民族旅游业,National tourism
1)National tourism民族旅游业
1.This paper, from the angle of the sustainable utility of cultural tourism resources in the region of minority nationalities, analyses the phenomena as well as the negative effect of the unfair distribution of national tourism profits.从民族文化旅游资源可持续利用的高度,对民族旅游业收益分配不公平的多种现象及由此产生的负面影响进行初步分析,并提出合理分配民族旅游业收益,达到从根本上解决民族地区贫困、民族矛盾和可持续发展等问题之目的。

1.National Culture and the Development of National Tourism--Taking Miao Stockaded Village in Xijiang County as an Example;民族文化与民族旅游业的发展——以西江苗寨为例
2.Develop Guizhou s National Tourism and Promote Economic Development;发展贵州民族旅游业,促进经济发展
3.Ethnic Tourisimthe Leading Industry of the Striding Development of Western China;民族旅游业:西部跨越式发展的龙头
4.The Development of Hill Tribe Tourism of Thailand & Its Revelation to Yunnan s Tourism;泰国山地民族旅游业的发展及其对云南旅游的启示
5.The Influences of Tourism Development in Minority Areas on Ethnic Relations;论少数民族地区旅游业发展对民族关系的影响
6.Study on Tourism Development of National Industrial and Commerical Heritage in Wuxi City;无锡市民族工商业遗产旅游开发研究
7.The Study on Cultivating Underpinning Tourism Industry of Gansu Minorities Areas;甘肃民族地区旅游支柱产业培育研究
8.Thinking about Developing Characteristic Tourist Business in the Western Nationality Region;西部民族地区特色旅游业发展的思考
9.Study on the System Structuring of National Sports Travel Industry in Sichuan;巴蜀民族体育旅游产业体系构建研究
10.Tourist Industry: Double-edged Sword of the Cultural Changes of Minority Nationality Areas;旅游业:民族地区文化变迁的双刃剑
11.Attach Importance to the Enlightening Meanings of Ethnic Sports Tour in West of China And Bring Them into Play;西部地区民族体育旅游业的"引爆作用"
12.On the Influence of Tourism Industry on the Minority Society;旅游产业给少数民族社会带来了什么?
13.Study on Development of Sports Tourism Industry in Western Minority Nationality Region;西部民族地区体育旅游产业发展研究
14.The Orientation and Western Trend of Tourism Industry in the 21th Century;西部民族地区旅游业的知识经济思考
15.The Development Pattern of 'Coordinating Exhibition and Tourism' in Ethnic Minority Areas in Guizhou贵州民族地区旅游业“展游协同”发展模式研究
16.National Traditional Sport Tourism:A New Development In Modern Tourism--A Study of the National Traditional Sport Tourism in Enshi Autonomous Prefecture;民族传统体育旅游:现代旅游业发展的新亮点——以恩施州民族传统体育旅游为例
17.Research on Career Role Exchange of Residents in National Tourism Regions;民族旅游区居民职业角色转换问题研究
18.Developing the National Folk Art & Promoting Tourism;开发民族民间文化艺术 促进旅游行业向前发展

the national regional tourism民族地区旅游业
3)Minority tourism少数民族旅游业
4)development of the national tourism民族旅游业开发
1.However, with the development of the national tourism and the constant intrusion of foreign culture, this "window" of the culture has virtually absorbed the factor of foreign culture and changed unprecedentedly.然而,事实证明,民族旅游业开发实际上是一把“双刃剑”。
5)National tourism民族旅游
1.However,our effects to exploit the national tourism resources are still in an experimental stage,which needs strengthening the exploitations.目前,开发民族旅游资源,发展特色旅游,以独具地方特色和民族特色的旅游项目提升地区旅游业的吸引力,已成为各地旅游开发中的一个重点。
2.The article introduces the negative effects and reasons of national culture resulting from the development of national tourism,Based on the protection of national cultare and the development of national tourism,it points out the consciousness of sustainable development of national tourism, and by contracting with ecological tourism, it concludes that the nature of them is the same.阐述了民族旅游开发对民族文化产生的负面影响及产生这些影响的原因,在辨证看待民族文化保护与研究民族旅游发展轨迹的基础上,探讨了民族旅游的可持续发展理念。
3.The overseas research on national tourism,combined with anthropology,forms a com- plete studying system.国外对民族旅游的研究,多与人类学研究紧密结合,形成了一个完整的研究体系。
6)Ethnic Tourism民族旅游
1.A Literature Review of Ethnic Tourism Study Home and Abroad;近十年国内外民族旅游研究综述
2.Bai heritage protection and ethnic tourism development;白族遗产保护与民族旅游开发——以大理为个案
3.On Reasons and Countermeasures of Cultural Contagion in Tourism——A Case Study on Ethnic Tourism;试论旅游“文化污染”的原因及对策——以民族旅游为例

国内旅游业与国际旅游业国内旅游业与国际旅游业 国内旅游业与国际旅游业国内旅游业是为国内居民提供旅游服务的行业。它的服务对象是国内旅游者.旅游者支付的是国内货币。国内旅游业的兴起与发展同一国社会经济发展水平紧密相关一方面,随着经济的发展和居民收入的增加.人们的基本生活有了保障之后,产生了更高层次的需求,从而把收入的一部分用于集物质享受与精神享受于一体的旅游活动。另一方面.随着社会生产力的提高和科学技术的进步,社会基础设施和文化环境的改善,为居民进行旅游活动创造了便利条件。国内旅游业的发展不仅可以丰富居民的物质文化生活,增加政府的财政收入,对具有旅游资源的边远落后地区的经济发展和当地居民生活的改善也会起促进作用国际旅游业包括:①组织国内居民赴国外旅游。②接待国外旅游者来国内旅游。前者的服务对象是本国居民,后者的服务对象是国外旅游者。国际旅游业的发展是全球经济和科学技术发展的结果。发展国际旅游业,可以为国家赚取外汇收入,利于平衡国际收支和购买国外先进技术产品.也能促进与国外经济、文化、科学、技术的交流,还可以增进各国人民之间的相互了解和友谊,有利于世界和平