传统人道主义,traditional humanitarianism
1)traditional humanitarianism传统人道主义
1.The traditional humanitarianism is the human nature foundation causing the environmental crisis.环境危机产生的人性根基是传统人道主义,是以人的目的要求的秩序取代本然的自然秩序,堵塞了人类通向自然的伦理之路。

1.Environmental Crisis s Solution:From Traditional Humanitarianism to New Humanitarianism;环境危机的解决:从传统人道主义到新人道主义
2.The "People-centered" Idea and Traditional Western Humanism;科学发展观的“以人为本”与西方传统人道主义
3.“ Humanism" is more used to refer to such elements as traditional morality.“人文主义”更多地被用于指涉传统道德等因素。
4.Traditional individualism is rationalist individualism.传统的个人主义是理性主义的个人主义。
5.The Divine Order of Things and the Order of Man:A Study of the Absence of Subjectivity in Traditional Chinese Ethics天道与人道——传统道德主体性缺失探微
6.The Traditional Chinese Moral Philosophy: the Utilitarianism Covered by " Morality & Justice";中国传统道德哲学:道义论遮蔽下的功利主义
7.On Ethnic Traditional Morals and Patriotism Education;论少数民族传统道德与爱国主义教育
8.As Schopenhauer does, Kierkegaard criticizes traditional rationalism and Christian theology and initiates modern humanism.克尔凯郭尔和叔本华一道批判了传统的理性主义和基督教神学,开创了现代人本主义。
9.The Unity of Natural Humanitarianism and Human Naturalism;自然的人道主义和人的自然主义的统一
10.The Confucian Ideas of Traditional Morality and Socialist Construction of Morality;儒家传统道德观念与社会主义道德建设
11.Tradition and Reform: Social Democracy and The Third Way;传统与变革:社会民主主义与“第三条道路”
12.Humanism:an Explanation on Its Ambiguity;Humanism:人文主义或人道主义
13.Intellectuals in China’s Traditional Elitism and People-Orientism;中国传统民粹主义和民本主义中的士人角色
14.The Western Humanistic Tradition, Neo-conservatism and the Bush Principle;西方人文主义传统、新保守主义与布什原则
15.Americans are comfortable with an idealistic tradition.美国人民醉心于理想主义的传统。
16.An Analysis of Chinese Traditional Theory ofHuman Nature in Accordance with Marxist Philosophy;对中国传统人性论的马克思主义分析
17.Talk about Panuri s Individualism Moral Outlook in "Giant Biography";试析《巨人传》中巴奴日的个人主义道德观
18.From Idealism to Empiricism --On the Modern Turning Value Aims in Traditional Education;从理想主义到经验主义——试论传统道德教化价值目标的现代性转向

Humanitarianism and Tradition人道主义与传统
3)Traditional humanism ethics传统人道主义伦理学
4)the tradition of humanism人文主义传统
1.The author points out that the division of technological philosophy into the tradition of engineering and the tradition of humanism from the perspective of essentialism can be traced back to the conflicting ideas of scientism and humanism.本文追溯了技术哲学两个传统划分之来源,认为从本质论的角度把技术哲学划分为工程学传统与人文主义传统,虽然根源于科学主义与人文主义的对立,但需要纠正一个误解,即以为时至今日,工程学的技术哲学仍仅仅对应于科学精神,人文主义的技术哲学则独享人文精神。
5)humanism tradition人本主义传统
1.On the Appeal to Humanism in News Report;新闻报道中的人道主义诉求
2.An Overview of China s Humanism Research in the New Era;新时期我国人道主义研究概述
3.An Interpretation of Althusser s "Theoretical Anti-humanism";解读阿尔都塞“理论上的反人道主义”理论

资产阶级人道主义(见人道主义)资产阶级人道主义(见人道主义)humanism of bourgeoisie  划c豹。川论Ur邸d。。2卜Uyi赛产阶级人道主义51已今见人道主义。位咖_、九。夕仆卯铭e价