显的"凹形谷"。
3)Tourist background trend line本底趋势线
1.What\'s more,The conception of tourist background trend line based on tourism rate is put forward here.以国内旅游发展为研究对象,选取国内旅游年人均出游率指标建立本底趋势线,据此分析并预测中国国内旅游总体发展趋势。
4)background trend line model本底趋势线模型
5)tourism backgroundtrendline旅游本底趋势线
6)basic tendency基本趋势
1.In view of that,this article first carries out a brief combing into the basic ways of the enterprise organization theory development before 1980,and then discusses the basic tendency of the enterprise organization theory development since 1980,particularly 1990.对1980年以前企业组织理论发展的基本路径进行了简要的梳理,然后探讨了1980年后、尤其是1990年以来企业组织理论发展的基本趋势,并对几种主要的企业组织模式进行了述评。

趋势线的突破信号趋势线的突破信号 【趋势线的突破信号】 1.如果股价触及趋势线而未能突破的次数愈多,则愈显示出该趋势线的支撑或反压力量相当强劲,趋势线的可靠性也就愈高。一旦突破,其反转的信号将更为明确。 2.趋势线所跨越的时间愈长,其可靠性就愈高。但是,当股价以反转的形态突破颈线(如头肩顶或头肩底),同时突破中长期原始趋势线时,其反转信号即相当明确,预示着多头市场或空头市场的结束,如上图所示。 3.通常较陡的趋势线意味着倾斜度较大,说明股价波动的幅度较大,其支撑或抵抗力较弱,从而容易被突破,这种趋势线的可靠性就较差。反之,较平缓的趋势线不易被突破,一旦突破,其突破的可靠性就较高。 4.股价向上突破下跌趋势线时,需要大成交童的配合,但向下突破上升趋势线时,往往不需要有大的成交量的支持。当然,若有大成交量的支持,就更能确定向下突破的有效性。国内有些技术分析专家认为,阻力线的突破或支撑线的跌破,必须有2%或3%以上的幅度,否则容易受到假突破的诱编,即所谓的骗线。 5.股价若已有效突破较平缓的趋势线后,当股价再度返回触及其延长后的趋势线时,常会发生反转现象,如下图所示。 6.股价在上升趋势轨道末期向上突破上界线时,意味着多方力量即将耗尽,股价往往会反转向下。而当股价在下跌趋势轨道末期向下突破下界线时,意味着卖方力量将耗尽,股价往往即将反弹回升,如下图所示。碑.口口夕.。二,,,、韶.,,.二二\口石一砚.产尹尸趋势线反转