
1.From Ethic-centered to Human-oriented: the Understanding of Ethics in Educating Students;从伦理本位到以人为本:对育人过程中“德”的把握
2.Logical Orientation and Rational Spirit:Comparison of Political Philosophy between China and the West伦理本位与理性精神:中西政治哲学之价值取向
3.From Ethics Standard to Pluralistic Choice between Accepting and Rejecting;从伦理本位到多元取向——析"二拍"的审美价值内涵
4.Analyze the Origin of Moral Education's Historical Value to Regress Family Ethical Standard透析德育历史价值始点 回归家庭伦理本位
5.Ethical Basis of Reproductive Health:Individual-Oriented or Society-Oriented;生育健康的伦理学基础:个人本位还是社会本位
6.Political Ethics As the Nature of Ruling by Morality;政治伦理:“以德治国”的本体定位
7.Reconstructing Eco-ethics of Environmental Anthropocentrism Based on Categorical Standard;重建类本位的环境人类中心主义生态伦理学
8.Brief comment on the position and function of the moral concepts “people as foundation” in modern enterprise management;略论“以人为本”的伦理理念在现代企业管理中的地位和作用
9.This ethical doctrine holds that people are basically selfish and egoistic.这种伦理观念认为,人在根本上是自私的,自我本位的。
10.Viewing Confucian "Kinsfolk Orientation" in the Relation between Science and Ethics:Concerning Two Kinds of Methods about "Universal Ethics" Research;科学与伦理学关系视阈中的儒家“亲情本位”思想——兼论“普遍伦理”研究的两种思路
12.On the Organizational Ethic of School under the Unite System:Also from the Dimension of School s Social Capital;论单位制下的学校组织伦理——兼以学校社会资本的视角
13.Ethics Rescued and Values Dislocation--People-oriented Moral Reflection of Zhang Chengzhi,Beicun Religious Writing;伦理救渡与价值错位——张承志、北村宗教性写作的人本道德反思
14.Policy and Position of Basic Medical Insurance of Urbanite from Ethical Point of View;略论伦理学视域中的城镇职工基本医疗保险政策及其定位
15."Heaven Does Justice But Evil Not" and Mozi s Trinity of Ontology, Ethnics and Politics;“天欲义而恶不义”与墨子本体哲学-伦理哲学-政治哲学的三位一体
16.Research on Confucianist Moral Thought as the Ethics of Elite from Moral Thought of Zhou-Gong;从周公伦理思想看儒家伦理的精英定位
17.From Intellectual Ethics to Family-Based Ethics--A Comparison of Chinese and Western Traditional Ethics从“知性伦理”到“家本伦理”——关于中西传统伦理学的一个比较
18.Max Weber s Protestantism Ethics--On Protestantism Ethics and Capitalist Spirit;论韦伯的新教伦理——评《新教伦理与资本主义精神》

ethically selfish departmentalism伦理本位论
3)ethics nature伦理本性
1.The development of modern society requires the medicine to show the ethics nature but in reality,the medical moral is becoming less controlled.医德是医学的伦理本性的集中体现。
4)Essential ethic基本伦理
5)Human Ethics人本伦理
1.Human Ethics of the Management in Contemporary Enterprise;论当代企业管理中的人本伦理
6)Japanese ethics日本伦理
