1.The figure of Guanyu, which includes code of chivalry and bravery, is quite prominent in Romance of the Three Kingdoms.《三国演义》中关羽的“义”和“”极为突出。

1.Courage, especially when reckless.蛮气,尤指不顾后果的
2.Having or characterized by courage; valiant.有气的具有气的,以敢为特点的;有胆量的
3.Marked by or done with valor.英的以敢为特色的,或与气相伴的
4.Then I was clean and brave,我既整洁,又敢,
5.to confront danger(敢地)面对危险
6.You must nerve yourself, Bertha.你得敢些,伯莎。
7.He is wanting in courage [courtesy].他缺乏气 [礼貌] 。
8.Fortune favors the bold.〔谚语〕者成功。
9.a Brave retreat is a Brave exploit.敢的退却也是敢的行为。
10.It is bedded on courage, but it is more than brave.他的正直植根于气,但又超出敢。
11.A person of courageous determination or energy.士坚毅的人,有气或活力的人
12.Requiring or exhibiting courage and bravery.敢的需要或显示气和胆识的
13.We are no carpet soldiers, but courageous troops.我们不是少爷兵, 而是英善战的士。
14.It takes courage. But you possess the inner courage to see you through.要有气。你拥有披荆斩棘的气。
15.Raise your standards, my brave men, and set neither measure nor limit to your merited rage.士们,高举战旗,奋前进吧!
16.a daring person, exploit, attack敢的人、 英雄的业绩、 猛的进击.
17.Fortune favours the Bold.幸运总是照顾敢者(天佑土)。
18.The ability to face difficulty with spirit and courage.气拿出斗志与气面对困难的能力

1.Studies on the Toxicity of Alphacypermethrin to Xenopsylla cheopis;洙对印鼠客蚤杀灭效果试验研究
1.This logic goes from "human dilemma" and manifests itself as the "concern" of human in the empirical world and "love" and "courage",which serve as the ultimate solution."终极关切"的这种内在逻辑由"人的存在困境"出发,表现为人在经验世界当中的"焦虑",以及作为最终解决的"爱"与"气"。
2.Mao Ze-dong’s unique spiritual style was mainly prescribed in his “four spirits”: noble integrity, high ideal; great courage and unselfish generosity.毛泽东独特的精神风貌,集中体现他的“四气”上,即浩然正气、高远志气、弥天气、恢宏大气。
1.The Impact of Asian Elephants and Other Wildlife Species on the Villages around the Shangyong Nature Reserve,Xishuangbanna;亚洲象等野生动物对西双版纳尚自然保护区周边村寨的影响
5)Ma Yong马勇
1.Ma Yong,working in modern history research institution of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,compiled a book named Zhang Taiyan Missive Collection.章太炎文献的整理是件非常困难而重要的学术工作,中国社会科学院近代史研究所马先生编的《章太炎书信集》,填补了在章太炎书信整理方面的空白,是目前所见较为全面的章太炎书信集。
1.Supervising the students to control over themselves is the foundation of establishing harmonious campus,advocating the students bravery is the internal drive of establishing harmonious campus,and fostering the students wisdom is the golden key to establishing harmonious campus.督促学生节制,是创建和谐校园的奠基石;提倡敢精神,是创建和谐校园的内驱力;培养学生智慧,是创建和谐校园的金钥匙。
2.The heroic concept is unique and distinct,expectially in the understanding of the honor,bravery and love that embodies strong individual consciousness and the value of life.英雄赞歌是古希腊神话中的主旋律,其英雄观念独特而鲜明,尤其在荣誉、敢和爱情的理解态度上别具一格,充分体现了其强烈的个体意识和生命价值。
3.Charlotte Bronte drew a great deal from her own ilfe experience,the story strikes me and impresses me,especially Jane Eyre s character of rebelling,bravery,detesting money,pursuing her teaching career and pursuing love from inferiority to self confidence and gain her happiness at last.读过这部小说后,从中得到一些启迪:既然生命如此短暂,为何我们要沉沦?我们应该敢地面对困难,尽我们的最大努力去战胜它,获取最后的成功,幸福要靠我们自己去争取

《勇庐闲诘》  中国近代有关鼻烟和鼻烟壶的专著。清代书画家、篆刻家赵之谦(1829~1884)撰。同治八年(1869)成书,光绪六年(1880)刊行。全书分为原始、正名、释器、缀辞 4部分。原始、正名部分,记述鼻烟产地,流传至中国的时间和渠道,鼻烟的品类及其色、形、味等特征,以及鼻烟的贮盛等。释器部分,阐述鼻烟壶的起源、发展、质地、品类等情况。书中指出,康熙年间(1662~1722)已有"套料"鼻烟壶,并记述了康熙和乾隆两朝套料鼻烟壶的各自特点。缀辞部分,集录诸家著录中有关鼻烟的文辞、记载。《勇庐闲诘》中有关鼻烟、鼻烟壶的记述,是研究清代工艺美术史的重要依据。