1.Targeting at a group of female imagery in Ming-Qing popular fictions,the essay analyzes emphatically the contributing factors of the imagery convergence of shrew and female hero,then discusses the special cultural significance of the imagery convergence.以明清之际通俗小说里的一个女性形象群体为研究对象,分析该形象群体具有的悍妇与英雌特征及其成因,并讨论这一形象集合所凸现的独特文化意味。
2.In this regime,however,there were not only angels,but also monsters;not only pretty faires,but also ferocious shrews,seductive wantons.然而 ,浮现在这个女儿国中的 ,不仅有天使 ,还有魔鬼 ;不仅有善良美丽的菊花仙子 ,还有泼辣淫荡的悍妇妖女。

1.A woman held to be antagonistic or overbearing.悍妇专横的,霸道的妇人
2.The virago vomited out curses on that tramp.那悍妇怒骂那流浪汉。
3.A woman regarded as scolding and vicious.悍妇,鬼婆被认为刻薄和恶毒的妇人
4.A woman regarded as bad-tempered and evil.悍妇,泼妇,恶妇被认为是脾气很坏或邪恶的女人
5.The woman with whom you quarreled is really an old battleaxe.同你吵架的那个女人真是个老悍妇
6.unpleasantly domineering (usu older)woman(通常指较年长的)悍妇,母老虎.
7.Discussion on Shrews in Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio and Their Rebellion against Traditional Female Culture;论《聊斋志异》悍妇形象及其女性文化
8.A woman regarded as quarrelsome, shrewish, or malicious.泼妇,悍妇被认为爱吵闹、脾气坏或恶毒的女人
9.A woman regarded as noisy, scolding, or domineering.悍妇,泼妇被认为吵闹、好骂人或好支配人的女人
10.A woman who is considered dangerous or threatening to men.悍妇被认为对男人有危险或威胁的女人
11.Roger hadn't been married long, when he realized that he had caught a tar - tar.罗杰结婚不久就意识到自己找了个悍妇
12.`She's a violent woman.' `You can say that again.She's hit me more than once.'`她是个悍妇.'`你说得太对了.她打我可不止一次了.'
13.Literature language is the uncontrollable" hellcat" in the family of language.文学语言是语言家族中狂放不羁的浪子悍妇
14.He found himself married to a vulgar shrew.他发现自己跟一个俗不可耐的悍妇结了婚。
15.From the Fierce Women Images in Strange Stories from Chinese Studio to Find Pu Songling s Chauvinism;从《聊斋志异》中的悍妇形象看蒲松龄的男权思想
16.The Personality of a Fiery Woman Who Betrays the Way of Women;背叛妇道的悍妇人格——二论《醒世姻缘传》中的薛素姐
17.Transformation from Shrew to Virtuous Wife and Mother Analysis of the Social and Cultural Background of LI Ping-er s Personality Transformation;从悍妇到贤妻良母的变型——浅析李瓶儿性格演变之社会文化背景
18.An Interpretation of the Personality of the Termagant in Marriage Rocking the World;悍妇人格的个性解读——略论《醒世姻缘传》中的薛素姐

the shrew悍妻妒妇
1.The description of the shrew in Pu s stories exhibits very clear characteristics and conveys complex social and cultural elements.蒲松龄对悍妻妒妇的描写呈现出鲜明的特征,其中传递出复杂的社会文化心理因素。
4)crime of ferocity悍罪
1.The crime of ferocity refers to the crime that upset civil order and family relationship from the pre-Qin to Han Dynasties.先秦至秦汉时期的“悍罪”是扰乱社会秩序和家族关系的犯罪,存在于古代成文法由不完善向完善发展的过程中,并主要由时人悍勇好斗之民俗以及良贱等级制度不甚严格所致。
5)ferocious slave悍虏
1.The subject of the crime was shrews and ferocious slaves.进入该罪司法程序的犯罪主体主要是“悍妻”与“悍虏”。
1.The fierce is a special general mood in the women of Dangxiang people, it mainly represent pleasant revenge, warlike death for love and so on.强悍是党项妇女的一种特殊风气,主要表现为她们喜好复仇、尚武参战、恣行攻掠、乐于参政、殉情现象等等。
