盐文化,salt culture
1)salt culture盐文化
1.Chinese sauce and salt culture and protection strategy in museum perspective——take the first Chinese sauce culture museum as an example博物馆视野下的中国酱盐文化及其保护策略——以首座中国酱文化博物馆的建立为例
2.Nanhexia, a historic residential district, was once quite rich in resource of salt culture during the Ming and Qing Dynasty in Yangzhou.南河下历史街区是扬州明清盐文化资源最丰富的地区 ,可以通过建设海盐博物馆、复建盐商宅第会馆园林、营建餐饮娱乐天地等发展以盐文化为主题的文博、观光、美食、休闲等旅游 ,让游客了解扬州与盐的不解之缘 ,体验扬州盐商的生活情趣。
3.Zigong is included in the list of historcial and cultural famous city in the whole country by the State Council because of its rich and colorful salt culture and being salt capital for a few thousand years.千年盐都自贡以其丰厚的盐文化 ,被国务院列为国家级历史文化名城 。

1.On the Status of the Culture of Sea Salt in Rebuilding the Image of Modern Salt City;论海盐文化在重塑现代化“盐”城形象中的地位
2.The Role of Sea Salt Culture in the Recharacterization of the New Image of Yancheng;论海盐文化在重塑新盐城形象中的地位
3.Research of Jianle salt industry s function on salt district culture development;犍乐盐业对盐区文化发展的作用研究
4.Festival Culture of Well Salt and the Construction of City Culture of Zigong井盐节庆文化与自贡城市文化建设的探讨
5.A Study of Salt Resource of the Three Gorges and Immigrant Culture in the Period of Remote Antiquity远古时期三峡盐资源与移民文化述论
6.Cultural Contribution of Salt Merchants of Huizhou in the Qing Dynasty (Continued);清代徽州盐商的文化贡献之二:著述
7.Setting up of Counties in Han Dynasty Vs Salt Wells in Erhai Lake Areas: a Cultural Interaction汉置郡县与洱海盐井区域的文化互动
8.The Approaches to the Construction of the Localization of Cultural Economics Theories Seen From the Salt Merchants Culture in Yangzhou;从扬州盐商文化看文化经济学理论的本土化建设途径
9.Chinese Water Culture and Western Salt Culture--On Chinese People s Cultural Grade;水性与盐色——从中西文化原色管窥简论华人的文化品位
10.Vitality of Intangible Culture Taking as an example the development of Leizu Culture in Yanting County of Sichuan无形文化的生命力——以四川盐亭县嫘祖文化开发打造为例
11.On the Culture of Salt Salesman in Yangzhou in the Middle Period of Qing Dynasty--For Ma Yueguan and Ma Yuelu as Example;论清中期扬州盐商文化——以“扬州二马”为例
12.Outstanding Achievements and Tempered Affection--An Account of YangFan s Cultural Activities in Yancheng;青辉千古 风霜铸情——扬帆在盐阜区文化活动纪事
13.Healing the African American Intersexual Relationship:A Cultural Interpretation of The Salt Eaters;治疗美国黑人两性关系:对《吃盐的人》的文化解读
14.Third Contribution of Huizhou Salt Tradesmen for Culture in the Qing Dynasty--Gathering in Garden;清代徽州盐商的文化贡献之三:园林聚会
15.Brief Discussion on the Construction of Corporate Cultureand Personnel Resources Management;浅议盐业企业文化与人力资源管理机制构建
16.One of Hui Salt Traders Contribution in the Qing Dynasty: Collecting Money for Education;清代徽州盐商的文化贡献之一:捐资兴教
17.Originality and Argumentation of the Development of Taishan TempleCulturel Area with Folk Customs;开发盐城泰山庙民俗文化区的创意和论证
18.On the Effect of Salt Economy on Academics of Two Huai in Qing Dynasity;论两淮盐业经济对清代学术文化的影响

salt culture history盐文化史
3)salt-transportation culture盐运文化
1.Based on further investigation and study,this paper mainly analyzes the tourism development value of the rich salt-transportation culture resource in Xianshi ancient town,and the key role of its tourism development in improving the urban and rural overall development.在深入调查研究基础上,本文重点分析了仙市古镇丰厚的盐运文化资源的旅游开发价值,及其旅游开发在推动城乡统筹发展中的支撑作用,并进一步提出了相关的建议。
4)salt road culture盐道文化
5)culture traveling盐商文化
1.This essay puts forward the proposition of the Yangzhou salt merchants culture traveling through the discussion of developing process, and the culture has tremendous exploiting potential.他们结交文人,资助寒士,营造、扩建扬州园林,赞助、兴办文化教育事业,并孕育出了扬州书院、扬州八怪、扬州学派、扬州园林等世界及文化品牌,从而形成了独特的扬州盐商文化。
6)well salt culture井盐文化
1.Different from the cultures in other fields and industrial culture, well salt culture,rose and developed with rich connotation and special characteristics.井盐文化是井盐业兴起、发展过程中逐步形成的区别于其他地域文化和行业文化一种文化形态,有着丰富的内涵与特定的品质。

盐东文化遗址盐东文化遗址 位于新安县仓头乡盐东村附近,1997年5月已发掘面积约1万平方米,是一处新石器时代的聚落遗址。发现了房址2座、窑穴、墓葬36座、陶窟遗址和石器制作作坊,以及炭化了的粮食,鱼网坠儿、骨针、陶器、动物骨胳,还发现一些东周墓葬。