
1.The just struggle of the Chinese Government and the Chinese people has won the sympathy, understanding and support of the international community.中国政府和中国人民的这一正义斗争,得到了国际社会的广泛同情、理解和支持。
2.taking the large view; a large effect; a large sympathy.有广阔的眼界;广泛的影响;广泛的同情心。
3.The Universal Bernoulli Numbers and the Universal Kummer Congruence;泛Bernoulli数与泛Kummer同余式
4.Estrus synchronization is one of the reproductive biotechnologies, and has been applied extensively to animal husbandry.同期发情是动物繁殖生物技术之一,已广泛应用于畜牧生产中。
5.he public will be a lot more forthcoming with their views.广泛而不同的民意,有助于为政者对情势全面的了解;
6.The Confrontation between Libertarian and Life Value:An Ethical Study on Generalization of Principle of Informed Consent in Psychiatry意志自由与生命价值的对峙——精神医学领域知情同意原则泛化的伦理分析
7.Pan-African Association for Community Development泛非共同体开发联合会
8.information disharmony情报资料失调(国外情报界形容情报泛滥的词)
9.a surge of affection [sympathy]涌起的爱情 [同情]
10.one's sympathetic looks [words]同情的表情 [言语]
11."a contagious, usually short-lived enthusiasm or craze:"广泛传开的、通常是短暂的热情或狂热.
12.Robert has done many different things-he has wide experience.罗伯特做过很多事情―他有广泛的经验。
13.Her face beamed with joy.她的脸上浮泛着愉快的神情。
14.Norman Mailer s Theme and Totalitarianism Complex;诺曼·梅勒小说主题与泛极权主义情结
15.The conjunction of heavy rains and high winds caused flooding.暴风雨的同时发生引起了洪水泛滥。
16.Extensive data can be found in various handbooks.可由不同的手册得到广泛数据。
17.This process was also accompanied by the increasing popularity of Buddhism in both north and south China.与此同时,南北方的佛教流传更为广泛。
18.Cruises on Lake Geneva is also enjoyable.泛舟日内瓦湖上同样令人愉快。

theory of universal emotion泛情论
1.Being closely related to Chinese tradition of attaching importance to emotion in the literary history,the theory of universal emotion has its values in the three aspects:to praise the humanity and significance of life,to approve the consciousness and emotion of the subject,and to establish t.中国古代文艺美学理论在明代中期以后表现出一种泛情论倾向,这同西方文艺美学理论中的泛爱论、泛性论明显不同。
3)To discuss vaguely about the worldly affairs泛论世情
4)universal Kummer congruence泛Kummer同余
1.We establish the universal Kummer congruence modulo p for the universal dividedBernoulli numbers for the case (p - 1)|n which is not currently known.作为应用,我们给出了Clarke在1989给出的泛von Staudt定理的简化证明;同时我们得到了(p ? 1)|n时的模p泛Kummer同余式,这一结果在目前还是未知的。
5)generic homomorphism泛同态
1.Empathy and sympathy in intercultural translation;跨文化翻译的移情与同情
2.The Sympathy and Empathy in Education of Ethics and Emotion;道德情感教育中的“同情”与“移情”
3.Study on Adam Smith s Sympathy Thoughts;亚当·斯密同情思想研究

泛系论泛系论是按照四计八筹框架发展起来的一种网络型的研究,是一种新型的系统论、联系论、转化论、微积分、对称论、相对论和方法论,也是哲学和非哲学、还原论和整体论、东方哲理和西方科技的辩证结合.本文重点是泛系理性与四计八筹及其应用,特别是对泛系变分运筹的核心"真善二谛"--"阴阳泛导运泛极*大善遗憾巧显生"进行介绍.有关研究涉及:系统工程原理,综合集成结合法,管理,经济学,领管才人再现法,泛系类缘运筹,教育学,方法论, 运筹学,计算机与信息科技,泛系社会智能体,人工智能,泛系本体论,泛系相对论和情景设计,中国阴阳分析与辩证法、极值分析、微积分、变分原理和运筹学的结合,泛系语言变分原理,泛系泛环变分原理,泛系相对变分原理,泛系变分方法,泛系交响,泛导和泛极的递归定义,非线性分析与非线性科学,泛系边际哲学及其数学原理,悖论和辩证法研究,泛系大多大理法,泛系结合法,泛系实践法,成本运筹,等等.