新郑市,Xinzheng City
1)Xinzheng City新郑市
1.According to the data of investigation for land resources from 2000 to 2005 in Xinzheng City,dynamics of land use structure was detected with mathematical statistical method.根据河南省新郑市2000~2005年土地利用详查数据和变更数据,运用数理统计方法研究该市土地利用结构的动态变化特征,结果表明:新郑市土地利用类型在2000~2005年变化幅度较大,年均变化率达0。
2.From April to July of 2001,10 tombs of the Tang Dynasty were excavated at Xinzheng Motor Shopping Center site,in Xinzheng city,Henan province by Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology.为配合基建,河南省文物考古研究所新郑工作站于2001年4月至7月对新郑市摩托城工地进行了发掘,清理出唐墓10座,且出土了一批较为精美的唐代陶、瓷器,为郑韩故城的唐代考古提供了重要的资料。
3.Located in the middle of China,Xinzheng city has abundant natural tourist resources and unique cultural resources,which provide superior conditions for the development of its tourism industry.地处中原的新郑市拥有丰富的自然旅游资源和独特的人文旅游资源,为旅游业的发展提供了优越的条件。

1.Several Tang Tombs Excavated at the Old City of Zheng and Han States in Xinzheng City;新郑市郑韩故城内近年发现的几座唐墓
2.SWOT Analysis and Suggestion on the Xinzheng City Tourism Development新郑市发展旅游业的SWOT分析及对策研究
3.Research and Implementation of Optimization Project for Native PSTN in Xinzheng City of Henan Province;河南省新郑市固话本地网网络优化方案的研究与实现
4.Study on Dynamic Change of Land Use in County District;县域土地利用动态变化研究——以河南省新郑市为例
5.The Analysis of the Connection Modes for the MW Distribution System of ZhengDong New District in Zhengzhou;郑州市郑东新区中压配电网接线模式研究
6.On Commercial Pedestrian Street Planning--Design Concept of CBD Xin ao Commercial Pedestrian Street in new district of Zhengdong in Zhenzhou商业步行街设计初探——郑州市郑东新区CBD新澳商业步行街设计构思
7.A Study on the Construction of the Mode of Socialist New Countryside of Zhengzhou City;郑州市建设社会主义新农村模式研究
9.The Regional Expression of Design of Urban Landscape in Zhengdong New District郑东新区城市景观设计的地域性表达
10.Construction of city names network of metropolis in the new period──Taking Zhengzhou City as an Example;新时期大城市地名网络体系建设——以郑州市为例
11.Structure design of Zhengzhou New Library(the Cultural Centre of the City)郑州市图书馆新馆(市民文化中心)结构设计
12.The Research on How to Complete the Business & Trade Function of Zhengzhou in the New Situation;郑州市商贸功能在新形势下的完善问题研究
13.On Constructing Urban Wetland Park--A Case Study of Zhengdong New District Wetland Park论城市湿地公园建设——以郑东新区湿地公园为例
14.Construction of the new Mechanism of City Social Management--A study of the management and operation mechanism of the construction ofZhengzhou city s social area;构建城市社会管理新机制——郑州市社区建设的管理与运行机制研究
15.New Unemployed Workers of SOE and the Trend of Urban Homeless:A Case Study of Zhengzhou City新失业国企工人“城市游民”趋势研究——以郑州市为例
16.Aviation: Zhengzhou Xinzheng International Airport is a4 E international airport open to more than30 large and medium cities over the country and international charter flight lines are open to navigation.航空:郑州新郑国际机场为4E级国际航空港,已与全国30多个大中城市通航,开通了国际航线。
17.Some Considerations on the Development Practice of the Newly Developed Areas of Universities in China--A Case Study of Zhengzhou Newly Developed Areas of University;我国高校新区发展中的问题及其思考——以郑州市高校新区为例
18.Study on range of normal reference value of cerebral oxygen saturation in healthy neonates in Zhengzhou city郑州市正常新生儿脑组织氧饱和度正常参考值范围的研究

new district of east Zhengzhou郑州市郑东新区
1.A Summary of the Archaeological Discoveries of the Han Prince Mausoleum at Huzhuang in Xinzheng,Henan河南新郑胡庄韩王陵考古发现概述
2.now the urban district of Xinzheng city,which are recorded in ancient literatures.郑国东迁于溱洧二水之间,即今新郑市区一带,在古文献中多有记载。
4)Zhengzhou City郑州市
1.Application of strategic environmental assessment in integrative planning for water resources in Zhengzhou City;战略环境评价在郑州市水资源综合规划中的应用
2.Monitoring and analysis of water quality of Dongfeng River in Zhengzhou City;郑州市东风渠水质监测与分析
3.Heat island effect and human body comfortable degree in Zhengzhou city;郑州市热岛效应研究与人体舒适度评价
5)Zhengzhou[英]['d?e?'d??u][美]['d???'d?o, 'd???-]郑州市
1.Evaluation of Land Environmental Quality of the Suburbs of Zhengzhou;郑州市郊区土地生态环境质量评价
2.Analysis on the Environmental Kuznets Curve of Zhengzhou City;郑州市环境库兹涅茨曲线分析
3.Study on the Nitrate Pollution in Vegetables and Fruits in Zhengzhou;郑州市主要蔬菜和水果硝酸盐污染状况调查
6)Zhengzhou District郑州市区
1.Clothing Consumption Behavior and Design Strategy for Aged People in Zhengzhou District;郑州市区老年服装消费行为分析及产品设计研究
