少林寺,Shaolin Temple
1)Shaolin Temple少林寺
1.The Enlightenment We ve Got from Shaolin Temple s “Tie One s Heart to Ask him/her to Stay" General Plan;少林寺“拴心留人”方略给我们的启示
2.The stele of Three Religious and Nine Schools in Shaolin Temple has some history and cultural value,because the inscriptions on it fully affirmed the status and function of the religious and schools.少林寺院内的《混元三教九流图赞》碑刻,充分肯定"三教"、"九流"的地位和作用,在中国所有遗留碑刻甚至文献记载中可谓首屈一指,具有较高的历史和文物价值。

1.Gradually the staff became an especially powerful weapon.在武林中少林棍是少林寺僧独领风骚的兵器。
2.Discuss contributions of monks from Yexia Temple to the development of Shaolin Temple and Shaolin Wushu;邺下高僧对少林寺和少林武术的贡献与影响
3.There is a famous place called" Shaolin Temple" in Henan.河南有个很著名的地方叫做“少林寺”。
4....the code of the Shaolin Temple has been preserved....这种传统一直被少林寺保存着
5.Jeff: You must have watched the film "Shaolin Temple".杰夫:你一定看过《少林寺》吧?
6.This swordsmanship set is taught by a senior monk at the Shaolin Temple.这套刀法是少林寺的高僧传授的。
7.The Shaolin Temple is 15 hundred years old and has a great history.少林寺有1500年之久,有很伟大的历史。
8.The Enlightenment We ve Got from Shaolin Temple s “Tie One s Heart to Ask him/her to Stay" General Plan;少林寺“拴心留人”方略给我们的启示
9.Shaolin Monastery is the Mahayana Buddhist monastery perhaps best known to the Western world.少林寺可能是对于西方人来说最熟知的大乘佛教寺院。
10.On the Commercial Operation of Temples as a Tourist Sight Spot;谈寺院的商业化旅游运作——以河南嵩山少林寺为例
11.Song Mountain, the middle Yue, most famous for the Buddhism temple and the traditional martial arts.中岳嵩山上有多处寺院,特别是禅宗寺院少林寺的中国功夫响誉世界。
12.Entry-Tourist Market Demanding Consumption Guiding--Taking Songshan Shaolin Temple as an example;入境旅游市场需要引导消费——以嵩山少林寺为例
13.The Pagoda Forest in Shaolin Temple is a place where eminent monks take their eternal sleep. Now, it has been turned into a famous scenic spot.少林寺塔林是历代高僧长眠的地方, 如今成了著名景点。
14.Most recently, students went to Henan Province, stopping at the Yongtai Temple Martial Arts School for Girls and the Shaolin Temple.最近一次旅行的目的地是河南,他们参观了永泰寺女子武术学校和少林寺
15.In feudal society, the government did not allow the common people to have iron or steel weapons.在封建社会朝庭不许民间私藏兵器,少林寺僧为了护法、寺、僧,就用烧火棍练就一身武艺。
16.Warriors of the past stand center all over the home of Kung Fu.这句话的意思是:古代(过去)士(塑像)据了功夫发源地(少林寺)中心位置。
17.After the initial open forefinger deep meditation stunt of Shaolin Temple of Quanzhou , have caused the social concern.泉州少林寺首次公开二指禅绝技之后,引起了社会关注。
18.The Buddhism boundary named Damo for the“ primary ancestor” of China Buddhism Zen and the Shaolin temple had named the“ ancestor court” of Zen by praiseful.佛教界称达摩为中国佛教禅宗的“初祖”,少林寺被誉为禅宗的“祖庭”。

Shaolin Monastery少林寺
1.Textual Research on "Thirteen Stick Buddhist Monks Support the Tang Dynasty" of Shaolin Monastery;少林寺“十三棍僧救唐王”详考
2.The Research on the ShaoLin Monastery and ShaoLin Martial Arts in the Ming-qing Dynasty;明清时期少林寺与少林武术研究
3)Fuqing Shaolin Temple福清少林寺
1.Fujian has various local history resording Fuqing Shaolin Temple.福建有多种地方志记载福清少林寺 ,因此福清历史上确有少林寺院 ,这点学术界已无异议。
4)ShaoLin Temple Scenic Spots少林寺景区
5)Shaolin Temple in Songshan嵩山少林寺
6)Shaolin Temple Boxing少林寺拳法
1.The System of Japanese Shaolin Temple Boxing and Its Message for Development of Chinese Wushu日本少林寺拳法体系及其对中国武术发展的启示
