性恶,evil nature
1)evil nature性恶
1.Believing that things will automatically after its satisfaction if it is lack of something,Xun Zi holds that it is the evil nature to drive people to do go.荀子又认为,人之所以想做好事,是因为性恶,因为事物如果短缺什么,就会自动寻求满足。
2.Compared with the human nature theory and intension of Confucius view was the difference from Mencius and Xuncius "evil nature"and "virtuous nature" theory.因此,不同于孟、荀的"性善"与"性恶"论,孔子的人性观是以血缘亲情为内涵的"亲情之爱"。
3.The theme of evil nature in Lord of the Flies by William Golding is always the focus of discussion of many critics.戈尔丁的寓言体小说《蝇王》的性恶主题自其出版以来一直是众多评论家讨论的中心。

1.diffuse malignant mesothelioma of pleura弥漫性恶性胸膜间皮瘤
2.open hyperinflation开放性恶性通货膨胀
3.slowly developing disasters正在慢性恶化的灾难
4.Baseness of mind or character.邪恶思想或性格的邪恶
5.a benign [malignant] tumor良性 [恶性] 肿瘤
6.Of, concerning, or characteristic of the devil; satanic.恶魔的恶魔的,关于恶魔的,有恶魔性质的;穷凶极恶
7.scraping of bones [offensive trade]刮骨〔厌恶性行业〕
8.crushing of bones [offensive trade]磨骨〔厌恶性行业〕
9.burning of bones [offensive trade]烧骨〔厌恶性行业〕
10.boiling of bones [offensive trade]煮骨〔厌恶性行业〕
11.Harmful or evil nature or quality.邪恶性有害的、邪恶的本质或特性
12.Evil in disposition, nature, or intent.恶毒的,邪恶的性情、本质或动机上邪恶的
13.idiopathic neutropenia恶性中性白细胞减少
14.ovarian malignant mixed epithelioma卵巢恶性混合性上皮瘤
15.terminal duct adenocarcinoma多形性低度恶性腺癌
16.Bad colds are catching.恶性感冒是有传染性的。
17.Evil by nature and in practice.邪恶的,缺德的本性和实际邪恶的
18.Full of or marked by disgust.充满厌恶的,有厌恶特性的

evil human nature性恶
1.Wulong is a carrier with evil human nature .五龙是"性恶"的载体。
1.Mencius takes the view that the nature of being is goodness but Xunzi believes it is evil.不过,在儒家内部却有很大分歧,即孟子的性善论与荀子的性恶论的针锋相对。
1.The value of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of adrenal gland malignant tumors;肾上腺恶性肿瘤的超声诊断价值
2.A clinicopathological study of malignant hibernoma;恶性冬眠瘤的临床病理和免疫组化及超微结构观察
3.Comparison of MRCP and ERCP for Differentiating Benign or Malignant Stricture of Extrahepatic Bile Duct;MRCP与ERCP鉴别肝外胆管良恶性狭窄的对比研究
1.Evaluating the effect of united treatment of malignancy pleural effusion with closed drainage with self-restraint 10F canal and injecting pleural cavity of medicine;自制10F导管胸膜腔引流后胸膜粘合术联合化疗治疗恶性胸水疗效评价
2.Methods A double-blind contrast test was conducted on 75 subjectes to obtain their malignancy-associated F005 values.目的探讨CQRS-Ⅱ型量子共振分析检测仪在血液系统恶性肿瘤中的应用价值。
3.Objective To investigate the composing of disease kind and the point of difficult diagnoses in gynecological malignancy.目的 分析妇科恶性肿瘤的病种构成及疑难诊断病例的特点。
1.A randomized comparative study of naphtoquine,mefloquine and artsunate in the treatment of falciparum malaria;磷酸萘酚喹与甲氟喹和青蒿琥酯治疗恶性疟疗效的随机比较
2.Cloning and Expression of Fragments of Pf332 Genes of Plasmodium falciparum;恶性疟原虫Pf332基因片段的克隆及表达
3.Objective To detect the risk factors for treatment failure of chloroquine against falciparum malaria in the border area in Yunnan, China.目的 寻找在中国云南省边境地区氯喹治疗恶性疟失败的高危因素。

性恶  中国战国末期荀子的人性学说。荀子提出"人之性恶,其善者伪也"的著名论点,即性恶论。认为"好利"、"疾恶"、"好声色"是人的自然情欲,即人的天性。善的道德意识是后天人为加工的结果。他著有《性恶》等篇阐述这一论点。    荀子针对孟子的天赋道德的性善论,第一次运用"性"与"伪"的范畴来说明人的自然本性和社会道德的关系。他反对把人的自然性道德化,强调"性伪之分",认为人的自然本性是基于生理机能而产生的物质生活的欲求,社会形成的道德规范是对这种欲求的限制和调节,两者是对立的。同时他又认为,没有自然本性,就用不着社会道德的人为加工;没有这种人为加工,人性就不能自发地由恶变善。荀子较全面地论述了性与伪的对立统一关系,并着重强调对人性的改造,提出了"化性而起伪"的观点。他又提出"涂之人可以为禹",人人都有改变本性、成为"圣人"的可能性。理想人格的形成是"起于变故,成乎修修之为",即从改变自然本性开始,不断努力于伦理道德的实践。这种人性改造论为确立封建的伦理道德和社会秩序提供了理论依据。