中国旅游,Chinese tourism
1)Chinese tourism中国旅游
1.Internationalization and localization——Thinking on Chinese tourism rule of law;国际化与本土化——对中国旅游法治的思考
2.To achieve the goal of being one of global tourism powers and a stride development to make tourism as a pillar industry,Chinese tourism must have the support of talent resources.2000年以来我国旅游高等教育有了很大发展,规模扩大,层次合理,分布广泛,专业建设与教学科研水平不断提高,但其中的问题也是不容忽视的,如缺乏品牌学校,人才培养方向模糊,师资力量薄弱,产学研结合不够等等,正视并解决这些问题是中国旅游业在转型时期可持续发展的重要保证。
3.Compared the development of tourism between China and the west, one can observe that ancient Chinese tourism was restricted by an autocratic system in a plowing and self- sufficient economy and an ideology of patriarchal clan rules and regulations.中国旅游的发展及其演变,是在中国古代特定的社会语境中形成的,反映了中国特有的民族性,也显示了中国文化特有的深层因素。

1.Research about Chinese Tourism Resource Combination;关于中国旅游业旅游资源组合的研究
2.She toured in China with CITS.她在中国旅行社的安排下在中国旅游
3.Traveling to China is very worthwhile.到中国旅游非常值得。
4.You go there for tourism, don't you?你是到中国旅游的,是吧? ?
5.China Travel Telecommunication Service Handbook中国旅游电信服务手册
6.China's travelling philology and travelling literature are quite different.中国旅游文献学与中国旅游文献不同,中国旅游文献是中国的先贤们旅游活动的真实记录;
7.Analysis of South Korean Tourist Market for China and Appropriate Measures;韩国游客赴中国旅游市场分析及对策
8.Application of Tourism Anthropological Theory in Chinese Tourism Development;旅游人类学理论在中国旅游发展中的应用
9.What Kind of Tourism Planning does China s Tourism Industry Need?--Pondering Triggered by the Upsurge of Tourism Planning in These Years;中国旅游业需要什么样的旅游规划——由当前旅游规划热引发的思考
10.Study on Tourism Satellite Accounts and Tourism Economy Measurement in China;旅游卫星账户与中国旅游经济测度研究
11.Vietnam Tourism on the Development of China s Tourist Market Research;越南旅游业对中国旅游客源市场开发研究
12.Chinese Travel Legislation and Protection of Tourist s Rights under GATS Frame;GATS框架下中国旅游立法与旅游者权益保护
13.Categorization of Tourism Area in China Based on Tourist Statistics;基于旅游者角度的中国旅游区划分研究
14.Red tourism is a kind of tourism product with Chinese characterist ic s.红色旅游是中国特色的一种旅游产品。
15.International Federation of Tourist Centres国际旅游中心联合会
16.International Centre for Advanced Tourism Studies国际高级旅游研究中心
17.China has great tourism resources.中国有丰富的旅游资源,
18.Influences upon China’s Tourism Industry after Overseas Tourist Company Entering Our Country;国外旅游公司进入中国对我国旅游业的影响

China Tourist movements and Flows中国旅游流
3)Chinese tourism中国旅游业
1.As an unexpected epidemic, SARS has exerted an important influence over Chinese tourism.SARS作为一种突发性的自然灾害,对中国旅游业产生了重大的影响。
2.In the development process of Chinese tourism over the past 20 years, legal construction in tourism has also experienced a constantly improvement.在中国旅游业20多年的发展历程里,旅游法制建设同样也经历了一条不断完善的发展道路。
3.Chinese tourism is an industry with high marketability.中国旅游业是一个高度市场化的产业。
4)China's tourism中国旅游业
5)tourism industry of China中国旅游业
1.Through the research of application of information technology in some managers of tourism industry of China, based on the experiences of authors, the paper analyses the problems of IT application, and especially the IT development in hotels to advance the efficiency of their IT department, and help hotels increase their benefit through IT technology.通过对中国旅游业多位经理人IT技术使用情况的调查,深入分析了IT技术运用过程中的问题,参考各方资料,结合自己经验,提出合理化建议,并着重分析了IT技术在酒店中的发展,提高IT部门效能,通过IT提高酒店经营管理效益。
2.In this article, the author makes an analysis of the superirity and inferiority of tourism industry of China.分析了中国旅游业的优势与劣势 ,以及面临的机遇与威胁 ,提出了中国旅游业在全球化竞争中的几种战略选
3.The treatise analyses in detail the influence upon tourism industry of China both positively and passively after entering WTO from the point of foundation,conditions and acceptance of tourism opening,and puts forward appropriate countermeasures.从中国旅游业对外开放的基础、条件和承诺入手 ,分析了加入 WTO对中国旅游业的积极和消极影响 ,并从宏观和微观的角度提出了相应的对
6)China Tourism中国旅游报
1.This paper selected 59 articles of travel agents crisis management which were published in China Tourism from September 2006 to August 2007,then classified and analyzed the articles according to the research methods,contents and the background of the authors.2006年9月至2007年8月《中国旅游报》刊登了有关旅行社危机管理的文章59篇。

中国旅游之四四 都:东都洛阳、南都南京、西都西安、北都太原四大佛教名山:浙江普陀山、安徽九华山、四川峨眉山、山西五台山四大道教名山:四川青城山、湖北武当山、江西龙虎山、安徽齐云山四大石窑:敦煌莫高窑、大同云岗石窑、洛阳龙门石窑、天水麦积山石窑川中四绝: 夔门天下雄、剑门天下险、峨眉天下秀、青城天下幽黄山四绝: 奇松、怪石、云海、温泉衡山四奇: 祝峰之高、方广寺之深、藏经殿之秀、水帘洞之奇泰山四大奇观: 旭日东升、晚霞夕照、黄河金带、云海玉盘庐山奇峰: 山峰、瀑布、云雾、怪石崂山四趣: 水、鱼、石、树 雁荡山四绝:飞瀑、奇峰、怪石、幽洞苏州四大园林: 宋代沧浪亭、元代狮子林、明代拙政园、清代留园四大藏书阁:北京文渊阁、沈阳文朔阁、承德文津阁、杭州文渊阁四大书院:河南嵩阳书院、河南应天书院、湖南岳麓书院、江西白鹿洞书院