1.Narrative Image and Its Used in ″Liaozhaizhiyi″;叙事意象及其在《聊斋志异》中的运用
2.Documents and materials collection,arrangement and publication of Pu SongLing(薄松龄)and“LiaoZhaiZhiYi(聊斋志异)”of the 20th century;二十世纪蒲松龄及《聊斋志异》文献的搜集、整理与刊布
3.A Review of the Compound Narrative Arrays in Liaozhaizhiyi;《聊斋志异》复合叙事序列论析

1.Many Human Sentiments, Forget for the Different Races--Talk about the Foxes of Strange Stories from a Lonely Studio;多具人情,忘为异类——说《聊斋志异》之狐
2.“Yishishi Comments”--Intervention Narration of“A Strange Stories from Chinese Studio”;“异史氏曰”——《聊斋志异》中的干预叙述者
3.Asymmetrical Marital and Love Relationship in Liaozhaizhiyi;论《聊斋志异》人异婚恋的不对等关系
4.Briefly on the Narrative Art of "Yishishi said"("What the historigrapher of another sort says") in Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio slightly《聊斋志异》“异史氏曰”叙事艺术论略
5.Daemon: A comparison between Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio and Pilgrimage to the West精变:《聊斋志异》与《西游记》的比较
6.Legends in the seashore regions employed in the story the Dragon fighting against the spider in Lioastai《聊斋志异·龙戏蛛》的海滨区域传说源流
7.Translation Strategies of Three Special Sentence Types in Strange Tales from the Liaozhai Studio;《聊斋志异》三种特殊句式的翻译策略
8.Study on the World of Merchants Marriage and Love in Liao Zhai Zhi Yi;论《聊斋志异》中商人的婚姻爱情世界
9.A Comparative Study of Three English Translations of Liao Zhai Zhi Yi from a Cultural Perspective;从文化视角看《聊斋志异》三个英文译本
10.The Study of YiZhiLu Which is a Mimetic Product of LiaoZhaiZhiYi;《聊斋志异》仿作:《益智录》研究
11.On the Translation of Religious Culture-Loaded Words and Expressions in Strange Tales from Make-Do Studio;《聊斋志异》宗教文化负载词语的翻译
12.The Study on the Triangle-Pattern Marriage in Strangle Tales of a Lonely Studio;《聊斋志异》三角模式婚恋小说研究
13.Study of the Effect of YawYang Essays on LiaoZhaiZhiYi;论《酉阳杂俎》对《聊斋志异》的影响
14.The Comparative Research of the Demons on Pilgrimage to the West and the Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio;《西游记》与《聊斋志异》精变的比较研究
15.Ideal and Fantasy--Study of Love and Marriage Stories of LiaoZhaiZhiYi;理想与幻想——《聊斋志异》婚恋故事研究
16.Herbert Allen Giles Rendition of Liaozhai Tales--Viewed from a Functional Perspective;从功能理论看翟理斯的《聊斋志异》译本
17.On the Communication between Female Fox and Human Being in Liao Zhai Zhi Yi;浅谈《聊斋志异》中狐女与人的交往
18.On the Thought of "Liberating Nature" of Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio in the Context of Taoism;论道家语境下《聊斋志异》的“天放”意识

Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio聊斋志异
1."Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio" Expands "Search of Supernatural";《聊斋志异》对《搜神记》的开拓
2.Narrative Strategy in Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio;《聊斋志异》的叙事策略
3.The Harmony of Human Being and Nature——Pu Song-ling s Ecological View in "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio";人与自然圆融共舞——蒲松龄《聊斋志异》的生态观照
3)Liao Zhai Zhi Yi聊斋志异
1.The Art of Narrative Language of LIAO ZHAI ZHI YI;解析《聊斋志异》的叙事语言艺术
2.Simple Analysis the Aesthetic Spice of "Love Maniac"s Image in Liao Zhai Zhi Yi;浅析《聊斋志异》中“情痴”形象的审美情趣
3.Research on the Image of Scholars in Liao Zhai Zhi Yi;《聊斋志异》书生形象研究
4)Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio聊斋志异
1.A Rustic Opinion about the Love between People and Bogeyes in Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio and the Writing Psychology of Pu Songling;《聊斋志异》的人妖恋情与蒲松龄的创作心态刍议
2.A Study on Prototypes of "Monk Jin" and "Candidate Jin" in Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio;《聊斋志异》中“金和尚”与“金举人”本事考
3.On the Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio and Taoism Belief in Immortals;《聊斋志异》与道教神仙信仰论析
5)A Collection of Fantastic Stories聊斋志异
1.The art achievement of A Collection of Fantastic Stories and the immortal belief of Taoism;《聊斋志异》的艺术成就与道教神仙信仰论析
2.Criticism of hypocritical common customs in A Collection of Fantastic Stories;《聊斋志异》对浇薄世风的批判
3.At the Second International Seminar on the study of A Collection of Fantastic Stories, both Chinese and foreign researchers made a further initiative study on the book written by PU Song ling from various aspects and the scholars present at the seminar also pointed out the trend of its study in perspective.在国际第二届“聊斋学”研讨会上 ,中外研究者对于蒲松龄《聊斋志异》等作品研究 ,有了传统课题上的进一步延伸和发展 ,多角度、全方位研究的开拓与创新 ,并且对新世纪研究趋势进行了前瞻。
6)Tales from a Carefree Studio聊斋志异
1.Talk about the Language of “Tales from a Carefree Studio”Poem Style of Beauty;论《聊斋志异》语言表达的诗化美
2.Art of Essay on "Tales from a Carefree Studio;一部散文艺术的杰作:《聊斋志异

《评书聊斋志异》  见陈士和。