1.The only way is union,that is admitting the rationality of moral-utilitarianism,which can resolve the crisis between utilitarianism and deontologism.无论是功利主义还是道义主义,在其发展历程中都被证实了其内在的不完满性,唯有将二者由分趋合,即承认"道德功利主义"存在的合理性,才可找到价值多元化社会中解决功利论与道义论危机的合理路径。
2)Utilitarian morality功利主义道德

1.Analysis on the Rationality of Utilitarian Ethics Teleology;浅析西方功利主义道德目的论之合理限度
2.The Traditional Chinese Moral Philosophy: the Utilitarianism Covered by " Morality & Justice";中国传统道德哲学:道义论遮蔽下的功利主义
3.Humanity-utilitarianism:New Value Assumption of Medical Ethics;人道功利主义——当今医学道德的价值取向
4.The Inspiration of Western Utilitarian Ethics for Moral Education in China;西方功利主义伦理学对我国道德教育的启示
5.Inspiration to Current Moral Education in China From J·S·Mill s Utilitarianism;密尔功利主义对我国当今道德教育的启示
6.The Tention of Moral Idealism and Moral Utilitarianism;理想主义与功利主义的张力——论道德的目的、动力、价值
7.The non-utilitarian arguments constitute moral axioms, like any ultimate ethical norms.非功利主义的论点,像任何最终的伦理准则一样,成了道德上的原则。
8.The Analysis of The Concept of Law From The Utilitarianism Horizon--Centering on The Separation of Law and Morality;《法律的概念》的功利主义检讨——以法律与道德的分离为中心
9.The Positive Impact of John Stuart Mill Utilitarian Concept of Happiness to Network Moral Education of College Students密尔功利主义幸福观对大学生网络道德教育的积极影响
10.The ex ante perspective in legal theory is loosely connected with consequentialist( or utilitarian or welfarist) approaches to moral theory.法律理论中的事后的视角与道德理论中的结果论(者说是功利主义、利主义)在一定松散的关联。
11.The Unity of Utility and Morality--on Mao Zedong s Revolution Utilitarianism;功利与道义的统一——浅析毛泽东的革命功利主义
12.On the inherent unity of“the theory of morality and justice”with Utilitarianism;谈“道义论”与“功利主义”的内在统一性
13.Utilitarianism:Analysis of "Pathology" of Little Effect in Moral Education;功利主义:德育实效性低迷的“病理”分析
14.principled pragmatism and unprincipled expediency; a principled person.道德实用主义和不道德的利己主义;一个有原则的人。
15.Principle of Mutual Benefit:the Basic Behavior Criterion of Moral Economic Man;互利主义:道德经济人的基本行为准则
16.Kindness Excels Rights?--Analysis on the Moral View of Communitarianism;善优于权利?——社群主义道德观评析
17.Chinese Body Western Material: Utilitarianism and Chinese Modern Idea of Morality and Implements;中体西用:功利主义与中国近代道器观
18.Confucian Literary Views of Utilitarianism and "Writings Are for Conveying Truth";儒家功利主义的文学观与“文以载道”

Utilitarian morality功利主义道德
3)moral ed-ucation of utilitarianism功利主义德育
4)moral education view of utilitarianism功利主义德育观
5)moral utilitarism德性功利主义
1.Through comparison of humanity to ethics and illustration of justice by ethics, Dong Zhong-shu managed to clarify utilitarism in Confucianism and Legalism, thus rejecting their respective partiality and formulating the moral utilitarism based on "justice".董仲舒以人道比附天道,以天道论证正义,解决了儒、法功利观的难题,避免两家学说的偏颇,以正义观为基础构建了德性功利主义的体系。
1.Redefining humanitarianism and exploring humanitarian-utilitarianism,suggest the trend of integrating both concepts and practices.对人道主义的改良和对人道功利主义的探讨,喻示出在坚持人道主义的前提下两者的融合趋向。
