参赞化育,joining in nature
1)joining in nature参赞化育
1.The principle of "joining in nature" can resolve the conflict between anthropocentrism and naturalism."参赞化育"这一价值论原理的提出,可以较好地解决当代西方环境伦理学中人类中心主义与自然中心主义的对立。
2)cultural counsellor文化参赞
3)Press and Cultural Counselor新闻文化参赞

1.On the Date of Setting up Counselor Minister of Premier Huijiang Services in the Qing Dynasty;清代总理回疆事务参赞大臣始置时间考
2.For the sake of convenience, you may contact our Commercial Counsellors' Office in your country for this matter.为方便起见,可请径与我国驻贵国的商务参赞处联系。
3.Our press attaché in the American embassy writes articles denouncing lies in the "Christian Science Monitor"我驻美使馆新闻参赞撰文驳斥《基督教科学箴言报》谎言
4.We& rsquo; ve come to know your name and address from the Commercial Counselor& rsquo; s Office of the Chinese Embassy in London.我们从中国驻伦敦大使馆的商务参赞处得知你们的名字和地址。
5.Visiting person has left the words praised on the visitor's book.参观者在留言簿上留下了赞扬的话。
6.Visitors left approving remarks in the comment book.参观的人在留言簿上留下了赞扬的话。
7.New Party presidential candidate Li Ao approved of the three links policy.新党总统参选人李敖赞成三通政策。
8.Mothers and fathers show their approval of what is happening by dropping in on classes.家长参观课堂教学后,表示很赞许。
9.When the senators vote, the ayes will have it.参议员投票时, 投赞成票的人将占多数。
10.The Study on Participant Actuality of Chinese Enterprise in the Beijing 2,008 Olympic Games Sponsorship Program;我国企业参与北京2008奥运会赞助研究
11.Referred to the number of participants submitting the enrolment forms, not the number of sponsors.指交回表格之参加者,并非参加者之赞助人数。
12.Any sponsorship deal would be scuppered if Jones misses the Olympics.如果琼斯不能参加奧运会,赞助商的所有赞助协议都会化成泡影。
13.Senator Smith worked on the other committee members to vote for the bill.史密斯参议员说服其他委员投票赞成该法案。
14.I'm doing a sponsored swim on Saturday will you sponsor me?星期六我要参加慈善游泳--您愿意出钱赞助吗?
15.Pro or con, taking exercise is good for people's health.不管赞成还是反对,参加体育锻炼有益于健康。
16.I couldn't assent to, much less participate in such proceeding.我对于这种举动并不赞成, 哪里还谈得上参与呢。
17.On the Influence of the Participation of the Civilian-run Enterprise in Sports Sponsoring on Its Own Development;民营企业参与体育赞助对自身发展的影响
18.Impact of Sponsoring Physical Culture upon Physical Industry and Participant Enterprises;体育赞助对体育产业及参与企业的影响

cultural counsellor文化参赞
3)Press and Cultural Counselor新闻文化参赞
5)embrassing heaven and earth for gestation赞天地之化育
1.The paper expatiates on Confucianism’s ecological ethics from three aspects: the ontology that heaven and human is of one,the axiology of embrassing heaven and earth for gestation and the deontology of all are brothers and all are friends.本文从“天人合一”的本体论 ,“赞天地之化育”的价值论和“民胞物与”的义务论三方面阐述了儒家生态伦理的思想 ,以期对当今日益严重的生态危机有所帮
6)Hsiao, Philip F.肖赞育,字化之
